Rip The Band-Aid Off
Whenever I talk to my Statist muggle friends about libertarian solutions to problems, they always build up straw men arguments in order to punch holes in it. I am usually pretty good at burning down their straw men, and plugging up any freshly punched holes. I tell them that the solution is going to be painful, and seem like it is a bad idea at the time. It is like a motorcyclist lane-splitting. It seems like that is dangerous or foolish, but is actually safer for the rider to filter through and then away from heavy traffic.
The same can be said for the libertarian solutions to government created problems. Take welfare, by every study it is not sustainable by anyway you look at it. If you mention doing away with it all together, the Statists with D’s and R’s will cry foul or physically assault you. Yes it would be painful, but the State getting out of the way of poor people trying to climb out of poverty and rich people trying to help them out would allow that pain to be short lived.
Guns! Oh the Statists love guns. Don’t get them wrong, they heart themselves a government employee being armed better than Rambo. They just don’t want chattle having the means to protect their greatest possession, their body. The libertarian solution would be to allow people to buy and sell guns as they please, and to have the freedom to be armed wherever they go. It would be painful at first for those in power to be reminded that they are literally surrounded by an armed populace.
Roads! Oh how terrible it would be if the government couldn’t rob people to pay for asphalt and rebar. It would be painful to look at an Amazon billboards on the road they paid for in order to help their supply chain.
The pain will be far shorter to rip the band-aid off quickly, than trying to peel it off slowly.