Can Freedom Survive Without the State?

in #libertarian7 years ago

What is freedom? Well by definition it mean's the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance

or restraint. I would say this is a pretty good definition and if we go by this definition to ask if we have freedom in

America the answer is no, what we have in America is a statist nation and the people are too. I have had people tell me

that freedom is "subjective" and that people have different opinion's on it, I think this statement is crazy human's are all

born with the same RIGHT'S and the same FREEDOM'S so it's a factual no on it being subjective.

What is the State? The definition that google give's me is a nation or territory considered as an organized political

community under one government. There are specific function's that our government or state is allowed to do and

allegedly everything it did was still supposed to protect the rights of it's people, but now we know that any state or

government cannot protect your right's or freedom because in order for the state to exist it must first violate your right to

own property as they will have to steal your money from you.

Now the question remain's sense the state can't give us freedom can it happen without the state? By definition yes

freedom would exist without the state, this is because without the state you can act, speak, and do what you want

without hindrance. This does not mean that someone won't try to violate your freedom and if the case were to ever arise

you can and shall protect your freedom at all cost. The way I see it most people are naturally non-violent and they will

help other's when they feel it's necessary. Not having a state just means that nobody is going to tell you how to act,

speak, or think as you want. This does not mean you are allowed to kill, steal, or commit fraud as these things in our

country at least are deemed immoral and we will respond. Also if we did not have a state do we realize how much extra

money we would have! The average american pays at least 30 percent of their income in federal, state, and local taxes I

doubt this included regulation's and tariff's etc. So YES freedom could not only survive without the state it could thrive!

Thanks for reading guys and gals! Please upvote, follow, and check out the next post.


Freedom in some senses can be subjective, and I think that is part of the problem. Some people want to be born into a world with an established order, so that they do not have to make decisions about the order of society. They want to be free from decisions.

In recent times it has been mentioned that freedom means to most people, the freedom to be comfortable.

For me, I'm pretty much where you are, freedom means individual liberty and sovereignty. Good stuff.

Thank you for reading and your comment!!

Can Freedom survive without Criminal Justice? That is the question which must be addressed. Assuming the answer is no.... anarchos have their work cut out for themselves. Show us a Criminal Justice system which works in a county that is not publicly owned by each citizen within those borders. I'm all eyes and ears. Don't tell us. SHOW us. Center your theatre around an Agora3 so we KNOW there will be "stuff" worth taking.

Well to answer your question about freedom without justice yes of course because freedom is being allowed to do what you want and being able to defend that yourself. Now if you want me to tell you a society that has a justice system provided by a community there are tons, the problem comes though that it's paid through theft and that is what we need to change. Also without government there is a higher respect for property rights, as i doubt you would directly pay someone to break into someone's house because they smoked a plant or to tell people to pay up because they did not get a building permit to build on THEIR property. So I do believe freedom would work better without government monopolies on everything, no I see why justice might seem hard to understand without government, but what would happen is this court would deal with property rights and individual rights as that is all that exist. If you damage my property I can take you to court (Middle Man) I will tell you though I have not looked deep enough into law in anarchy yet, I think that will be my next book. Thanks for reading though and the comment!!!!!

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