world's first blockchain country
It is a micro-country with an area of 7 square kilometers 3 years ago on the border of Croatia and Serbia. Founded in 2015, President Vit Jedlicka is a prolific Blockchain enthusiast and innovator, committed to the benefits of distributed book technology (DLT) and Blockchain. President of Liberia Vit Jedlicka attaches great importance to Blockchain technology to radically modernize liberal government structures.
Libero is the first country to accept Bitcoin as its currency
According to the Head of State, Liberland is the first country to accept Bitcoin as its national reserve currency. Vit Jedlickave also says that even in the not-too-distant future, central banks will accept Bitcoin as their reserve currency. Vit Jedlicka also adds that they are happy because they are the first in this issue.
At the same time, the country is governed by a totally decentralized justice system. The financial processes in the country are based on a Blockchain system called SwarmOps, developed by former founder Rick Falkvinge of The Pirate Party. In addition, the country is managed on the basis of volunteerism. Even paying taxes is left to the will of the people. Of course there is a privilege for taxpayers