Liberalism definitely had a part to play in the rise of right wing populism, and that I am thankful!
Stuart Hill may be the father of British liberalism, which to him may have meant fair play, political stability and individual rights but to me I see it as something completely different. Nowadays, I see the liberalism as intolerance. Intolerance that has come in the form of white male hatred and censoring of opinions different to that of a liberal establishment.
Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen have become popular because what they speak about resonates with so many people in their respected countries, one hot topic which has resonated with a lot of people in the USA and France is immigration. I believe immigration has become a hot topic for so many people because of the rate of immigrants that are coming into a country as well as the individuals that are immigrating into a country and if they assimilate which is another topic altogether. Internationalism or as I see it globalism, is something that myself as well as many others have not only rushed away from but rejected! Simply because accepting globalism is accepting the demise of a nations original identity, this can be broken down into language, culture and values. And to touch on briefly, Western culture, values and even the English language are under attack by immigrants that are coming into Western Europe who don't want to learn English and adhere to Western culture or values but the one thing the seem to adhere to here in the West is the Welfare State.
In light of liberalism's display over the past 30 or so years, or more so in recent years makes me profoundly agree with Alexander Dugin who is Vladimir Putin's ideological mentor, who said: 'We need a Nuremburg trial for liberalism, the last of totalitarian political ideology'. Some of you reading this may laugh this off, but think about the attack on free speech, think about the insanity taking place courtesy of third wave feminism on university campuses across the West, and you may reconsider.
What should also be noted is how the liberal elite spend their time in places like Davos in Switzerland and not so much time where the average person spends their time. And lets not forget that it was the liberals who caused the 2008 financial crisis to happen as well as allow mass immigration in Europe to take place.
And the British Labour party didn't help matters either, as they were the party of socialism and neo-liberal deregulation.
And what doesn't make sense either is that both France and Germany both fucked up when it came to spend and are now urging other nations to do the same. Do they want to see more financial catastrophes take place?
Liberalism did have a part to play in causing the British public to lose faith in the immigration system. Having a liberal approach to something like immigration is dangerous. Allowing mass immigration from countries that don't have a lot in common with you is an open invitation to sovereign suicide! If British Prime Minister Theresa May is serious about getting a grip on immigration, then without delay she should put proper verification checks in place so that we have a good idea about the people that are choosing to immigrate to Britain and to know whether they have a lot in common with our values. And to add to this, diversity is not our strength and Theresa May should know better than to regurgitate this garbage which is pushed down from the liberal establishment. In this situation, diversity could be the West's undoing!
I guess one of the only few things that I have in common with liberals is free speech, but then again as we've seen on social media...I can't be so sure.
And I just can't understand all those who wanted to remain in the European Union, yes I'm referring to the EU Referendum in the UK.