A Radical Left Bernie Sanders Supporter was the Shooter at Republican Congressional Baseball Practice

in #liberal7 years ago (edited)

A Radical Left Bernie Sanders Campaign Volunteer was the Shooter at Republican Congressional Baseball Practice

Scalise Shooter was Bernie Sanders Supporter.PNG

On 14 June 2017 a gunman asked if they are Republican or Democrat referring to participants in a morning Congressional Baseball Practice. When told Republicans, 66 year old James Hopkinson opened fire with an AK-47. He shot Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others at the scene. He was stopped by Capital Police. He later died of his wounds. Our prayers go out to Congressman Scalise and the others that now are recovering from their wounds.

Democrats, Liberal Fake News and Leftist Entertainment Industry Incite Violence and Murder Against Conservatives

The shooter, James Hopkinson, was a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer. In light of the HATE speech and incitement of violence and murder spewed daily by Democrat politicians, the Liberal #FakeNews, the Radical Left in Hollywood and others in the music and entertainment industry, it is expected that their evil rhetoric will trigger a number of mentally sick leftists to commit violent crimes. See below where a Democrat operative was caught admitting to paying mentally ill liberals to do sh!#.

Democrats and Liberals Incite Violence.PNG

Obama and Democrat Agenda of Inciting Violence Against Conservatives and Police Continues

During his 8 year presidency, Obama and the Democrats undertook this SICK hate speech agenda against Conservatives and the police to the max. Many police officers were killed assassination-style after Obama and other prominent Democrats verbally attacked police across the nation. It was uncovered by Veritas, O-Reilly, WikiLeaks and other investigators that Democrats and their operatives fund violent demonstrations.

Democrat Operative Funds Violent Protesters.PNG

Now they adjusted their schemes to include seditious activities that work to undermine the United States Government and the President of the U.S.A. During Obama's reign saw many cities like Ferguson, Baltimore and even more recently universities like Berkley burn at the hands of these paid violent Democrat protesters. Democrats, the Liberal Fake News and their supporters ratcheted this evil scheme to outrageous levels after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential Election. She and Obama are actively working to undermine the POTUS. And, on MSNBC her running mate, Tim Kaine even bragged that Democrats should take advantage of the fake outrage they created and that their supporters should "fight in the streets."

Kaine Incites Violence in the Streets.PNG

STOP the Democrat Party Agenda of Hate, Violence and Murder!

We the people must demand that this hate speech against Conservatives and Christians by Democrats and their operatives be stopped NOW and laws enacted to prosecute those that incite violence and murder. This includes those in the entertainment industry and all others that incite violence and murder. Democrat politicians MUST end their demonizing of and hate speech toward Conservatives and Christians NOW! The best way to eliminate the division caused by the Democrats is to replace them all at the voting booth. We need smart conservative patriots that seek government fiscal responsibility, adherence to the U.S. Constitution and uniting all Americans to build and strong and prosperous nation to stand up and defeat Democrats at the local, state and federal levels.

Other News:

Gabby Giffords was also shot by a radical Leftist, but Liberal Fake News lie blaming conservatives

Knowing Gabby Giffords' shooter was a radical leftist, morally corrupt Bernie Sanders used Gifford shooting for personal gain

Out of control crimes and corruption in Obama Admin: Hillary and others like his Homeland Security Chief used private unsecured and unclassified email accounts to transmit sensitive information

In 2009 Barack Hussein Obama declared his political opponents (Conservatives, Christians and Veterans) to be Domestic Terrorists and his Intel Chiefs, (Mueller, Clapper, Napolitano and Brennan) went along with this illegal directive


Should you change the tags from scalise and shooter because no one uses them? Maybe to news and another trending topic? Good article though!

Good point, thanks.

And so was the man who committed the Portland stabbings. The media lied up and down about it.

True, and the Gabby Giffords shooter was a radical Leftist also. She was a conservative Blue Dog Democrat and her shooter was a Leftist that was infatuated with Marxism and Communism.

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