A solution for family values, literacy, and digestive health. Become a drag queen.

in #lgbt7 years ago (edited)

...or at least regularly go see drag performers.

I’ve come across quite a handful of posts in the @steemit community admonishing #dragqueens and other #queer or #lgbt performers as perversions of ‘normal human behavior.’ But nay! Nay, I say! Drag saves #families, saves lives, saves children, and saves colorectal #health. Obviously.

Now let me be clear… this is not going to be a diatribe on #leftist, #liberal values and #humanrights (that’s a story for another post, stay tuned). This is simply the story of one man--a man with a plan, a man not named Stan, a man without a van--and his journey to greater health, happiness, life and liberty.

I have the sense that you may also be a person with G.I. challenges that also cares about humanity. In which case, this is for you, Rhoda.

If you’ve ever been plopped into a new city due to life circumstances, away from family and friends, starting anew, you know the social and emotional challenges that are in store. Three years ago, this was me--and with the assault across America on decent family values I knew I needed to reinvest in myself and family.


It was at this inflection point in my life that I turned to drag…

Family Values

It was a Saturday night and I found myself in full drag (wearing a very becoming vintage 80s sequin mini dress with noteworthy shoulder pads) singing in a piano lounge during #openmic. Now don’t act like this hasn’t happened to you. The pianist asked me where he could see my show. “I don’t have a show,” I said, “but I’m certainly available for booking.” This seemed the most natural reply. Long story short, suffice it to say, cutting to the chase… the pianist introduced me to a stunningly gorgeous Russian mezzo soprano drag queen who has since become my drag mother.

Definitionally, Drag mother (n.): Also drag daughter, drag family. An experienced drag performer who acts as a mentor and guide to someone who wants to learn the art of drag.

In the world of drag families, it extends well beyond #performance and #comedy and into #culture. The extended family gets together for holidays, birthdays, helps identify the best [duct, vinyl, marine] tape to tuck your hoo-ha away, has hip-pad carving parties, provides important resources for success, holds each other accountable for manners and etiquette, and often times will carry each other’s wigs between gigs. And if this isn’t what the extreme-right is referring to when they say ‘normal human behavior’ I don’t know what is. Let’s review the values: caring, respect, confidence, personal development, liberty, valour, bravery, justice.

And these are the values that come through in every drag performance I have ever seen. Literally. Without exception. Don’t doubt me.

So it was in being inducted into my drag family that I found a renewed sense of hope for the human race and for family values in America.

However, after some time on the performance circuit, I began to grow concerned that my drag was a bit too selfish. Why couldn’t I give back like other well known philanthropic drag queens like Sally Struthers and Paul Newman?! And this is when I learned about the public library’s Drag Queen Story Hour.


It is a well studied phenomenon that drag queens speak with much greater articulation than other humans. As such, the comprehension levels among small children that listen to drag queens read stories is significantly higher than when listening to an average school teacher. So when I heard about Drag Queen Story Hour, I knew that my diction was needed.

This unique opportunity for children to interact with queens--not just listen, but learn, read, play, make believe, paint--provides a new kind of role model. It gives children a glimpse into the art of the possible, unlocking minds to greater possibilities of art and expression than ever before.


Since I’m sure it’s oh so very obvious to you that I believe that gender is a strict binary (male/female and nothing else whatsoever. don’t even ask. gray is not a color. I can’t even see gray), you may be wondering why exposing such gender deviance to children is good. To that I say, hey, if it gets them reading, they can embrace the impending queerification of their gender later--with the help of angels, punks, and raging queens.

Now of course with any emotion (i.e. joy, confidence, fear, pride in a job well done), comes the inevitable stomach ache that you and I both know so well, Rhoda. So in kvelling over the cutest kiddos reading like champs, I’m brought to my next point…

Digestive Health

So I’m confident there are benefits here, but this is one where I’m just really holding out hope more than anything. I mean, how could having a cocktail while watching a queen in a lime green beaded gown pour milk over her head while lip-syncing to the Scissor Sisters not be good for upper and lower gastrointestinal health?

There’s also something about the corsetry and waist cinching that I’m sure is very helpful… stay tuned for that revelation.


Bottom line: be a drag queen. You’ll help world peace, early childhood development, and will keep the streets safe.

What was the point of this post? You tell me… comment and let me know if the point landed! xoxo.

Love always and forever, your rambling love bug,

Belle Bottoms

#drag #dragqueen #lgbt #gay #queer #art #artist #performer #performanceart #cabaret #burlesque #liberal #leftist #gender


What a fantastic post, @missbellbottoms! Question: I've been drinking between 1-3 bottles of liquid Pepto Bismol for the past 10 months. Do you think I could benefit from going to a drag show?

@gasgiant, thanks for the kind words. and in short, yes. I imagine that you could replace 1 dose of liquid Pepto with 30 min of drag show attendance. Pepto chew tabs are another story.

Welcome to the steem blockchain and its community! :) Looking forward to more of your posts in the future :)

Thanks, @rocking-dave! Glad to be here. Excited to get more out there soon.

Beautifully quirky post :) Love the 30 feet Queen picture LOL :) Imagine that as a movie :)

Lol, right?! And thank you for getting my quirkiness :). Why make things realistic when they can be fantastical???

Excellent motto :D

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