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RE: [Story] What happened later?

in #lgbt7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. This is very powerful. I too know what it’s like to hide and lie to my family about who I love. Coming out to my family was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. But keeping it inside is a worse pain. And I will say I have definitely been surprised with how loving and accepting my family has been even though many of them still do not agree with my lifestyle. “Can not I fall in love with someone because of their being rather than their gender?” I love how you phrased that. People are people, we get so focused on what is considered a “normal” relationship of male and female that we don’t let love reach it’s full potential. I grew up “straight” in every sense of the word and didn’t realize I had the capacity to be gay until my wife @betterbeing came into my life and stole my heart. I loved her for who she was and gender didn’t matter. I loved her essence, her being. That’s what’s really important. Forcing ourselves to conform to societal and social norms is doing the whole of humanity a disservice.


Wow your comment is incredible, it came to me. Of course "But keeping it inside is a worse pain" although telling your family what you love is difficult, it is worse to hide it, they will understand and support you in the end, even if the process is a bit difficult and long the family will always be there for you . Life is too short to live in the shadows.

I really thank you for your comment. Love is love ❤