Life is a RACE. So you had BETTER start RUNNING FASTER!!!

in #levelup2478 years ago

Life is a Race. Now, it's not a sprint, but a MARATHON. The only difference is that we do not all start at the same spot. In sport, we do. We all start at the same starting line. But in life, we do not. Which is unfair. Very unfair. But that's life. Life is unfair. VERY unfair. Just ask the antelope.

They get torn apart by the lion. Just shredded. I'd imagine the antelope believes THAT is also unfair. Why can't the freaking lion eat grass like everyone else over here?!?!? Well, because the lion is a carnivore. And likes meat. Sorry. You had better learn to run faster. Otherwise, I'll see you at lunch.

(Lunch Time, Lion)

So you see, life has a tendency to be amazingly unfair. So you're just going to have to deal with it and get ready to run already. Okay so if we all don't start at the same spot, what about the finish line? Where is that? Well, it's wherever you want it to be. More importantly, it's about where you want your FAMILY to be. I mean, I'd imagine we all want to have a family someday, maybe start a legacy, have a child or two or three. Well, your finish line is going to be your child's STARTING line. So you have to keep that in mind.

Maybe your finish line is to be the first person in your family to graduate college. Maybe it's to own your own home. Maybe it's to start a successful business. Maybe it's to acquire 10 rental properties. Maybe it's a sports car you want. I don't know what your goals are but that's the finish line. Your goals. So you might want to spend a few hours, days, weeks, trying to figure that out. I mean we don't start a race without the finish line in mind, right?

(The Sports Car You Want, Corvette)

There's a ton of peripheral issues going on here but I want to stay on track. Many of you, hell, the majority of you are situated BEHIND the starting line. Let's say the race is 100 yards. The starting line SHOULD start at the zero mark and the finish at the 100 mark. Well, the majority of our youth start at the NEGATIVE 10 yard mark or worse. Meaning, they start the race BEHIND everyone else.

I was lucky. Very lucky. I started the race at about the 75 yard mark. My father is a dentist, is still married to my mother, and spent all his efforts directing me towards education. As another example, President Trump's kids started at the 200 yard mark meaning they finished the race and then some at the time of their BIRTH!!!

But the majority of you, our youth, our kids that are our future, start BEHIND the starting line. Like the antelope, you are going to have to learn to RUN FASTER. But guess what? That antelope CAN run faster. And so can YOU.

So let's say you are one of these kids who wasn't given a fair shake at life. Life is just not fair to you. Maybe you live in a broken home. Maybe you don't have all the resources the other kids have. Maybe you don't have enough money for school clothes. I understand these things suck. I get it. There was a time when I lived in a trailer home growing up and we ate syrup sandwiches to get by. Times can be tough. Times ARE tough. But tough times do not last. TOUGH PEOPLE DO. And I think YOU have what it takes to LAST.

(Original Tough Guy, Clint Eastwood)

So what do you do? How do YOU get to where you WANT to go? How can you FINISH your race?

Simple. Keep GRINDING. Get better. Study. Exercise. Don't eat trash. Eat chicken or fish instead. Don't drink poison. Drink water instead. Read. Real books, not Harry Potter. Ask those around you for advice. Have a positive attitude. Man, that's important. Smile. Understand that these circumstances, these bad circumstances can build you into anything. That they make you TOUGH, make you appreciative and grateful for the things you DO have. This position can be a positive and not a negative.

This position in life is merely a stepping stone to something better. I mean, when you're at the bottom, there's only ONE way to go...UP!

Now simple does not MEAN easy. Nothing in life worth getting is going to be easy. But the concept is simple. Keep at it. You can do it. Now you may not get to MY finish line or Trump's finish line but you can get to YOUR finish line. And believe me, your family will appreciate it.

So keep your head up, your nose clean, and stay focused. It's not a sprint but a marathon. And I know you can finish.


indeed! good post, upvoted

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