Letter To @berniesanders : Dude, I Hope You Read This!

in #letter7 years ago (edited)


Just about everyone who is on Steemit knows about you, The Famous @berniesanders .....


Image source: https://steemitimages.com/u/berniesanders/avatar

On Discord it is a name that many are afraid to mention. Believe it or not, with some dose of fear some people do actually mention you without any @ symbol in front of your name and often with some dose of "humor" after they make mention of your username as a back up, like a CYA = "Cover Your Ass"!!!!

Now, I've seen a number of your posts pop up here on Steemit, I've seen chit chat about what all you are or aren't doing, and so on.

You know, my personal opinion is as follows:

There is a person who stands behind this username and this person is an individual. So what ever it is that you wish to do, what ever it is that you wish to prove, what ever you believe should be done etc etc etc as far as you expressing yourself and making your point = "your thing".
Your wall = Your right to use as an individual.
I reckon that you are trying to make a valid and real point about real issues!

Now, obviously, some people feel intimidated with your actions here.

This to me says "This guy is no minnow"!

However, what I am about to get to is something that many people may be thinking, based on some of the comments I've read on your posts.

Dude, @berniesanders, the person, the human being who is on a mission and stands behind this profile.

I am using a means of communication that you practice here on Steemit, an open and public post with a clear tag/mention of the person to whom it is addressed to!

In your last post, you clearly stated that you shall be "burning" all income from that post.

" "

(Go ahead and flag this one too, moron.)

(Profits from this will be burned, even though I'm paying for votes.)

ref, LINK: https://steemit.com/thisisfun/@berniesanders/6e1n7u-haejin

Now, you probably think that you know, or have a general idea where I am going with this.

No, I'm not asking you to give me that money.
No, I'm not asking you to give it to any of the projects out there.
No, I'm not asking you to do anything unless you yourself decide to do it.

What I am going to do is literally BEG you, here and now, as a person, to think about the potential good that you could do with this money.

There are numerous people, profiles and groups who have organized charity fundraisers here on Steemit.
Heck, I ran otwo for like 5 months, that's how long it took to make them happen, and they together were for a lower amount of money than what your post listed here shall get paid out.

There are many people here on Steemit who are busting their ..... chops..... to write some damn good posts.
Man, I'm no writer, I sure as anything am no grammar nazi, I literally say what I think and pay the price for it. But there are very talented people here on Steemit who would literally feel like they won the State Lottery if someone would give them a big boost via a killer upvote or possibly an upvote via a votebot paid for from funds that are "going to waste".

Now when I say "going to waste", we both understand that burning has its place in the process, however the term "BURNING" sucks man.... I mean it sounds like some pyromaniac is out on the loose, or even worse, like the funds are going to "HELL" where they shall burn in fire, brimstone, lava and who knows what else is going on down there. Basically when you say "I'm going to BURN these funds" it = "they're going to waste" for all the people who have never hit anywhere near the amount you are BURNING for their posts. I understand, your money, your right to do with them as you wish. That is why I'm not telling you or asking you to do anything except to read this post to the end and sleep it over!

IDK if you read the comments on your last post, some people are really expressing some disturbing points of views and this concerns me. I have been working hard at it here and I have made progress, not a whale yet, far from it, but I can't complain. In fact I am full of adrenaline and hope, I have a damn good gut feeling about Steem, SBD and Steemit.

I seriously believe that you should consider the possibilities of using these funds to make some peoples day, to literally make a real difference for someone, or some charity fundraising effort.

Don't get me wrong mate, what ever you do with your funds is your thing, but if I left this to myself I would have always wondered "What if?" and after all, we are talking like people who are allowed to think things over, consider changes to our plans and do things in ways that we consider to be logical.

Like I said earlier, some don't see the logic with what you are doing, some fear your name as if you are some beelzebub type of character or who knows what. Dude, I fully support your right to your individuality and that is why I'm not asking you to do anything except to consider this angle!

Man, if anyone on this earth has had his fair share of f...ups, I am right up there with Bart Simpson!

Most of them were done when I was trying to push something without thinking about it.

Anger, pride, stubbornness are all the things that stood behind 99% of the things I did that could have been done better.

So, if there is anything that I can talk about, it is this!

I'm no smartass, I'm no writer, I'm no angel or saint, but lets admit it, if there is anything I can do is to ask someone to not go down that road I went and to reconsider their future actions!

As far as the other stuff goes..... all the power to ya.

Dude, wish you a G'day and hope that this letter serves it purpose.
If not, at least I tried!

PS. To everyone else out there, If I don't post anything in the next 48 hours, then the curse of @berniesanders really exists and it has come down upon me and goblins have eaten me up with a lot of hot sauce and gremlins have buggered up my laptop. Snakes are coming out of my eyesockets and what ever other horror scene types of things you could imagine.


Yours sincerely


PS. All the funds raised here shall be added to the next fundraising effort my family has for one of the good will/charity causes out there in the real world!

Don't want the money from this post for myself.


That's a great open letter Jack, good on ya cobber!
I've never interacted with Bernie but deep down I'm convinced he started out wanting what was best for Steemit. I guess things have gotten a bit tit for tat in a flag war lately which is a shame.
Geez mate, without Bernie my early MSP comedy pieces would have been crap as he was a perfect baddie for the storylines.
I hope that he does see your post and while he doesn't know you like I do I'm sure he'll see your sincerity and do the right thing.
Either that or you're fucked!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be
Que será, será

PS.... I'm gonna stock up on the Vaseline, just in case!

Haha, no need mate. I'm sure if he reads it he won't take offence, why would he mate it's a fair point you made in the post.

I won't go into the ethics of BS here but you have to understand that a downvote brings money back to the reward pool so it is not burnt, he is giving everybody - except the victim :-( - more rewards.

IDK, I'm just going by what he wrote:

"(Profits from this will be burned, even though I'm paying for votes.)"

& that would be a shame, so the least anyone can do is to politely ask him to consider doing something positive with these funds that would bring about more positive vibes.

Agree, my main issue with him is that he is often the originator of very negative vibes and nobody wants that here. I don't want him to upvote the charity posts etc., i want him to NOT bring negative vibes, as simple as that.

That is true. The comments on the linked post is exactly what got me thinking that it can't hurt to ask him to consider doing something that shall bring about positivism. As much as that is possible in the given situation. Make the most out of a bad situation so to say.

Well said @jackmiller! @berniesanders has the power to do real good with his rewards. I’m not talking about anything he earns by the way, just the posts he intends to burn. I see so many posts about supporting minnows and growing the community and most of the time, those posts are from minnows or dolphins. I could see those rewards being put to good use in the form of delegated steem power. Re-invest that money into this platforms people and let them take steemit even further.

Like you said, there are so many people out there creating quality content that gets overlooked. I have seen so many posts that I would consider to be front page worthy that have two upvotes and three views. Let’s be the voice of change and celebrate good work rather than reputation level.

I think we also need to be concious of the image we put forward when someone loads Steemit for the first time. Do we really want a newcomers first impression of Steemit to be that you are rewarded for posting a picture of a cartoon man giving the finger that is directed at another user?

I get the point of the post however maybe there are better ways of going about sending that message. If there is I am not sure of the answer I’m just throwing it out there

Anyway, great read. Thanks!

We are all human animals that do crazy, mixed up things. I'd take a hammer vote from @berniesanders as long as it is the upward trajectory kind..LOL I work way too damn hard to lose what little I managed to scrape together here. However, I try to be respectful (in general) here and in the real world - you never know who you're really talking to. I've learned that in my lifetime that you get what you give and if it ain't respect you're giving, you sure as shit ain't getting any.

Another reason why you have my respect, Jack.

"Speak your mind..those that matter won't mind..those who mind don't matter." Paraphrased loosely..Thanks Dr. Seuss 😆

I hope you get a big ol' blubber-filled vote on this one!

Like I said, if he at least considers it, I will be content.
If he uses the funds to do something good here on Steemit, then I will be jumping for joy.

What ever the dude decides, it's his to do with as he wishes.

But seriously, after reading that the funds would be "burned alive", man..... come on, how can anyone not say anything, it's not like he's going to rip my .... (beep) off or gauge my eyes out or anything like that.

If he is burning it, it could just as easily be put to good use. I say, throw it on over to my wallet anytime there bernie. He could be building protégés out the wazoo with that pile..think how many you could inspire with big pat on the back with that whale flipper

Good post Jack.

When you burn rewards you're not really destroying anything or wasting anything it just reduces the claims on the reward pool so the outcome is that ALL the other rewards on the platform are increased by just a little. So in essence, by burning rewards he is indiscriminately giving them back to the entire ecosystem.

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with his philosophy or his methods (to be honest I'm still trying to figure it out) but that is my understanding of what he is doing. So, yes, he is already donating.

Fair enough, but if you read the comments on the post you will see the reactions to the idea of "Burning".

Imagine… all the good it would do if the rewards went to causes that are visible.

@ned, @devteam, @witnesses anyone who can help out with the given problems,

Here are a few proactive suggestions to possibly consider,



@berniesanders would these two suggestions possibly help out (temporarily) in the given situation?

Don't think he saw your letter but he recently donated 200 SBD to a lady here trying to save up to go to the Tokyo Paraolympics.

That is good news that he helped someone out.
As far as the "burning" topic goes, at least I tried. It would be cool if he turned the negative vibes into positive vibes.

Such is life.

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