The art of letting go: time to say good bye to my favorite shoes

in #letgo6 years ago

One of my favorite things was quickly approaching! I felt it in the air. There was a fierceness brewing. Kai and I were pressed up against the window screen eagerly awaiting its arrival. A giant tropical storm! Oh how we love when the strong winds blow through our hair and the rain starts pouring from the sky leaving us standing in a wet whirlpool of magic! This storm was extra strong blowing everyone's things all over so instead of rushing outside to feel the first few drops we stayed inside to watch it from the safety of our home.


Then it happened! The storm turned on me and stole one of my shoes! It just whipped it away in the blink of an eye. Not just any shoe but my incredibly special shoe that a dear friend had gifted me after my many toe surgeries. It was the first shoe that didn't give me pain in my toes and because of this I found a deep joy in running. I loved these shoes. But now one of my beloved shoes was gone and I had an overwhelming upset wash over me. But why!? It's just a shoe after all. I mean yes it is a particularly expensive shoe that can't just be replaced because of course it is expensive but I'm not even using them regularly at the moment so what is all this emotion happening over!? Why can't I just let go and finally throw away my one remaining shoe!?


After quite a bit of thought I realized it's not about the shoe. Well it is but it's so much more than that. I had put a ton of attachments into this shoe. My shoes represented adventure and action and fun and when the storm blew it away I felt like those things were also gone. Which of course is crazy but still that's how I felt.

Separating all these things and realizing that indeed fun and adventure was not blown off of my balcony I started to accept what had happened and started to accept the loss of my favorite shoes though still not ready to throw away my remaining shoe because what if the other shows up somewhere!? That would be extra tragic! lol!


Today. Several days after the tragic event. And after a mini adventure through the city with my boys I am finally ready. I know it sounds silly and crazy but in becoming a minimalist I think I have put a lot of extra attachment to the few things I have and in turn have now found it harder letting them go. Wasn't expecting that twist! Yet there it is none the less. But today is the day. My shoe is gone forever and so it's mate that I have been holding onto is finally going in the trash. It's time to let go of what does not serve me and go have the adventures I desire.


Sorry for the long rant just felt like sharing this process that's been happening. Just when I feel like I have the art of letting go down life takes me by surprise leaving me back at square one. So I'll just be here happily starting over yet again and learning more about myself along the way.


Minimalist??? that's cool, less thing to worry about, and less things to pin you down. Soon you're gonna have another pair of great shoes.

Definitely less to pin you down. Its really freeing not having a ton of stuff. But on the other hand like I said I am also definitely more attached to the things I do have. Pick your battles I guess. Lol. And thanx! Hopefully my new shoes will be here sooner than expected!

LOVING YOU! Hey I am so excited for all the new adventures and possibilities exploring with you and Kai!

Well done on this post btw and also double wow nice one for having that picture of those two lovely blue birds now running around in shoe paradise!!

Now let's keep going and having fun in them whirlpools of magic!! 😻💋

Yes lets go on an adventure and make some new memories! Love you soooooo much! ❤️❤️❤️

Occasionally such incidents happen. Because when we go somewhere we do not care too much. So be carefull. thanks

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