nop, pol
proof of life ?
no, sitting in what i could salvage of my chair on the floor with a gamepad is not really the same as sitting at a desk trying to get a k-lock or in my case 2 bytes in . Sitting on the flor here is deadly after ten minutes. I try to avoid media as the dopamine-alpha-waves are driving me nuts. EVERYTHING IS GOING GREAT ! i read that everywhere, america is going up on all sides except the numbers despite everything being opened, europe is going down on all sides except the numbers despite all lockdowns and everything still being in place. 501v2 has yet to peek its head as UK is atm on the rising side and
i get great confidence in humanity again as i brace for the next wave - gaming i can do its what i was doing all day before the pandemic gave me a few o2 molecules in my brain again due to the silence and lack of stray alpha waves. I was almost on a novel-by-screenshots on steam playing outer worlds
but 2 days later overnight i find myself unable to post any screenshot anywhere on any game, didnt receive a notice on "you have been banned for titties in china" or anything and so thats down too
everythings down - i have about 1/3rd to get my new glasses and the eye-doc fees , a chair , this time, i suppose will go for about a months money
a guy sold a fart as an NFT and i think thats the greatest concept art in neo-cryptokitties as of today and
humans = shyte
--> ark goes valheim
well now
i havent read steemnews since march, 4 so im behind , just giving proof of life
ill be avoiding most media until theres clarity on the whole new wave of domestic terrorism and soviet-style information delivery on the mainstream channels and until i can get a new chair k-locks are out of order
since its a hobby and a 'work' not a project or a product im sure ill be back with it, hopefully with a logo-compo , preferabley in combo with #opengameart people but for now, 10 minutes at this one is about the physical limit
i sent a mail to cytonics that im willing to take their stuff in experimental treatment since if i have to wait 15 years my life is over anyway but i live in belgium
and this is not america
.... but asking is free,
right ?
yea, see why ?
i just happen to pass by the telly downstairs and its
THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE BOMBINGS IN BRUSSELS (im surprised they are allowed to mention it since it "stigmatizes" a part of the population and what not)
that day no lives mattered
so ...
this is not america and dont expect the same shit
other than dis-information and corruption ofcourse :)
and if you're in you're in, so if you're not you're out ...
you see ?
i think its best i dont
yea, lestert , pol, i delegated out until may 1st, until april fools brings santa (who lives on the north pole and does not get elves from crApple for child labour)
so im not gonna be collecting sbi votes on the dellli
concept art is concept art
is concept art
but a guy selling a fart (aka "hot air that stinks") for $85 as an NFT
is ALSO concept art - having a fund and inflating your figures as if you were amd or nvidia
is marketeering, i always thought there were laws against that but apparently
this is not america
there you have it
i DO wonder why "in 2020 the first native american got into politics for real" is a cause for celebration ? as its 2020 now and black lives matter ... ?
no get the sarc ?
yes, thats why i'm gonna have to stfu until the brainbugs clear out a little (yours ... not mine, i havent been infected yet but i live with 2 other people in the house for months now, its not really in my own control)
GUD ...
nah leave it
next assessment by summer , when we all get passports for travel, until then
i suggest jail-therapy for the complainers, 6 or 9 months will do , gets your perspective right back in check on "dont know what to do" , "cant go nowhere" and ".... the food .... " , "when will this end ... " and more of the things i keep hearing ...
HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW, i estimate at NEVER that way im always ahead - springbreakers on beaches aint helping and the world will open anyway cuz economy - handwash and masks and an aluminum baseball bat that says "social distancing is THIS far, if i hit you by accident while swinging"
you were too close
=) (<-im not being funny)