Under An Ionized Sky - Book Review
Elana Freeland's 2018 volume Under an Ionized Sky is a wake-up call to the disaster capitalism game. The militarization of life is described in great detail, as we overcome full spectrum dominance. Freeland goes into depth on the issue of governors versus the people, describing Haarp technology, chemtrail spraying and space fence technologies.
The book is well written, with lots of direct references to the literature. Even though she demonstrates the premise of the war conducted by global elites, she fails to explain why there is necessity for such control. The book raises fears based upon an impending deliberate collapse of civilization, since what we think we know is different from applied reality. It is important that if we believe in the facts provided, then we need to change our leadership, immediately, in many fields.
Doc dove deep into the chapter on the aether, plasma and scalar waves. These areas of physics are beyond most people's focus, yet Freeland brings the concepts into modern reality. The aether was disappeared from science after wwii, when Einstein relativity was interpreted as having space being a vacuum. Plasma is a fourth phase of matter, that conducts electricity through ions, charged particles of metals and other inorganic elements. Scalar waves do not officially exist, yet weather manipulation technology uses them to deplete background energy from certain locations.
Physics was hidden from people for military advantage. Relativity was not derived from work on the ground, but rather used to change the science away from the advances of J.C. Maxwell, and other prominant scientists. Electromagnetism is deeper than what is taught at the top of the university system. The implication that existing science could be disappeared and either reintroduced for profit or hidden for military advantage is reinforced over and over.
Freeland talks about sky anomalies, which are readily apparent to the astute sky observer. The question of whether anything related from official sources is actually true is a real question. Health effects of electricity and magnetism and scalar waves are discussed in detail, the severity of the ill will demonstrated by the elite contollers oozes from the pages. No sympathy for the devils from this quarter.
Dr. Lenny Thyme has experience with the chemistry of chemtrails. The barium, aluminum and strontium from the skies of Mt. Shasta are real. Freeland's narrative conforms with deep chemistry from my perspective. This reenforces my opinion that this book, the second of three, really should be taken seriously, with immediate action taken to stop the on-going agression.
If you care for the planet, Gaia, join Elana and Lenny in support of a knew weigh, where we take what we knew and measure to find the relative and absolute truths. What we know is not what we were taught in school, each of us must think beyond the box to correct this very nasty control situation before we get full spectrum dominated.
Namaste' ... doc
The moon video was compelling. I noticed last week when both sun and moon were parallel in the sky that the bottom of the moon was dark. What could be causing the shadow? Certainly not the earth.
The earth is not in the same position in space as it had been, previous til now. There seems to have been a transition to the knew earth, a living Gaia talking to us through crop circles and making her intelligence known to us water beings on human scale.
Enjoy the queen anne's lace, as a gift from independence day gaia.
Join the club!
Highly rEsteemed!
Someone should forward this article to @quitefrankly and get you on the show to discuss it. Don't look at me... I'm just a disembodied voice, but I can ask a Crow to pass along.
And while you're there, try and get me the Exorcist job for the Studio.