crop circles of history
Three crop circles have landed in the past three days. Interpretation of these rings is always entertaining.
Crop circles appear to be generated by plasma, from beings in a different dimension from human scale. Patty Greer is a recurring guest on You are Free tv, her work on crop circles has quite a bit of depth.
A lot of people think that crop circles are proof of aliens from outer space. My intuition tells me that they are internally generated, by the planet being Gaia herself. The scale of Gaia has served as an upper limit of human conception from the beginning of history through the middle of the last century.
Science fiction came into public view with H. G. Wells. Voyage to the bottom of the sea described the mystery of oceans, using fiction to imagine expectation of what we might find. This expansion of thought served to provide another illusion to hide the reality of current history.
Fantasy followed science fiction as the plot vehicle of novels, when Tolkien created the epic of the lord of the rings. Movies developed to create images and these images came into homes just in time for the 1960s. The mood of the nation was changed by the series of events, which became real in our living rooms.
Conspiracy theory bridges all these topics. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a key player in creating the shallow state. Johnson inherited the presidency when GHWB took out the kennedy in office with the rifle in the book conservatory. The orchestration of the Dulles brothers and jedgar also helped.
The mop tops went from i love you, yeah, yeah, to number 9 without missing a beat, by substituting in a new bass player and never touring again. Creating fame and fortune is a game they play for fun, anybody on that track can be ambushed at any time, to provide a spacey distraction.
As the pendulum swing thru in breath and outbreath, time circles along for another ride. The lbj era disempowered the anti-war movement by a cognitive mixture of peace superimposed on war. Demoncraps on the left were united, lbj sold them down the river by refusing to back the populist people's candidate, donald trump.
Alzheimers history lesson, who was that man who could have been? A new york financier or a progressive minnesotan. The gubernator wants to know, to follow the footsteps.
Enjoy this feature on crop circles. The lemme howdt avatar is the chrysalis crop circle, man evolving into flutterby, er, butterfly. Enjoy, as we slip back in time, thru thyme, and see what we saw through different sets of eyes. The ayes have it, climb on board.
Ain't cryptofiction fun ?
Namaste' ... Hue