Dimples: Kiss of the goddess of love or a genetic defect?

in #legend8 years ago

Good evening to all!)

Dimples: Kiss of the goddess of love or a genetic defect?

The same dimples have me, so let's analyze what all did it mean and what can we believe!)

There is such an old and beautiful legend.

In ancient times, when gods and humans could communicate on equal terms, there was a story.

One day early in the morning the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite was walking along the shore of the ocean and saw a young woman with a baby. The woman, despite the early morning, was already at work mending the fishing nets. Beside her in a pile of diapers was a kid.

It is from time to time raised his eyes and with tenderness and love looked at the child. However, she was humming a tune, and this tune very easily and harmoniously superimposed on the noise of the rolling waves.

Aphrodite marveled at the picture of quiet happiness. She came and leaned over the baby.

– Very young, she said.

– Yes, Madam, he's I was born only a week old.

The goddess took the baby in his arms and saw that he opened his eyes so directly and childishly smiled at her. Aphrodite was charmed, and without thinking twice gently kissed the child on the cheek. The baby happily agukal. And on her cheek where the kiss came, there was a small dimple.

– I can't give you and your baby neither wealth nor fame. But I can give him happiness in love. But it is much more than all the wealth in the world, trust me. That's a sign of my patronage, and she gently tickled the child on the cheek.

The woman was a proud gift of the goddess, she bowed before her in reverence.

And since  walking around people with dimples on the cheeks – kiss of the goddess of love and beauty. Look around – they're all around us.

Is us greetings from those times, when love was worth more than all the wealth.

Smile, they'll smile back and love on earth will become a little bit more.

But it's just a legend!) 

Actually, dimples is a genetic defect that occurs when a certain structure of the great zygomatic muscle ("muscle of laughter"). That is why we often see those cute holes on her cheeks in babies: their zygomatic muscles are poorly developed. More prominent is this feature that owners of chubby cheeks: the skin around the trough at the expense of fat more lifted over her. With age, the muscle is stretched, the fat layer is reduced, and the dimples are less noticeable. This muscle is responsible for the ability to smile.

Have smaller parts of people forked bundle of great zygomatic muscles is shifted to the side and grows to one of the layers of the cheeks. When a muscle shortens, the person smiles, and this adherent beam is drawn in, contributing to the formation of those dimples.

There is some more information about the dimples!

Many of us have dimpled cheeks that draw attention to themselves. If the person is attentive, he is sure to draw attention to the fact that the dimples on the cheeks is different – dots, stripes, swirls, even in the form of butterfly wings fossa meet!

And yet, not necessarily symmetrical arrangement of dimples on the cheeks, there may be a dimple only on one cheek. The person calm, almost relaxed, pits on cheeks, a little smile, or speak – dimples show themselves...

Many peoples of our planet, dimpled cheeks, a sign of unusual attractiveness – especially the attention to the cheeks of the girl, focus matchmakers, who came on behalf of the bridegroom to Woo the girl.

Signs of folk say that people with dimples lucky in  life and always will be happy – and it does not matter whether one mark on the cheek, or two...

And still  think that the pits on the cheeks of men, this shows the determination and strong character — dimpled cheeks.

A man confident in his abilities and capabilities. In physiognomy it is believed that people with dimples on cheeks, cheerful and lively, very independent, I love an active lifestyle.

Most people with dimples on her cheeks, prone to positivity and more joy than sadness. This good-natured, flirtatious people flirt for them everyday ;)

Your rainbow elephant!)


Sorry, your name...I just had to post this :)

Ohhh thanks, it is beautiful and fits well under my nick ;)

There's a post about it in my blog, about 10 - 12 back. use any of the others if you want.

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