DOCTAILOR- Legal team personalised
While blockchain technology remains a relatively new and undiscovered concept which is responsible for the current low adoption rates that have been witnessed. Many businesses and consumers are still not fully onboard with the notion, and blockchain has become something of a controversial topic, despite the many clear benefits that this sort of technology promises to deliver.
DocTailor has been introduced as a viable long-term solution to issues hindering the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Focusing on a highlighted flaw of existing smart contract applications i.e. user experience. DocTailor enables easy access to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts.
DocTailor is a unique self-customizing smart legal contract platform, that allows lawyers, individuals and organizations to send and create legal tailor-made smart contracts and agreements on the blockchain without developer experience. Bridging the gap between the trillion-dollar crypto economy market. The overall value of the digital legal document market is rising rapidly. This would suggest that there is increasing demand for the industry, and that there are already numerous contractual services and solutions in place
• Clause Selection
Users can select from an unlimited database of carefully formulated clauses that have been pre-created by legal professionals from various industries
• Merging Clauses
Selected clauses can be merged into existing document templates to alter and create unique tailor-made contracts, agreements or documents.
• Document Structuring
Legal documents, agreements and contracts that require tailor-made structuring can be created in short time depending on the context of the document required.
• Document Formatting
Documents created on the platform can be downloaded in a variety of formats for external use. Those formats include Word, HTML, XML and PDF.
• Blockchain
All documents templates and structures have been checked over before being uploaded to the platform for the use of platform users. The templates are also held on the blockchain to maintain clarity and transparency.
• Tracking
Alerts are produced and sent to authors of the document to keep them updated.
• Contract/Document Management
All documents, contracts and agreements created by users of the platform can be stored and managed online.
• Smart Contracts
Users are presented with automated solutions to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract or agreement.
• Authentication & Signing
The platform allows users to monitor the recipients participation where a document, contract or agreement needs a digital / electronic signature or any other form of authorization by a counter party.
Doctailor website has provided with a roadmap that how they are going to achieve this project of creating and generating awareness about blockchain and creating templates for the smart legal contracts for the users, businesses and legal advisors
Sam Enrico Williams - Founder and CEO, 10 years of experience in intelligent systems, blockchain, cryptocurrency and economy markets.
Dominic Brown – COO, having 2 years of experience and depth knowledge in blockchain technology.
Alexandrine Masse -Senior Legal Officer,
Marco Zaratta - Italian Legal Counsel
Pavel Rubin - Blockchain and Software Developer, Experienced ICO developer and consultant
Victor Khomiak -Front-End developer, 5 years of experience in web development.
DocTailor has its own cryptocurrency by the name of DOCT, which can be used to have access to clauses and other ‘pay as you go’ (PAYG) features. This Ethereum based cryptocurrency abides by the ERC20 standard.
Token DOCT
Price 1 ETH = 2700 DOCT
Bounty Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC
Soft cap 1000000 USD
Hard cap 40000000 USD
Minimum purchase 20 DOCT
Maximum purchase 50 DOCT
Country United Kingdom
Whitelist/KYC None
DocTailor's is laying the foundation for the expansion of crypto focused business by using smart contract and blockchain to deploy contracts for time effectiveness and transparency. It will not only help in simplifying the ecosystem but also the execution of a smart contract.
It will also bring about considerable reduction in the cost and time for users. This platform will revolutionize the legal industry with the integration of those features that make an ICO stand apart from the rest other ICOs (like Kelta) existing in today’s crypto world..
As the reach of blockchain technology is rapidly increasing and also the fact that DocTailor’s success relies heavily upon greater adoption of blockchain. So, the platform is viable not just from future perspective, but also from finance investment point of view. Its turning out to be an ICO that can get the best returns for investment by participating in their Public ICO sale, which is still ongoing.