Modern Western Rights

in #legal4 years ago

AAA - CRISPR-1.jpg

I do not agree that we should alter our genome without rigorous REAL science and real controls. This is an area desperately in need of actual regulation.

Currently, for less than $5k, i can buy equipment and knowledge to make a very effective bio weapon in my garage! For less money than that, I can crank out 5 AR15s or AK47's per day... UN-traceable Ghost Guns. Plus 1000s of new rounds of ammo/day.

Due to current technology, for less than $300, I can wreck your online and financial LIFE! Only my faith keeps me from hurting many people I dislike. I generally hate most of mankind's behaviors. Thankfully, I am no man's Judge. I cannot even take revenge in my faith. My Sky Daddy does that. He fights ALL my battles. I even feel a bit sorry for my enemies at times.

Literally, time and money are the only other variables. Trust me, If I wanted to do it, I wager I could murder a million easily and a billion with enough money and time. I hate that about myself. But I KNOW I can do it if pressed... currently.

Is the freedom to do that legit freedom? Some say yes. Most say HELL NO! If I could make a nuke, and afford to do it in my garage, is that wrong? What about surface to air missiles, RPGs, etc? ALL of those are necessary in any modern war.

I feel I have the right to make any of these in secret. I have the right to make superior body armor and NVG's as well.

