Nazis are easier to deal with than leftists.
I'm going to say this with with no joy; but, the last few years have provided me with the utmost certainty.
I hate Nazis as much as any good person should; but, they're easier to deal with than leftists.
It's easier to deal with a person who has a swastika tattooed on his face than a person who claims to be anti-rascist in one breath and calls for the death of Jews in the next.
On criminal justice, I found it much easier to deal with Joe Arpaio people than I do the radical leftists. The Joe Arpaio people were wrong. Probably thousands of years of human life were lost because the dude thought you should go to prison for fifty years if you smoked a joint. At least those people were fucking consistant. I knew where to metaphorically aim.
Where do I aim regarding people who are so inconsistent that they want to abolish the police; but, they don't want to abolish the police until the police take our guns, and after the police get Kyle Rittenhouse in prison, and after the police put Donald Trump in prison... yes yes yes...after those things get done, "Fuck the police!"
Is silence violence, or is burning down a building out of anger violence?
There have been evil people with fucked up beliefs throughout history. There's nothing new here.
But, it's possible to be evil and honest. It's possible to have warped and perverse views, and be loud and proud about them.
The fact that a Hamas terrorist, on October seventh, took the cell phone from a murdered Jew in the Kibbutz to call his mother and brag about how many Jews he killed is proof enough that it's possible to be evil and honest at the same time.
The thing that bothers me about the modern, western, radical left is that they can't manage to be consistent, coherent, or honest.
It's actually somewhat of a brilliant tactic. It's harder to hit a moving target. Still, a lot of us see through you.