The madness of the left explained
The madness of the left explained
(aka "Why the left is totally screwed up in the head and cannot get out of their cage")
Thanks to PWRMOS who wrote these texts, he is an overlooked gem at, see his channel at
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There have always been conflicts between individuals, groups, and tribes. Where very bloody tribal conflicts and known genocides are dating back thousands of years. We also know that malicious envy has been known and discussed for thousands of years but marked as Obsolete in modern dictionaries. Dark, malicious, or malign envy is also one of the deadly sins. Hence the myth of the noble savage that lived in both social harmony and harmony with nature is just a myth.
This article concentrates on the crucial role that contrastive group identity plays in the non-meritocratic competition for power that characterizes political correctness. People tend to unite against a common enemy, which in the multicultural West astoundingly is the White man and the West.
The reverence for the noble savage is stronger than ever, even though the savages, in reality, have been extremely ignoble. At the same time, the modern West has become obsessed with classifying and nurturing its ethnic minorities. But the notion that all cultures would be equally good is unsustainable, both theoretically and empirically.
New Guinea is about the same size as Texas, but there are 1,000 of the world's 6,000 languages spoken. Half of the languages are spoken by less than 500 individuals. Before the arrival of the Europeans, the total population was about one million, divided into a thousand among each other hostile tribes. They lived and died within a few miles radius from their birthplace. Insofar as one was aware of the existence of neighboring people, these were normally considered dangerous, if not even monstrous.
No one came up with the idea of traveling around to get acquainted with other cultures. If any bold individual ventured into an adjoining territory, there was a high risk that the person in question would be killed and eaten. Why would any tribe be stupid enough to allow a stranger to invade their territory to hunt their prey, accost their women, spread new diseases, or do reconnaissance for future raids? New Guinea's extreme cultural diversity has made the island a paradise for anthropologists. Anthropologists are obsessed with cultural diversity, which they believe reflects man's endless creativity as a symbol juggler. No human nature is known—culture is omnipotent.
Svante Folin - De flesta kulturer är rena skräpet
Tribal Competition
When we were hunter-gatherers, there was no way to improve nature's gifts. A tribe had to make sure that other tribes didn't infringe on its territory and resources. Tribal wars could end with one tribe wiping out the other except for women and small children. Hence the winning tribe would get more extensive hunting grounds and additional fertile women. The personal envy regarding resources, status, and partners within the winning tribe would remain. In my opinion, we can see this as the foundation of human non-meritocratic competition, which, together with dark envy, are manifestations of the 'will to power' (Nietzsche), harm, and mayhem. The 'will to power' is hence an innate drive to breed in the broadest sense through both individual and tribal competition. Therefore the 'will to power' could be seen as the driving force behind the Seven deadly sins.
The Good™ people who claim that all Peoples still are the same as before the out of Africa split for 100-200 thousand years ago are now advocating for the multicultural society. An invitation to disaster?
All organisms and organizations have enemies in this world and, therefore, need a defense, including races, ethnicities, and nations. Even things need a defender. Just think about what happens to a car that someone leaves in the roadside, after, for example, a motor stop and do not repair or tow within a few days. After a short time, only a burnt-out wreck remains. The individual must have a survival instinct to survive.
For a race or ethnicity, it means that it has to have at least positive ingroup and preferable negative outgroup bias to persevere, and a nation must be lead by nationalists to prevail. Furthermore, a minority must have a strong ingroup preference not to be genetically dissolved into the majority through intermarriages over hundreds of years.
However, the opposite is now the norm in the West except in former Eastern Europe. Race mixing and homosexuality are promoted in commercials and movies, and the nation-states are lead by anti-nationalist politicians with outgroup preferences who are promoting mass immigration of people, mostly young men, from distant and backward cultures and religions.
Those who try to maintain the status quo by stopping the mass immigration are by the Left and the politically correct regarded and treated like bigots, xenophobes, Islamophobes, racists, fascists, and Nazis! Moreover, the most telling sign is that the Good™ people have no plan for the future, not even a sketch. Furthermore, they are ignoring all indications and warnings that the development is going in the wrong direction.
It's utterly unnatural that elected anti-white and anti-nationalist politicians lead all Western nations with a few exceptions.
One can build group identity around being skilled at something, say soccer, basket, or being good through say practicing charity.
However, the most effective way is said to be contrastive group identity-building by the demonization of the outgroups. Then one doesn't have to be righteous or skillful at something to be better than the outgroups since they are Evil idiots. Self-righteousness and hostility are sufficient.
A core element of the Politically Correct Belief System (PCBS) is the demonization of white people (primarily white men), white identity, nationalism, and history. This demonization of whites is what unites and legitimizes the unholy heterogenous multicultural alliance.
Moreover, since it's strictly tabooed to evaluate, compare, and criticize the behavior of the weak, Untouchable Victims, and the other and its culture and religion, it's hard to establish a contrastive European ingroup identity.
If westerners were allowed to evaluate the innocence and agency of the allegedly oppressed non-whites, whites with ingroup preference would have an excellent opportunity to defend themselves and the Western civilization by continually highlighting the recent backwardness and barbarism of other cultures.
There is an infinite amount of critique aimed at Western colonialism; meanwhile, the Good™ people roundly praise the indigenous cultures in the Americas, Africa south of Sahara, Australia, and New Zealand. Cultures that more or less were at the stone-age level of development when the first Europeans arrived not that long ago. Hence, if there wouldn't have been any Western contact or colonialism, these cultures would most likely still be at the stone-age! Moreover, the North American Indians would have to walk since the horse was extinct. The Europeans reintroduced it.
The dark, primitive, and brutal history of the other are whitewashed, for example; the incomprehensibly extensive infanticide in Australia, cruel initiation rites on Papua New Guinea, worshipping of bulimic bloodthirsty gods that demanded human sacrifice on a mind-blowing scale not to end the world in Central America, endless wars with neighboring tribes on Papua New Guniea, extreme torture, and scalping in North America, head shrinking in many places, widow burning in India. Furthermore, superstition, black magic, rape, slavery, cannibalism, senicide, genocide, et cetera everywhere.
The advancement of cultures, in its broadest sense, the way of living, has been achieved through the reduction of superstition, backward and barbaric customs & religions. Plus, the strengthening of law and order, incredible advancements in science, medicine, technology, et cetera.
If our current society had been based on the human experience with the intent to create harmonious societies to the best of our knowledge, nobody enlightened would even have suggested a multicultural society.
Man is prone to competition, conflict, and war, hence the multicultural society is a hotbed for tribal conflicts. However, western society is not based on the best knowledge but scientifically falsified egalitarian root axioms, dogmas, taboos, and edicts.
There is a continuous competition for power and dominance both individually and tribally. The Good™ white people who are (un)consciously alienated and hostile toward the West under the guise of antiracism are seeking unholy alliances with immigrants whom they see as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' The believing and many non-believing Muslims are seeking to take over and dominate their new countries where the unholy alliance with especially the Left is temporary.
The democratic power isn't stable in a multicultural society since birthrate is king; those with the highest birth rate will eventually dominate a nation by numbers when immigration is stopped. Furthermore, as Muslims both dominate the birthrate, and as immigrants, they will soon be dominating many western countries. Therefore, the unholy alliance is going to fall apart when the Muslims' demands and dominance are starting to create difficulties for their allies.
The Left and politically correct or short the Good™ people who are indoctrinated in political correctness since childhood often claim to view the (theoretical) multicultural society as some kind of peace project. However, they tend to be the first to perform white flight when their neighborhood gets enriched with practical multiculture. Moreover, they are indifferent to the fact that their life-styles and worldviews are incompatible with Islam. Furthermore, many of them refer to Islam as the religion of peace after every jihadi terrorist attack in the name of Islam.
For decades, the school, academia, the Left, the Good™ people, Hollywood, and media have persistently hammered in with great success that national socialism stood for white right-wing capitalism and nationalism. As a result, humanity today seems to completely disregard that it was, in fact, the white capitalist and nationalistic Western world, the Allied, under the leadership of the conservative Churchill, who, together with the Soviet Union, defeated fascism, Nazism and Japanese militarism. In the Soviet Union and now Russia, the Second World War is called the Great Patriotic War. Where the annual Victory Parade commemorates the heroic efforts of veterans and the fallen in the nation's defense on May 9 at Red Square in Moscow and locally is an expression of patriotism and national pride.
The Conflation Of Whites And Nazis
If it were that whites through the 'blood' were being Nazis and had made a joint venture with Hitler, mass immigration from the third world, accusations of racism and discrimination, racial quotas, and critical whiteness studies would not be relevant today. And would there still be Jews and blacks in what would now be the Third Reich? The Left would indeed not exist. Maybe it would have been enough that the Allied had looked the other way, and let the Nazis, Italian fascists, and Japanese do what they wanted with Jews, gypsies, blacks, gays, men-hating feminists, disabled, intellectually disabled, communists, Koreans and Chinese?
Despite the seeming lack of logic, the Left has succeeded in its demonization of whites, so that collective 'white guilt' has become a normalized emotional 'truth' in the (un)conscious that is ubiquitous in society since more and more whites already as children have internalized collective 'white guilt' for the Crusades, transatlantic slavery, colonialism, fascism, and Nazism.
It would have been impossible to convince adult whites with sound ingroup preference that the White man and the West was the Evil oppressor and all others innocent and oppressed. Cultural Marxism originated in the predecessor of the Frankfurt School and has spread through academia to the National Boards of Education that have changed curricula now and then in a more and more politically correct direction, that is, increasingly anti-white and anti-western. There has been a quick 'radicalization' of political correctness since there is a positive feedback loop, where indoctrinated teachers indoctrinate kids who later become indoctrinated teachers without first getting in contact with, for instance, life under relentless international competition.
The media, the Left, and the politically correct or the Good people are constantly demonizing their political opponents as bigots, xenophobes, racists, Islamophobes, fascists, and Nazis. The demonization of White identity is normalized to such extent that the text 'It's okay to be White' printed on t-shirts and posters are considered controversial and even racist. If 'White' would be replaced with any other identity, Black, Asian, or Jewish, then the message would, of course, not be considered to be at all controversial. The Democrats and the media have relentlessly accused Trump of colluding with Russia for more than two years, and when that balloon burst, they have concentrated on accusations of racism and White supremacy.
Even though non-western cultures have such a brutal and barbaric history, not to mention communism, western schools do not hold any of them accountable nor demonize their history. It's only white and western history that western schools demonize. And only whites are guilted for their history in their western schools. While all non-whites are encouraged to feel proud of their identity and history, this self demonization is entirely unnatural and unsustainable since everything needs a defense and defenders to survive. Western civilization has school curricula jeopardizing its survival.
Most of the Good™ people don't know that many facts about Nazi war crimes more than Dr. Mengele's experiments on humans, the gas chambers, Zyklon B, and the Holocaust. However, they are emotionally convinced that Nazism is not only the worst of all evils but the only. Man's dark past with superstition, black magic, rape, slavery, cannibalism, infanticide, senicide, genocide, et cetera everywhere, and the 100+ million dead by communism are just statistics.
The white schoolchildren whom the school seduce to reject the tabooed and stigmatized white identity and instead internalize a Utopian group identity of the altruistic world citizen suffer in the way that they alienate themselves from to their rightful hereditary identity and pride in their history and become hostile to it.
Instead of being proud of their inventive and hard-working ancestors that have built the western civilization, the children learn early on how to be ashamed of them and to deny that they are related. Instead, they are encouraged to pay tribute to the ancestors of non-white children. And the kids who don't do it are labeled as racists.
How will these lost white children manage in the longer perspective as the demographic reality change, when they are in the minority as individualistic and altruistic world citizens among people with strong ingroup identities who stick together and fight outgroups, thus favoring their group interests?
The Good™ people nowadays see the descendants of those who defeated the Nazis in WWII as the new Nazis. But who would have fought on the Allied side if there wouldn't have been any other white nations or nationalists than Nazi Germany?
Although the Good™ people allegedly don't believe in evil, God, and Satan, they act and react as believers do regarding Satan. The Good™ people have no such strong negative feelings regarding communism and its 100+ million dead.
Taking Everything For Granted
Most people who have lived their lives in a safe bubble take their current freedom, the standard of living, and life in general for granted, especially children.
Feminists who claim they are favorable to Islam do not have any problems with the Muslim woman's half value. Also, gays for Islam have no problem with sodomy punished with the death penalty in Islam. Moreover, the Good™ people in Sweden who are repeating the doctrine of 'equal values of all people' ad nauseam also has no problem with that in Islam; the Muslim man is the first-class and the Muslim woman second-class citizen with the man's half-value. The politically correct, even Christians, also have no problem with Christians, and Jews are on graces being able to live as third-class citizens if they pay jizya and that ALL others are considered kafir regardless of religion or lack of faith. That is, as unbelievers who are forced to choose between converting to Islam or die. They deny the problem and call those who try to enlighten them Islamophobes and racists.
The Left, LGBTQ people, feminists, and politically correct know that most of them have in the eyes of Islam and many Muslims an immoral sex & drugs & rock & roll lifestyle. Denialism and distancing are essential parts of false tolerance or indifference and lobbying for Islam. A distancing while convinced that the disadvantages of Islam do not risk to affect oneself.
Many Muslims self-segregate and are forming communities where non-Muslims are not welcome and where attacks on First responders (blåljuspersonal), mail carriers, and construction workers expose the hostility. This phenomenon is appearing throughout the West.
The reason why white westerners have become alienated and hostile toward the White man and the West is due to the early internalization of the Politically Correct Belief System. A core element of the PCBS is the demonization of white people (primarily white men), white identity, nationalism, and history. This demonization of whites is what unites and legitimizes the unholy heterogenous multicultural alliance while non-whites, their identities, nationalism, religions, and history are untouchable protected by a taboo.
It's strictly tabooed to evaluate, compare, and criticize the behavior of the weak, Untouchable Victims, and the other and its culture and religion.
This contrastive combination of demonization and sacralization makes it very hard to defend the indigenous Europeans right to their homelands against mass immigration of people with strong ingroup preferences from very different cultures and religions.
The politically correct uses equality arguments in a manipulative and hostile manner:
• Men and women are equal, but men are violent sexist pigs!
• All religions are of equal value, but Christianity is evil due to, e.g., the Crusades, the Inquisition, and witch burning.
• All cultures are of equal value, but Western culture is just empty consumerism!
• All civilizations are of equal value, but the characteristics of Western civilization are injustice, oppression, police brutality, slavery, colonialism, rogue capitalism, deprivation, poverty, sexism, Islamophobia, racism, fascism, Nazism, and wars.
• All Peoples are equal, but Whites are evil, bigoted, racists, and fascists.
• Et cetera
The core of the PCBS consists of five root axioms, dogmas, taboos, and edicts, which has an essence that extremely simplified can be expressed as White Man Is Bad & All Other Good.
False Root Axioms (Dogmas)
A1. That we are born as tabula rasa (that is, with no bad innate traits)
A2. That man is almost entirely rational
A3. That human races do not exist
A4. That the difference in IQ between individuals is almost entirely due to external factors such as parental educational level, socioeconomic factors, bad schools, et cetera
A5. That all Peoples, ethnicities, and races are equally intelligent, that is, having the same average IQ
D1. That all individuals have equal value (Swedish dogma: "alla människors lika värde")
D2. That all cultures are of equal value
D3. That all religions are of equal value
D4. That criticism of the culture or religion of others is racism
D5. That Whites are guilty of all nonwhite people's relative failures
D6. That international socialism is Left and that Fascism and national socialism (Nazism) are Right
D7. That White identity is equal to racism, Fascism, Nazism, and Hitler
D8. That Whites who identify as White are Evil racists, Fascists, Nazis and literally Hitler
• To practice global altruism
• To strive for global equity
• To hold international conventions issued by the UN for sacred
It's tabooed:
• To evaluate, compare and criticize the behavior of the weak, Untouchable Victims, and the other and its culture and religion
• To argue that races exist (it's just different skin colors)
• To assert White's right to feel proud of their identity
• To advocate for White power or separation
• To argue that intelligence is primarily hereditary
• To argue that different ethnicities and races have different average intelligence
• To argue that social stratification is mainly due to differences in intelligence
• To argue that global inequality is mainly due to differences in average IQ
Taboo Violations
Schools do not present a taboo as a taboo to the children, but rather as something we never can accept. The children are taught not to accept violations of the taboos indirectly by telling them that they both have the right and duty to speak against the evil of fascism and racism when they are confronted with breaking of the taboos, it 'arms' the children with self-righteous moral power to police others. Some teachers even discuss with the schoolchildren if it would have been morally justified to kill Hitler preemptively to avoid WWII and The Holocaust.
Those who violate the taboos mentioned above in public space are likely to become a social pariah and can lose friends, marriages, careers, and also siblings, and parents might disown them. For a politician, debater, or journalist, it is therefore almost to be considered political suicide to break these taboos, as the media immediately would launch a witch hunt spreading like wildfire throughout the politically correct society.
The most devastating taboo is:
• That it's strictly tabooed to evaluate, compare, and criticize the behavior of the weak, Untouchable Victims, and the other and its culture and religion.
However, the opposite is true regarding the demonized White man and the West, which both the Good™ white people and non-whites are free and almost decreed to criticize and hate as much as they like.
The exemption from critique, respectively, demonization makes white people, especially children, mentally defenseless against the behavior of non-whites, their cultures, and religions, and the mass immigration of them.
The foundation of social justice is the falsehood that all people are the same with no biological differences in traits. Since all people are said to be borne as more or less blank slates, all differences in achievements in school, for instance, are seen as consequences of environmental inequalities, injustices, and white racism when the reality shows a whopping 17.9:1 ratio in knowledge development.
The denial of biological differences between individuals, the sexes, ethnicities, and races would imply that all people and Peoples would be equally successful, which they are not. The unequal outcome creates a justification for compensatory non-meritocratic competition using quotas in the name of social and racial justice.
This false egalitarianism is dynamite in the ethnically homogenous society and nuclear in the multicultural society. In the ethnically homogenous society, the working class tends to see the upper middle class and above as having privileged positions without merit and themselves as downtrodden. In the multicultural society, egalitarianism legitimizes identity politics and racial conflicts.
That what characterizes meritocratic competition is that the competition is fair, following rules and laws, which is something completely different from all the numerous and various forms of cheating that characterizes non-meritocratic competition.
I claim that the 'will to power' (Nietzsche) is the unconscious motivation for the (innate) lust for non-meritocratic competition. And that children intuitively understand that they cannot compete with adults in the competition for jobs, resources, status, dominance, and partners or short the Darwinian competition.
If you acknowledge that your competitors are superior by birth, you have already lost, and it's not good for the self-esteem. Therefore, it's natural for most children to internalize the dogma about everyone being born equal and that adults are idiots who don't understand anything. However, this is not a good strategy.
'Kaiken viisauden alku on tosiasiain tunnustaminen.'
Translation: The beginning of all wisdom is the acknowledgment of facts.
Juho Kusti Paasikivi, President of Finland 1946-1956
The multicultural society is inherently unstable since the most fundamental driving force is the 'will to power' (Nietzsche) harm and mayhem. Hence, different groups, often in shifting alliances, fight for dominance and power over a territory. Since numbers are voting power in a democracy, groups that have the most significant growth will become the new majority.
Political correctness is a destructive secular belief system, a cultural marxism design intended to take down western civilization from inside by replacing its norm system with a system that is incompatible with its survival. I call that system the Politically Correct Belief System (PCBS), which is falsely egalitarian.
Since almost all children in the West attend schools with politically correct curricula, most of them leave school indoctrinated or programmed with the immature core emotional and moral binary truth that the White man and the West are evil oppressors, and the rest are innocent and oppressed.
The Simplified Core 'Truth'
Since the Good™ people have internalized a demonized view of white identity and nationalism—White Man Is Bad—together with the taboos to evaluate and criticize non-whites and their average cognitive abilities, cultures, and religions—All Other Good—they are made immature and defenseless from the beginning.
I call this programmed immaturity Programmed Arrested Development Syndrome (PADS). As the Good™ people suffer from PADS from early childhood, it is impossible to convince them with facts and logic. No statistics, no facts, no logical reasoning, no local, global, or historical experiences and or patterns bite on the deep conviction. Nothing! A significant change of the deep conviction takes a long time because the early internalization of false axioms, taboos, and edicts creates a strong confirmation bias and hence, selective learning. Consequently, everything the kids learn after the internalization of—White Man Is Bad & All Other Good—is going to be heavily distorted. That distorted knowledge plus our innate personality is very simplified who we are, before getting red-pilled and enlightened.
A way to challenge the Good™ people's (un)conscious core belief is to point out to them that they are unable to criticize Islam solely on the premiss of their personal allegedly tolerant and inclusive worldview and de facto lifestyle. If they refrain from directly calling you a racist, fascist, Nazi, bigot, and Islamophobe, they will first try to rationalize reality to fit their core belief—White Man Is Bad & All Other Good.
They rationalize—White Man Is Bad & All Other Good—in two ways: the white man is evil, and the other is better than the white man. For example, the Crusaders killed countless innocent Muslims, Islam pioneered woman's rights, the hijab is a freedom veil, Islam's Golden Age was fantastic, 'Islam is a religion of peace' after every jihadi terror attack, et cetera. They are not praising Islam because they are Islamophiliacs, it's due to that they are immature binary rationalizers instead of rational thinkers due to that they suffer from PADS.
When you ask them what they think about the execution of gays for committing sodomy in some Muslim countries, they usually use lame relativizations about Christians who also are against homosexuality, pastors who refuse to wed same-sex couples, Christian bakers who refuse to bake cakes to same-sex weddings, and that homosexuality has been illegal in the West.
Likewise, if you challenge the Good™ people to list what they think is good about the White man and the West many of them are unable to do so without starting to point out the importance of early scientific achievements in Muslim countries, and how environmentally unsustainable, economically unfair and racist the West is.