I am on Leeroy! Are you?
Leeroy Knows Best!
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I hear 7th time's the charm.
So I signed up at leeroy.io today...
And Leeroy makes Steemit look like the Rolls Royce of social networks. Nonetheless I will continue to use leeroy.io to see how it improves over time. I already found a fellow Steemian to follow, @eeks!
Is anyone else from Steemit on Leeroy?
JOIN ME: http://leeroy.io/comicbew and feel much better about Steemit ;)
I guess I must be living under a rock... never even heard of it.
Maybe it's because I was raised by wolves...
Well this is crypto and there is a new project every five minutes, so it is completely understandable.
Thanks for the publicity, Brian. I wanted something fun to do.
No problem. As far as the eth based social network projects go I think Akasha is more polished, but leeroy is not on the testnet which is cool.
Try it out. Definitely not Steemit competition at this point in time.
Definitely gonna try it. I tried Akasha and it was such a pain in the ass in every sense, is polished but is still pretty young. I found Golos, is a steemit rip off in Russian and I was like: Time to polish my Russian.
Is it like the twitter for steemit?
Thank you for taking the time to make these drawings and make us smile and laugh, @mynameisbrian
My pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to vote and comment.
How looks interesting! How much gas you need to start?
I just put like 10 usd in my metamask wallet, but you don't need nearly that much.
You are enjoying it?
It lacks a lot. Will be interesting to watch though
Ok, keep me updated bro! ;)
i was trying to make an account on Lerroy.io but it seems that you need some ETH...
Yep. You need some gas.
here you are losing me :P
I'm going to take a look at this 😀
If I understand well it is a Dapp created over Ethereum... the problem is the gas needed to make a transaction.
Good to see you there!!
Do we get paid to leeroy?🤔
Just looked into it, looks good....count me in as your first follower. 😎
good sir @mynameisbrian