What's the Difference Between NOGEN and NOGLE?
Written by: Liam Jon Pilmore
Languages are extremely nuanced. The Danish language is no exception.
Are you interested in learning the nuances of the Danish language? Of course, you are. That's why you're here. The tweaking of a phrasal verb or swapping of a couple of letters can subtly change the meaning of a sentence or expression. And once you submerge yourself in the nuances of the Danish language, there's no end to the discovery.
I thought I had finished talking about how to use noget, nogen and nogle in Danish long ago. How naive of me. It's important to share, as obvious as it may seem, that my learning continues alongside yours. Despite teaching Danish as a full time job, I consider the language journey fluid. There's isn't really any distinction between student and teacher. I vote that we destroy that barrier.
Someone once said to me,
"I want to finish Danish so I can move on to German."
I was quick to react. Largely in defending the Danish language. How could anyone consider finishing the Danish language? Do you want to leave it out in the cold? Alone and unused?
It was, however, the absurdity in the statement that ignited my snappy reaction. I mean, you can complete the Duolingo tree, but you can never truly finish a language. I would call that giving up. A dropout. Copout.
Think of it like this: in a Danish class, new words come. For both teacher and student. Sometimes I have to check the dictionary. Sometimes I translate a Danish word to English only to find out I don't understand it in English either. There comes the fluidity. Let words flow through you like water through your hands. You can never own a language. There's no cup big enough to house it.
Learn the nuances and differences between nogen and nogle here.
To bring us back to learning the difference between nogen and nogle, it was this humility and willingness to revisit what I thought I already knew that led me to make this video.
In the above learning Danish video, we'll be discussing nogen and nogle, and how they are pronounced the same, but have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.
By the end of this video, you'll have a good understanding of the difference between nogen and nogle and feel confident when using them in Danish conversation. But, if you feel you need more study, you can watch my original video on nogen vs nogle below.
Whether you're just starting out learning Danish or looking to brush up on your language skills, these videos are perfect for you. So, come and join me as we explore the nuances of the Danish language.