How many days have you learned a new thing? | Story of two leopards

in #learn6 years ago

There were two leopards named Jagga and Raka in Nandan forest. There was no dearth of deer, both hunted in comfort in their respective areas and at the end of the month spent some time together on a mound in the middle of the forest.

Hindi Story on Upgrading Your Skills

Jagga said in such a meeting, "I am thinking that now I should also learn to hunt pigs."

Raka spoke on this. "What is the need to do this? There are thousands of deer in this jungle and we easily hunt them ... Then why waste their energy in learning a new victim in vain? "

"You are right that there are many bucks here today ... but who has seen yesterday? Do know one day their number will be reduced ... "Jagga explained.

Hearing this, Ruka laughed loudly and said, "Whoever comes in your life, I will not waste my time in things worthless."

After this, both leopards followed their own way and returned a month later on the same mound.

"I know this month, I have carefully observed pig activities ... catching them is not so easy ... only after several attempts I have been hunting for a pig for the first time ... and practicing this whole month. And now this month I will learn to hunt monkeys. "Jagga is excited about speaking

But all these things had no effect on Rakta, she repeated the same thing, "If you come in your life, I will not waste my time in things worthless."

The next month Jagga had learned to prey by hunting.

Time passed, and by the end of the year, Jagga acquired great interest in hunt for many animals, including pigs, monkeys, zebra, bhang and Nilgai.

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And on the other hand, Raka still knew only to hunt the deer.

For the next few years everything was normal but after that there was a severe drought in Nandan One. The ponds of the pond have dried up, the grasslands from the grasslands have become barren today ... the leaves have disappeared from the trees ... due to lack of food and water, many animals died. There was a stray on every side.

In order to kill the remaining handful of deer, animals like lions, tigers and cheetahs start hitting each other.

In such a situation, Jagga and Raka once again met on the mound. It was clear that despite the tragedy, there was no special difference on Jagga's health, while Rakka's condition was bad ... due to lack of adequate food she had become weak ... and even learning to hunt a new victim in this condition It was not just a matter of fact

Raka was repenting his mind today, his words in his mind ... "If you come in your life, I will not waste my time in things worthless."

Both friends departed and after that Rakha never appeared.

Guys, we often get as much work as we do with skill and do not deliberately try to upgrade it.

Just think on this question -

How many days have you learned a new thing?
And give the correct answer to yourself.

Many people will realize that they have not learned anything new for weeks, months or years. They know what some things are going on, and with whom the job or business is going on, they are limited with the same skills.

They have been studying the class the way they taught for years ...
The way they used to do in the company for years, they are doing the same today ...
They have been running the business as they have been running for years now ...
Neither did they improve their methods, nor learned to teach new substitutes, nor did they advertise value to the company themselves, nor thought of new business ... just like a car is running, because they think there are thousands of deer in the forest and Sometimes they do not lack them.

But soon time will prove this thinking wrong ... This world is changing more rapidly than you think ... new technologies, new inventions, artificial intelligence, internet, etc. are changing things fast.

It would be better if we do not make Raka's mistake, like Jagga, we can upgrade ourselves in our own good times and prepare for the drought which will never tell!

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