How to get Diamond in leauge of legends

in #leagueoflegends7 years ago

Hello guys, in this post im gonna tell u some tips on how to get to diamond in league.


Becoming a god on just two champions will make you much more likely to get to diamond than playing a wide variety of champions. Unfortunately becoming good at one champion isn’t enough to get to Diamond this season because of the new dynamic champion select. Not only will you be playing against people in their main positions but you’ll need to be prepared to play a secondary position. This means you have to become good at a champion which can play in multiple positions, can carry the game, is strong enough to be influential but not so strong to be regularly banned and also can’t be nerfed. A great example of a champion which fits all of this criteria is Twitch. He can easily play mid lane and ADC, He has a fantastic kit which can’t really be nerfed and He can easily carry games if you become good at him. Picking the right champion to main will help you get to diamond in League of Legends season 7.


Blaming your team isn’t going to help you and ELO hell probably doesn’t exist. You should download a game recorder and watch your own games back. This way you can highlight your own mistakes and improve your overall game. Without analysing your own League of Legends plays you can’t expect anything to change. You can’t win every game but you can definitely improve yourself every game. After regularly watching your own games you’ll spot your bad habits or patterns which are holding you back.


Every game you lose takes you further from your goal to get to diamond so it’s important that you know when you are going to be at your prime. Take regular breaks, exercise (something as simple as walking), ensure you are well hydrated and make sure you don’t go hungry. Making sure you remain healthy and happy is going to drastically improve the level of your play and could be the difference between Platinum 1 and Diamond 5 at the end of the season. Another thing you should look out for is League of Legends induced tilt.


There are plenty of great guides out there on the Internet that can help you get to Diamond in League of Legends. We’ve previously discussed this topic but here are three of our favourites for you to consider!


League of Legends is a team game and as the human race currently lacks the technology to read minds we have to rely on communication. By using smart pings and chatting without flaming you’ll find that your win rate improves dramatically. It can also help you win if you try to keep your team together. You may feel silly trying to stop an argument between two strangers on the Internet over a game of League of Legends but you won’t win the game if your team falls apart. People who are angry or stressed are likely to suffer from tunnel vision or tilt and make mistakes that can only lead to further arguments. By ensuring your entire team remains calm you’ll have the maximum chance of winning that game.


When you want to become good at something one of the best ways is to learn from someone who is already good at it. You wouldn’t be happy if you got taught mathematics by a drama teacher and it’s the same with League of Legends. If you want to get to diamond then you’ll need to learn from people that have already got there.

Thankfully there are tonnes of professional players who stream on services such as twitch and you can find lots of awesome replays on YouTube. By watching professional streamers and games you’ll pick up new tips on positioning, farming and other important aspects of the game. All of this will help you climb the ranked ladder.


If you want to learn a new champion or need to have practice a certain combination then you shouldn’t do this on your main account. It could cost you hundreds of LP before you become good enough to start winning again and this is LP you might never make back. It’s a great idea to have a second League of Legends account (known as a smurf) which you don’t mind losing on. This can help you improve at the game and ultimately get to diamond on your original account.


Of course if you are really struggling you could always look at using elo boosting to get out of ELO hell and start climbing yourself. xD

and for the end, a picture of satan


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