in #leadership6 years ago

Matthew 20:27-28

And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.


The concept of leadership in the world is different or opposite of what it is in the Kingdom of God, this is the lesson Jesus is imparting to all His followers.

The leader in the world is a boss that lords it over all. He is to be served by all.

He is to enjoy while others suffers, he issues order for others to obey.

But Jesus says occupying leadership position in the church or fellowship is to become a servant to serve others as He practically demonstrated to His disciples

A true leader is a person, who leads by example, as Jesus has shown in our bible text, He wasn't after to be served, He protected His subject with His life.

In our various level of leadership, what kind of attitude are we exhibiting?? it the type, that is excepted of us as a Christian?.

This issue of leadership in Christianity is not to be treated lightly, because our whole life on earth as a Christian is saddled with leadership responsibilities.

Service to all is the true show of Christ- kind of leadership.

When your service to others is for your benefit, greedy is inevitable and selfishness availability in attitude.


The church should be a place where honesty is expected to be in the open but what is the case in our world today?.

Jesus said, you have turned My father's house that should be a house of prayer into a den of thieves; cheating and corruption starring everywhere in the house of God, the leaders of the church has lost the vision.

Christianity is suffering because of lack of Christlike leaders, wolves in sheep's clothing/skin, devouring the sheep that is kept under their care. We need to change from such ways.

When preach the gospel with a mingled mind; money driven, you will miss the vision, you actually slaughtering the sheep for your stomach.
A true Shepherd cares for his flocks, he goes into danger because of one lost sheet, he values their lives and he gathers them tenderly.


humility is one the vital quality of a leader, it's not a sign of weakness but strength in disguise, humility is wisdom, master it and unleash its dividend.

The world has become a place of power tussle because, the world's leadership are more less irresponsible, but its never the same in Christianity, a leader is expected in Christendom to be a servant, to serve all.

To be a leader is to be a sacrifices to the people.

I will know when leaders has understood the roles and what it takes to a real leader, because, it will show on the number of people that comes out for a given post or position....

Christians follow the footstep of your great master(Jesus), He is the greatest of all and He live in us.

Even in Steemit world, we are leaders, let's lead like Christ here.



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nice insights. i agree to you because leadership is what will mold us into a better individual

Thanks, for such a wonderful contribution.

what you said is right. Religions suffer because the leaders are not true like what God wished them to be. If they were true, none of the present problems would have existed. God bless you

Thank you for this great contribution.

I love and prefer preaching that cuts and promotes change. Imagine God in the flesh (Jesus) putting on an apron and washing the feet of the disciples. He admonished that we also do this for one another. Jesus our example of a humble servant. I have been in many countries and have seen preachers come with a crown on their head and sit on a throne like a king or queen. Jesus could have rightfully done this, but did not. Minister means servant. The higher you are up the ladder, the lower you need to stoop down.
Needful and timely message!
God bless! I am proud of you!

Very insightful contribution, i appreciation your effort in coming around my blog. God bless you sir.

Always my pleasure to read sound teaching.

Always my pleasure to read sound teaching.

The question is are our leaders inbuilt with humility.

Hard and sincere one....!

The most successful companies in the world 🌏 today are those who lead by serving others.
I had an opportunity to talk with a business own who was succeeding in his new company and i asked how he grow so fast.
He said,

my employees give more to the business because they see me upfront doing everything i ask them to do, and i help they serve them, get to know them so as i can develop their gifts also, and i give them a chance to grow, i dont have to tell them I'm the boss they know I'm, and follow me.

A leader who have to tell his follwers hos the leader, is not truly a leader.
Wonderful writeup @princluv
Cheer 📣 📣 📣 @ogt

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