FREE MONEY with your present Digital Automation/IT, free of charge.... 'The powers of nothing...'

in #leadership7 years ago

Commerce is a virus. A virus even more dangerous than one intents to recognize instantly. It is subtle, it is using all kinds of vile trick and reasoning to persuade you into buying .... almost anything. Sure, one may like coca cola or pepsi, Burgerking or MacDonalds, Adidas or Nike. In all instances commerce is using all kinds of tricks to make you, at least, try or buy. If one is speaking about something more impacting, like digital automation, IT, commerce is using a vile way to make you believe that you have to have something for you can not live without, or, be quick, there are only few left, else you'll be to late. Another trick is to make you believe that anyone is having, wanting, craving for a product and method and that is why you have to .....
All they do? Is focusing on your sense of urgency and your natural reflex to react upon that and ... simply trick you into.. sales. Many of you afterwards will ask one self, 'did I really needed it..?!? In digital automation, commerce trick work the same but... here is a real secret commerce and over 95% of IT professionals and professionals in IT don't know themselves.
Digital automation/IT 100% predictable!!
Many of you will look baffled, commerce now will look tensed and sharpened. IT 100% predictable? YES! Digital automation and IT are in all ways, capacity, discipline, echelons, professionally and game-wise, 100% predictable. We let this merely sink in for a moment. For if digital automation and IT is 100% predictable ... then .... all the large bills are also .... 100% predictable?!? WOW, horror, the impact..... Sure we could've started with 10 ways commerce and IT professionals don't want you to know. That would be lying for the majority don't know that themselves.
Common denominator...
For everyone, those using IT and those working in IT, all the rules and the 100% predictability, are mandatory and the same. Like it or not. The common denominator? Pre-Destined-Value. We leave that just for what it is, not to complicate things. The only thing you, dear readeress, reader, have to remember and to adopt, 'Digital Automation and IT are 100% predictable!?! No more, no less. And by adopting this, now we can take some real steps.
Digital automation is to save you expenses by not spending
What commerce try to let you think or believe, that there is something like Return on Investment (ROI) Yes there is, no there isn't. It is a paradox. Yes commerce want you to buy an item or service or 'new method', and part of the sales pitch is to tell you how much you can save by buying. We say, why buy since you don't need 'it' anyway and focus on what you already have?!? Commerce will let you believe that the 'latest' will bring you more profit. We say, not have to spend, is your first Profit!?! And since over 95% of commerce simply have no fathem that digital automation and IT is 100% predictable...
New isn't New at all...
We will let you immediate save 1000's of $/€/£ 's just by mentioning a few hypes and debunk them on the spot.
Commerce is hyping that LEAN is the future, the way to go, the method a revolutionary game changer for your organization. Well, think again. The concept of Lean is the ancient and simple way of something every human has in her/his natural DNA. One tries something, one find out it is working a certain way or it doesn't. As a child we did by learning how to start to walk by falling a few times, train our motor and balance by try and error and finally we walk. The same goes for everything that one has learned in ones individuals life. Something is becoming your Natural Born Talents and Soft Skills or it simply doesn't. The same goes for anything man has invented and developed. Think of this simple human DNA and one can implement Lean without very expensive consultants. You want colored belts? Pick up judo or karate.
Bring your own device, BYOD

Commerce tries to convince you that letting your workers bring their own device, would pose to be a huge game saver for you and your organization. If everyone is to permitted to connect their own devices to your networks, many options become much more and faster available and that surely will benefit not only the employers swiftness and productivity but perhaps it could work contagious to the coworkers. Well.... so also will be the huge bills. Since the first effort you are to make? Increasing bills like security, opening a huge door to insecurity and just to give you an idea, the chance production can be ripped? Increases with over 200% instantly. Did we mention that working with a tablet, phablet, android or simply works to limited and slow to be of any added value?
Let's bring in a few Agile consultants. In digital automation agile and scrum seems top notch. Well, perhaps one likes to reconsider. First of all an agile way of working and scrum versus IT and digital automation, is an contradiction. They simply won't mix. See it as digital automation is square or rectangle shaped, scrum and agile alays presented round shaped. And there you have it. Agile isn't compatible and on paper all fits greatly. Also the billing in the end.
The other thing? Natural Born Behavior. What will happen is that people not having any affinity with ways and behavior not compatible with their nature? They soon will return to their own personal behavior and the bills of scrum and agile? Wasted time and money.

Disruption always cause unease, delay, increasing costs and bills. Now commerce is making you believe that there is added value in disruption. We like to challenge that. Think of any running process or procedure to be interrupted so something else 'may' emerge. Even worse, we press an entire business entity to disrupt oneself in order to 're-invent' itself. Any idea of the immediate consequences? In stead of graduate change towards improvement we become disrupt.
Not only the intonation is contradictory and counter productive, also the mean and spirit are... increasing bills to pay...
Big Data

A most dangerous hype is to believe commerce while they exclaim how valuable and profitable Big Data will be for your organization. What commerce, and all those professionally, aiming arrows at you, doesn't know, let alone being able to tell you id following.
40%-45% in estimate, of all big data, is contaminated and vile data. Read, unsubstantiated facts. Untraceable facts. Fake news. Fake presentation, mis representation. Commercial presentation that doesn't always meet actual reality. Criminal pre-organized facts, fraudulent fact and data. There is no method or tool differentiate what data is reliable and which not. For many presentation on ill fact, presented even as scientific proven, becomes a direct threat to any activity started. Not only huge billing but also a huge incresing danger of name and reputation damage. Only commerce is benefiting.
Not spending, your instant Profit!?!

Think here that if one abandon these five hypes alone, one prevents any delay or interrupt in daily profitable activities without any imaginable negative financial chain consequence, hence, be even more productive and profitable then becoming 'tricked and entangled' in commercial hypes. And how to prevent this from happening, just think in easy and simple steps.
Digital automation and IT are 100% predictable
This means that IT professionals are to be able to clearly and comprehensible explain to you what digital automation/IT is and what they are doing, as well as the term they are requiring to perform. If they can't, better to dismiss then engage a road of many deer bills to pay.
Added value
Is the offer really adding value to your core business or process or does commerce want you to believe that? Like, every few months, a faster pc or laptop is presented on the market but it doesn't mean work or process will become faster or more profitable. A standard PC or laptop easily has a profitable duration of use of 40 to 55 months, not the proposed 30 to 36. If one is using the comb to brush to the software inventory every 6 months or annually, here huge sums can be saved by dismissing double featuring soft ware and licenses.
Software and programming
Today there is a huge abundance and array of standard software packages that easily can be adjusted, even by deciding not being able to meet all desire requirements. Refuse to accept that programmers can't meet your requirements within a predefined term and fixed price.
Use proven concepts
Commerce always will try to make you believe that a certain (new ) concept or method will bring you greater profit. Great, if that is the case, let them act on bases of no cure no pay. You very swift will find that their idea of swifter profit is a little different as reality. Else, demand proven concept and allow yourself to visit prior served customers for experiences sake.
Simple Simpler Simplest
This is the most greatest money saver in digital automation and IT. The more components, the greater the danger something somewhere or somehow can go wrong and cause chain consequences. And usually the costs and billing are yours to pay. Reduce change of failure by demand as few connections and technical resources as possible. Complicated never is any interesting
2 ways in digital automation and It only
There are two simple ways to measure if digital automation and IT is proving adding value. Either the bills are diminishing or, if things aren't working as they should, you'll see an increase of bills to pay. And last here is exactly the opposite of what digital automation and IT is intent to do for you. In any way, there are NO unexpected circumstances or instances in and with digital automation nor IT.
Of course there are more features to th fact to tweak your present digital automation and IT to make these more profitable. You'll surely will find us if need to be .... :O)
The greatest of Prosperity in every business endeavor you are traveling....

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