in #leader9 months ago


1 THIS is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a Bishop, he desires a good work.
2 A bishop then must be BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, TEMPERATE, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, ABLE TO TEACH.
3 NOT given to WINE, NOT VIOLENT, NOT GREEDY FOR MONEY, but GENTLE, not quarrelsome, not covetous.
4 one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence.
5 (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?).
6 not a NOVICE, lest being puffed up with pride he falls into the same condemnation as the devil.
7 Moreover he must have A GOOD TESTIMONY [reputation] AMONG THOSE WHO ARE OUTSIDE [the church], lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil."
1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NKJV)

• Social Qualifications.

  • Whoever would work in God's vineyard should be above any reproach; possess good qualities befitted or suited a minister of God:
    (i) Having a good reputation with Christians is one of the things required: "SO A CHURCH LEADER MUST BE A MAN WHOSE LIFE IS ABOVE REPROACH. HE must be FAITHFUL to his WIFE. HE must exercise SELF-CONTROL, live WISELY, AND HAVE A GOOD REPUTATION. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach" (1 Timothy 3:2 NLT).
    (ii) Having a good reputation with Non-Christians: "ALSO, PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH MUST SPEAK WELL OF HIM [a bishop, a pastor, or an elder] SO that he will NOT BE DISGRACED AND FALL INTO THE DEVIL'S TRAP" (1 Timothy 3:7 NLT).
    READ: 1 Peter 2:11,12
  • A leader who practices what he preaches or teaches, provokes the unbelievers to consider submitting their lives to Christ (1 Peter 2:12; 3:1,2).

• Ministry related Qualifications.
(iii) Such must be able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2).

  • All leaders would need to do some teachings as one of their primary responsibilities of their leadership roles.
  • Teaching is a GIFT (Romans 12:6,7; 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11). HOWEVER, the basic skill or ability to do it a little could be developed if the assigned leader pay attention to it through the adequate study and preparation in the Word of God.
  • All leaders who work at it could do it with a little measure or level, or a considerable amount of degree—to a small extent, in a limited way.

• A Leader's behavior (1 Timothy 3:2,3).

  • A person's character cannot be assessed properly until such is seen under pressures.
  • How would a person react when things get difficult? The pressure may come from different sources such as adverse circumstances, temptations, or difficult people to deal with.
    (i) A good leader is temperate (1 Timothy 3:2). The one who exercises moderation. A number of people want to believe they are not born temperate. But if a person, who is a believer, works at it; he or she would be.
    a. In fact, temperate or temperance is one of the character elements which Apostle Peter said every believer should add to their faith:
    5 BUT for this very reason also, using therewith all diligence, IN your faith also have virtue, IN virtue knowledge, 6 IN knowledge TEMPERANCE, IN temperance ENDURANCE, IN endurance GODLINESS" (2 Peter 1:5,6 (DARBY).
    b. The temperance is also known as self-control (1 Timothy 3:2). A disciplined state of mind, not impulsive, and not given to extremist. A self-controlled person does not overreact in crises.
    (ii) A good leader is respectable (1 Timothy 3:2). Such can be trusted to keep his or her words. A man or woman of Integrity!
    (iii) Not given to wine (1 Timothy 3:3). A person who drinks alcoholic beverages generally cannot have a good reputation with outsiders.
    A LEADER under the influence of alcohol cannot walk in the Spirit: "DON'T BE DRUNK WITH WINE, BECAUSE THAT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. INSTEAD, BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT" (Ephesians 5:18 NLT).
    (iv) A good Ministry leader is not violent (1 Timothy 3:3). In other words, such is not a giver of blows.
    (v) Not quarrelsome (1 Timothy 3:3). Disinclined to fighting. Peaceable. Conciliatory should he or she be.
    (vi) He or she is gentle (2 Corinthians 10:1; Philippians 4:5).
    (vii) Not a lover of money (1 Timothy 3:3). A leader must have developed a strict financial Discipline before such is appointed to Leadership.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Whatever is contrary to your health is cursed and uprooted totally in your body, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • As from now onwards, I declare that you live in total and perfect health in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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