Turned Bootcamp Trainer from Being a Lawyer....
Story of My Son Turned Bootcamp Trainer from Being a Lawyer....
Being and looking like a lawyer.
My son graduated from U of T Law and was promptly picked up by a New York law firm, where he worked at an entry level position, very boring he claimed, having inherited some creativity genes from me. Then one day someone at the firm proposed that he enter the Fight for Cure at Haymakers for Hope, which he did, around the same time that a childhood friend, not even thirty years old developed an inoperable cancer. Chris trained for the fight for a year, collecting money for Cancer Research in the name of his friend and subsequently won the fight.
Fight for the Cure
Sometimes charity sucked he said...
But he realized he liked training and working out more than law so he started training at Barry's Bootcamp and quickly became a trainer himself, quitting the firm.
Some of his lawyer friends became jealous of how muscular and fit he became and posted this to his site.
And now he is teaching and training girls in New York and the Hamptons.
Lots of girls...
And these ladies came all the way from Denmark to study with him.
He will be opening up his own school soon...
You never know where you might end up in life. The key thing is to follow your bliss.
Take a look at your main image and change it so it comes up when looking at your post. Thanks
How do I change it? I have tried it before and after text and it still doesn't come up for some reason...
Got it after several tries. Discovered one photo that was wrong. Thank you....