Law of One quoted from The_Law_of_One/Instagram March
"In all transformations—or as they are often called amongst your peoples, in all initiations—there is the testing, the opportunity to express the quality of love and acceptance that are yours to express. These opportunities oftentimes present themselves in situations which are commonly viewed as difficult, confusing and disharmonious.
In such situations, it is easiest to respond in a manner which is, shall we say, of the world, in that there is the expression of hostility for hostility, anger for anger. When you become aware of any situation which is not as you would have it be, look carefully for the place that your love may be put so that that which is the highest and best of your offering may be that which you give freely. Look at those who seem separate from you, and see not only the Creator there, but see yourself there as well, and feel the compassion for that entity that you would feel for any honest and sincere seeker of truth that has for the moment closed its eyes to the heart of love.
In such a way, may you aid your own transformation, for as you are able to see yourself and to see yourself as the Creator in all that surrounds you, thus you aid the shedding of the old ways which were an useful step upon your journey, and thus do you aid yourself in taking a new step and in donning new garments of light."
-Q’uo -The Law Of One
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(Dated: 1992 May 10)
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What amazing post..!