Glitch in the Matrix and the Law of Attraction


Watching the Matrix again with new eyes last night has got me pondering.

In this scene Neo is just learning about the Matrix and he sees a black cat walk by then sees another exactly like it. This causes him to say "Deja vu". This causes Trinity to explain that a deja Vu is a glitch in the Matrix, it means they changed something. This is followed by them getting in a trap as of course a black cat crossing your path is said to be bad luck and this was two.

It seems to me that deja Vu and synchronicity are closely related and synchronicity and deja Vu are things I have had and do have alot of.

The law of attraction shows us that we are attracting the like vibration to what we are in, thereby we are creating our own reality based on the thoughts and feelings we have within us. This law always works whether we know it or not. It explains so many things we commonly see around us and often explain in very seperated earthly terms so that often people do not know they are creating their own reality.

But how do we begin to know for sure this is true once we have learned about it? We begin to experience it. We begin to see what we have thought or said manifest. So often once we know and pay attention to our vibration, our alignment, we begin to see glitches in the Matrix!

In whatever ways it comes for us individualy. We see the same topics coming up in unrelated sitations. We see the same numbers everywhere,we find ourselves in moments of deja Vu and these things alert our conscious mind that this is a matrix of sorts and it is responding to us.

Now in the movie this deja Vu is a negative one initially even though it leads to Neo knowing he is the One. Really the whole movie can be seen as Neo coming to understand that he is the one manifesting his own reality just as we are our own.

So once we begin to understand what is happening we begin to manifest on purpose. Not just the unaware way that everyone does. Now glitches are caused because our directed vibration is pulling into the matrix what we want. We are glitching the matrix so that it's code is rewritten and the tetrahedrons it's all made of reform from the new information programmed into their realm of possibility and just like in a computer program it is now the image shown on the screen.

We all have a Mr. Anderson within us. The program we have been taught to think within from the stimulus we have gathered in our lives and mostly programmed in from childhood. This fail safe keeps fighting us, brings in negative vibrations to reaffirm our old programming. Then we attract/manifest in our lives that negative Mr. Anderson program that pops in and takes over the reality around us. Until......


Neo comes to know he is the One! He is in control of himself in this Matrix and defeats Mr. Anderson by inserting his new found self into and taking over the old Mr. Anderson program.

So Glitch on my friends!

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