Law of attraction: Every single technique to manifesting your dreams

in #lawofattraction4 years ago (edited)


The law of attraction is certainly growing in popularity in recent times as people are slowly becoming more aware of how it could impact and change their day-to-day lives for the better.

The principle of the law of attraction basically states that whatever you think about most you will attract into your life.

I became aware of the law of attraction about two years ago and decided to give it a go as there was nothing to lose in trying to manifest something that I desired. However, as I started more in-depth research on the topic I found myself extremely overwhelmed with the number of methods there are to manifest the same outcome. This left me with a series of questions such as; Is this method better than the other one? Should I try a variety of manifesting techniques or just stick to one? How often should I try a new method? My main concern was; Am I missing out on a more effective way of manifesting?
This is the reason why I decided to make this list as I figured there would be other people in the same position as myself who would like to have a clear guide to every single method so they could try, experiment, and find out which one works best for themselves.

This is one of the most popular techniques when it comes to manifesting as it gives great results since, when scripting, you can immerse yourself deeply into your ideal life. To practice scripting, it is recommended that you use a journal or a notebook to write down how you would imagine yourself (1st person perspective) living as if you have already obtained what you desired. When writing this down remember to add as much detail as possible, include emotions and reactions to your environment.


The revision technique
This method is best practiced at the end of the day, right before going to bed as you are meant to review the events that happened during your day and change those events into what you would want your ideal day to look like. As you replay the ideal events in your mind and add feeling to those new events your mind will believe they occurred and combined with the positive feelings you attach to it you will be able to manifest more of those desired events.

Visualization is by far the most popular and probably the most effective technique in this guide. You start by calming the mind by meditation and focusing on your breathing, afterward you start visualizing a scene in which you can see yourself getting the thing or living the experience that you desire. When doing this technique it is very important to imagine from the first-person perspective and not visualize as if you were watching yourself in a movie. You must also add the feeling that achieving your desire would produce in you so that it can manifest efficiently and finally, remember to add as much detail as you possibly can to your scene, it is usually very helpful to add aspects from the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch) into your scenes.

Subliminal messages with visualization
The good thing about this technique is that it can be used in combination with the use of subliminal messages, which are becoming highly popular in youtube, but I would recommend you would create your subliminal messages, that way you are 100% sure of which messages are going through to your unconscious mind. Combining the use of Subliminals with visualization will make your scenes much stronger and will increase its probability of manifesting.

Affirmations are positive phrases that you can repeat to yourself to build confidence in a certain topic. Using affirmations can help in changing the negative image you currently have of yourself or your situation and manage to change it into a positive reality. You can either write down or say these positive affirmations out loud, they should be written in the first person and the present tense. The easiest way to start an affirmation is by saying or writing ‘I am…’. These affirmations are also supposed to be repeated daily for better results.

Acting as-if
This next one is more of a lifestyle and mental change rather than a quick, simple method to manifesting as it requires you to act as if you were already living the life and owning the things you desired to manifest. The point of this is to not think of the things you want from the perspective of scarcity and lack as that is what you will attract, rather focus on the feelings and the ideas of abundance, happiness, and love those things would produce is they currently were in your life.

3–6–9 method
The basis of this method comes from the inventor Nikola Tesla; he believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 were divine. To manifest with this technique you have to take one intention and write it down as an affirmation in three different ways, for example;

I love the feeling of receiving such large amounts of money,

Money comes into my life unexpectedly,

Money just pours into my life.

The next step is to read and study those affirmations six times a day, specifically, you will have to study and recite those affirmations at 3 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, 3 PM, 6 PM, and 9 PM. This whole process must be done for a total of 9 days in a row.


Vision board
A vision board is a way to see your goals in a visual way which helps evoke your subconscious mind and reminds you of which goals you should be investing more time and energy on. Vision boards can be made either in digital form or in printed out images, you can also add words or phrases as well as images and objects. It can also help to include keywords like how you are going to feel when you receive the things that you put on your board. You should also be as specific as you possibly can when choosing your images and make sure it directly represents the thing you want.

Destroy limiting beliefs
Sometimes our negative beliefs about ourselves and our reality are what holds us back from manifesting our dreams. To get rid of these negative beliefs you shall make a list of all of your negative beliefs, then write down the source, aka where was this thought originated; was it a certain experience or maybe someone made you feel or think in a certain way. Finally, write a positive thought that counteracts the negative one and make sure to focus on the positive affirmation so you can move forward from your past.

Gratitude journal
In this practice, you would need a journal in which to write every morning (as it works better to set your mindset at the beginning of the day), write five things that you are grateful for. You shall start this with ‘I am so grateful for…because…’ This will make you appreciate the things that you currently have in your life and it will also put you in a positive headspace to attract more things into your life.

Connect to an object
This method gives meaning to a certain object of your choice, whether you want to connect it to the law of attraction in general, to the thing you want to manifest, or because it reminds you of a positive time or experience. Most people hold the object they have chosen whilst visualizing their desires, you can also take the object to job interviews or exams as a sort of good luck charm.

55x5 Technique
This method is one of the most time-consuming ones as it requires repeated action and focus. Firstly, you have to focus on one of your desires and write an affirmation that encapsulates the outcome that you want. Then you write this affirmation in the present tense 55 times and you repeat the process for a total time of 5 days.

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