When Will We Stop Growing Lawns?

in #lawns6 years ago

Credit: @corinnestokes

My son is learning to cut the grass here in Puerto Rico (yes, he was paid half in cryptocurrency and half in USD) and it got me again thinking about lawns.

Lawns are kind of stupid. The history of them goes something like, “Look how financially secure I am. I can waste so many resources maintaining this estate, therefore you should mate with me or do business with me.”

Imagine if houses everywhere started growing food or hemp or cannabis instead of useless grass. We could feed ourselves, create building materials, and have medication/relaxation compounds which are better for our bodies than alcohol. CBD is going to be a big deal.

Instead of HOAs (Home Owners Associations) getting all fussy about not having cookie-cutter homes with lawns, they could team up with editable landscape experts like my sister @karaelizabeth and Perfect Circle Gardens to make beautiful, productive, micro gardens. Grouped together, maybe they could partner up to create enough supply for it to be financially worthwhile.

Sure, economies of scale are against the idea, but look again at these bags of useless grass that will end up in a landfill. How financially worthwhile is that?

I’m currently renting, so my options are limited. The idea of growing something instead of filling a landfill with grass has me motivated to make some money and buy a place I could grow something on. Rossi Naturals here in PR has me inspired as well.

What do you think about lawns vs. edible landscapes?

How long do you think the insanity of cannabis prohibition will last?

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, DAC launcher, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Learn about cryptocurrency at UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

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Very few people have lawns in Israel. Its very difficult and expensive to keep them alive when it doesn't rain for half the year!

Honestly, it makes me so mad.

I understand that lawns are nice to look at, but seriously, if everyone grew strawberries or beans, we'd all be much better off. Especially in countries like Australia where droughts are so common, it's crazy to spend precious water resources on watering lawns which really don't add much.

There's also the learning and respect element too. I'm sure people would be far less likely to throw out food (US households average 20% food throwout rate) if they knew all the effort that goes into growing.... and there truly is nothing more satisfying than adding your homegrown anything to your evening meal.

The respect of food part is key. Great point. Thankfully it rains so much here that I don't have to waste water watering it. Still feels stupid though.

Many people in Spain like growing food on their backyards, especially when they retire. But as more and more people live in apartments, some farmers have started renting small parcels of their farming land to "urban people" so they can grow their small orchard. There are even city programs in Barcelona where city urban land is lent to older people as a way to maintain activity, so it is not just the benefits of the food you grow, it is the satisfaction on doing so plus doing some activity :)

Website in Spanish

Lawns are outdated and a chemical soup these days.

Yeah, most of them are dead soil. I learned how they used to price land based on how many worms they would find in a random shovel of dirt. With all the chemical lawn companies we have now, you'd be lucky to find anything alive in the soil. Thankfully here in PR I don't need to water or use fertilizers (so far).

Edible landscapes! They were (partially) edible before the Europeans showed up!

@lukestokes, You've mentioned an deep point here and that is, we can use the lands for betterment by planting which grow eatables instead of waste grass. And many critical thinkers pointed this and majority of poverty can be covered if we grow plants which produces eatables everywhere, when we see this picture in Global Scale then definitely there will be no scarcity when it comes to food. It's so simple but at the same time deeply complex because this aspect is connected with Human Emotion and Human Thought. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well it’s legal to grow your ideal garden out here in Colorado 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

I live out in the boonies, So I’m surrounded by trees; we sort of ended up with a lawn that showed up naturally. So just started mowing it.

Have to go around the roots of the trees though

Posted using Partiko iOS

If you consider the great fruits and vegetables that grow in Puerto Rico, you would be amazed at great it can be. I have a house there still in the mountains and there are all types of banana and citrus trees growing with great tasting fruits!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Grass cuttings are good mulch.

Grass cuttings can also feed herbivores.

So, start that compost pile.

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