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RE: r.D.R.P. - r-Danneskjold Red Pill - Do badges grant immunity from moral culpability?

in #law8 years ago

Of course badges do not grant immunity for criminal acts. In this country(USA) self defense resulting in a death is not considered murder. Additionally, since peace officers are there to protect the civilian population, if they kill someone in order to protect other civilians, then that is not murder.

Now for the grey and mucky....are peace officers humans? Yes. Can they be carried by wrong emotions, misconceptions, or just making the wrong judgment call? Sure. And in most of those situations the western society has decided it doesn't encourage people to become peace officers if we 'witch hunt them' each time they kill someone in the line of duty.
'Witch hunting' will make most other future cops think to themselves:
"Its not worth my life or livelihood to stick my neck out to protect these people, they may judge me as being a murderer. I'll just sit back and do nothing."
And in this case, according to the public historical witness...without peace officers willing to die or kill in order to protect the populace...then violence can increase and a greater number of innocent people will be harmed.

From what I understand, this is what has happened in south side one respects the police, and so their lives are in greater danger, so they usually do not quickly respond to 911 calls. And so the citizen against citizen crime and murder rate is SOOO high there. Because the police have been 'taught' that it isn't worth it to go 100% in on protecting civilians. They will get hung out to dry if it even appears like they may have made the wrong decission.

And then there is the problem across America were this hate divide is being cultivated or grown between the peace officers and the citizens. The citizens don't respect, but fear the peace officers and the peace officers are trained to look at all citizens as potential criminals. And we are really starting to see citizens fighting and killing peace officers and police officers using too much force and injuring or killing the citizens.

This is a problem and situation that has been growing since the 1950's, but is really getting ugly now.

But I have seen too many GOOD peace officers to hang them all out as thugs and murderers. They aren't. 90% or more are as good of people as you or me, maybe better sometimes.

But also...that 5-10% of alpha male know-it-all cops are enough to make me not want to get pulled over or get questioned or whatever....because if this one happens to be one of the thugs, then yes, he can abuse the powers intrusted to him and lie or whatever and fu<£ up my life!!! And I dont want or need that side of me generally avoids cops.

Not sure who is still with me, but if you want to see an articulate, mostly balanced/fair peace officer, checkout Mike The Cop on YouTube. He isn't perfect, no one is, but I enjoy watching his videos and doing my own mental kungfu with his arguments and stories. Usually I comeout over 70% in agreement.. And a lot of the other 30% has to do with admiting that neither he nor I have all the facts or cant be sure about some things.

Anyway, my 2c
Sorry if it was too long!

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