From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 21, 2023

in #law2 years ago (edited)

Rudolph Hess photographed in the Enola Gay (atomic-weapon delivery flight crew), as Colonel Tibbits.

Rudolph Hess Found (Identified)


OH man! ..not again, this time it looks as though he (Nazi war criminal Rudolph Hess) may have been among the crew that dropped the atomic bombs, as Colonel Tibbets this time, rather than General Westmoreland two decades later.


It means, I am going to br34k their Nazi-helping L36s, for making the injured walk while insufficiently nourished for more than a decade. Everyday I despise the empty-headed majority, that profit from war crimes.


You will find the American pirate Green Beret FORCES (force the Axis term, service the Allied), wearing a very similarly stylised cap, photographed in each "conflict" and war crime they committed in South America, during the latter half of the twentieth century.

I train to the blood in the morning, how many computer scientists have to do this? ..none that I have met. My hands feel more like tight-fitting leather jackets, they squeeze solid. The perpetrators have ball-bearing filled gloves, I have bare-knuckle bully stoppers.

That is a lot of solutions in very little time, here is another contribution.

"I've got it!" ..I can explain in detail, exposure to pathological types of radiation, causes damaged atoms in biochemical molecules. Damaged cells and biochemical waste are metabolised by white blood cells that produce inflammatory oxides seeking to react with and deplete anti-oxidants, a class of molecules that cannabinoids belong to (apoptotic causing cancer cell death).

The artists are credited and I can now mix my own digitised vinyls.

64-Bit VINYL Robert Plant - Little By Little

64-Bit VINYL Van Halen - Spanish Fly

64-Bit VINYL Van Halen - D O A

64-Bit VINYL Sly And The Family Stone - Dance To The Music

I think this is the actual LP that my mother told me never to play ..I was serious apparently, the second-hand preamp I had at the time, I noticed it now sells for $500.00. Thank you Ma (handling the record prior to 2001, RIP) and Dean for being able to transfer these in 2007. Good luck buying the preamp today might also need to have it's capacitors and aging components replaced. Sounded great then, the preamp specifications in the manual state better than 40 kcps frequency response.

Sly and the Family Stone sang about "CynthIA on the throne ..the horn's blown." Ma's vinyl I understand who CynthIA is.

The Voodoo is happenin' now, whoever was a bigot and a Muslim-eater, may not survive the round of privatised euthanasia ..the scythe is in full swing here in French Canada. The guilty Muslim-eating war criminal majority, let in the Nazi-harbouring CIA that let them speak ONLY French while stealing children and annihilating families they are being euthanised "en masse", by THE SAME Nazi Americans they helped to commit two decades of war crimes in North America and abroad.

I mentioned I have been training into my hands without a punching bag around, till my wrist stops breaking.

I was chatting with someone outside the Tims, I was mentioning about my Son obliging me to speak only in French while I already speak in French with him, he does not need to impose like the child thieves that stole him ..he started toward me, telling me that I am going to speak French to my Son, pushing me as hard as he could ..I know he did, I am forty-one yet three days ago, I did a cartwheel after nearly being backed-over by the second vehicle that day ..all the things stayed in my pockets.

When he pushed me tonight, I flipped hard enough for the lighter to fly out of my pocket ..then I landed on my wrist, elbow and rolled out the other side with a bloody elbow ..AND no broken wrist, last time I broke it falling on ice (few inches taller since thirty-six, slightly farther down than I am used to).

..his lady friend introduced us and she was nice ..I did not want to hit the man accompaying her, I could have ..many times before he hit me, I was not sure why I did not ..then he threw the thermos mug he was drinking out of at me, I was covered in stinky beer when I do not drink ..c'est insultant, si j'ai pas bu le brevage, j'ai pas affaire a le porter.

I tried to talk with the individual as I walked away, he played French unilingual Nazi on the attack, without fail.

I was on my way home, when his van pulled up behind me in front of the FORD dealership ..vehicle supplier and parking for traitors that wore not less than three Nazi symbols under their armour while driving FORD parol cars during the infiltration (american white supremacist militia training "taskFORCE" t-shirts ..two lightning bolts on a WWII Nazi helmet, atop an SS totenkopf ..
Death's head).

In front of the FORD dealership he exited his van, to which I replied "I am already bleeding" ..that did not deter him from pushing me, to standing in the ditch after hitting side of the road with both my knees ..standing in ditch water is not good enough for him so he backed-off finally ..only good enough for victims of French unilingual and white supremacy. Now that I am home, it dawned on me, he told me his name was "Lou"...

I was taught/ encouraged along with boxing forms, to be classy and not make the place look shabby. The neighbour down the street McNab, trained a lad he noticed defending himself from a Pa that spent too much time and my grass-cutting money at the Windsor Pub ..4K not enough? ..most of their Nazi dick-licking generation never had to sleep and survive in the places we did. I was probably the only kid who called regularly (***-5681) for signatures and to check on his parents many times? ..I wished that place would be destroyed.

A constable in P****ville, has evidence of not less than three Nazi symbols on an American white supremacist militia-training taskFORCE t-shirt (duh-tective Nazi symbol-wearing steroid case ..three years later, he could not reach a doorbell past his belly). Clothing worn by traitors and Neo-Nazi French Canadian war criminals, while they thought they were "earning" homes by neglecting and participating in two decades of war crimes against Khan, Ali, etc... and sometimes Piecka, who tells the enemy to take their own hike instead of making me move for their mental lethargy. Proceeds of war crime are enticing, I a m supposed to move by July 1st ..more evil stepmother shit, to carry for their lethargic humans ..I am too old and necessary to play Cinderfella for Nazi c0!k-sucking retard people.

I Mon Fya!!! Instead of the camera up the arse, after bleeding from the duress of being overrun and robbed by not less than ten balaclava and Nazi symbol-wearing goons... I have ingested hot peppers each day, for three or four years now breaks. I eat one gallon of prepared ginger, hot peppers and garlic ..per 6 or 8 weeks ..and hashish with coffee of course. I CAN HAVE peppers because I am not a bigot dying of prejudice and refusal of culture ..if it works well and it is a more effective tool/ logic than mine, I need one also. Jamaican home remedy of those who cannot afford concentrated synthetic compounds ..pharmaceuticals tend to cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies anyway.

Had the doctor, my family and ALL of Quebec not lied about the fracture at the back of my cranium (I am up to two untreated TBI's, too many bad people lied at work)... I would not have had the wrestling match with Barriault Patenaude's Kung Fu, during the short time I experienced training with others.

Hmm... door number one ..ou l'enqueteur Nazi, qui a inspiree le debut d'une phase d'entrainement de l'ossature, dans les paumes.

Caline! ..c'est des pirates americains, et le "systeme" judiciare se trouve a etre pirater ..bloquer meme depuis des decennies, tous les tetes de toilettes bouchees faisants des victimes, en etant a l'abris de les enquetes internationaux avec les heberge Nazis americains. Les dommages et tragedies sont toujours presents chez les victimes de cruautees durant les crimes de guerres subis en amerique du nord.

Osti que j'ai l'aire con man, mesemble qu'il y a personne d'autre a Buckingham que Barriault avaient pas fais descendre, meme pas a un genou.

That guy Lou tried to beat me up three times, I have a bruise on one elbow ..another bruise and a cut on the other. That is not expensive, my Pa cost broken ribs on the front and both sides ..I have the face I do because I chose to protect my face with the basic boxing forms while he was grounding and pounding "as seen on TV" ..only without gloves. I only ever hit him once, he had a broken nose, for robbing my work money during a decade. Till he died, he claimed I hit him in the back of the head ..I actually made sure was not looking at the Poker Machine before I hit him after working on an empty stomach for the third week, while he went on vacation with my pay in his account during the war against people like me.

Would you let a professor be beat on the side of the road for two decades? ..probably not, yet it happens each day. Why not make Canada useful instead?

They wanna pick a lawyer fight? ..Nazi co!k-suckers are going to lose fast... "Ca doit etre difficile, repondre avec une grene de Nazi americain dans gueule."

Monopoly always ended the same way, Francis cheated the entire time ..sure he had all the Monopoly money, about when we would realise it is just funny money anyhow USD backed by 0% collateral since 2020. All those Nazi co!k-sucking FORD drivers, that do not understand which way resources flow inside the pipe.

I would like Lou to eventually be on my side about things ..but he is still yelling and following me around with an old grey van, where I still have to walk everywhere to exist. I had an alcoholic father and KNOW better than to trust them when they are out of control this point, I assume he WILL attack again. I told the truth and said to the government that I was non-gender specific. It just means there is a guy that can also bake a pie when no women were around ..only the treacherous and now soiled with wartime indulgences ..ugh lord, tell yourself my tit-bully friend that "got the girl" having me go through manipulation and infanticide ..twice. He eventually took his own life and the children still have no father ..but I can honestly go through the Miss Ho aspect of certain types of Kung Fu. I would rather Babas NOT have to wear that bit anyhow, it sorta suit me. I attract gay people sometimes, once in awhile a creep, woman-beater, organ-thief or murderer appears. About the organ thieves around, I see murderers driving past me each day one has shaken them for info about who is BUYING organs/ milk-carton bodies from them. Missing and murdered indigenous women SOUL knows what it was like to be barely missed ..keeping my eyes open at all cost ..till making it out of there without having lost consciousness ..I went back to attempt to find evidence in his laptop since the police ignoring victims ..I had him back-off, with a forty pound car jack ..the big JACK ..for the six footer ..he backed away but I had to leave without the laptop the other victim's family member suggested we should take ..I tried, ALONE AGAIN. We are paying me resources instead from now on, instead of the compromised Nazi symbol-wearing detective.


Current research and investigation: the staffing company in front of the hospital, means separation from legal responsibility for the murders/ premature deaths taking place hospitals and palliative care that is now privatised, by the Knights of Columbus ..les chevaliers de la supramacie blanche bourrers de musulmans qu'ils ont ingerers. A friend recently had to fly his wife to Virginia due to an "untreatable" injury. My suggestion to other expecting parents, find a quiet town with a maternity ward or other experienced midwifery. Not to worry your hair out early ..but I am already talking through buildings, without a bullhorn. The majority are being killed, as sure as they denied their part in two decades of Nazi/Rebel American war crimes. Muhammad Ali has been on the ropes for as long.


The one-handed choke, scooped the neck nerve of the training partner, with the back of my thumb/ hand ..before Sifu Patrick Marcil decided to okay the wrestling between Barriault (the current French Canadian representative in the UFC) and myself. I think neither of us really knew, WHY that match took place at all.

Starting to have help on Youtube, co-contributors sharing history. THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Operation Sunrise and the Plan for a New Europe [pt. 2]

THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Mafia Allies and the Beginning of the Global Drug Connection [pt. 3]

UFC 289 Pre-Fight Press Conference

This is coming out now, I have not seen the end of the video ..but it looks to me, like Bruce Lee was having his drug supply mailed to him in China during filming there. It seems most likely to me, that he ordered sniffable cocaine and died of nasal heroine overdose.

Supposition: Bruce Lee runs out of his safe American drug supply while in China (sent by Bob Baker) the midst of triads and the like, he acquires cocaine from a Chinese supplier instead, to fulfill the immediacy of the addiction. Now to double-check/ confirm ..can a nasally consumed overdose of heroine cause swelling of the brain prior to death? ..if it was heroine mistaken for cocaine, was it a mistake or deliberate ..murder?

UFC 289: Marc-André Barriault vs. Eryk Anders - FullFight Highlights

The Man Who Exposed The Crips, Bloods & CIA Connection to Crack Cocaine - Gary Webb

In the match against the American spies and infiltrators, such as Chris Costa (General Hayden), and Rudolph Hess (General Westmoreland). I have hit them with enough gathered truths ..they should have fallen and not considered maintaining the attack ..cowboy will not go down honourably. There are likely to be more lives lost, if I do not prepare a logical means of countering the mass-murder of Canadians by the mistaken, that rather be employed by the invading enemy during a war.

Marc-Andre Barriault Octagon Interview | UFC 289

A friend did not work security prior to 2001, reports being hit by police. I see his face and know different. I asked "did they wear gloves!" ..yes he replied. They were ball-bearing filled, I said.

I boxed on gravel with "Big Luke", takes an awful pair of hands to make HIS face blue ..f**kin' French Canadian cheaters, Nazi symbol-wearing murderers ..turncoats and Muslim-eaters.

North America, the birdseye view ..millions of ant-like creatures, having synthetic compounds dumped onto them during a war ..Borax is usually used to poison ants, for humans there are other synthetic compounds that cause loss, tragedies and deaths. Some guy, usually a war criminal wearing a totenkopf on a military cap (Nazi SS Death's Head) or upward-pointing blade on their shoulder, guarantees the safe passage of drug shipments from South American into targeted communities in North America ..there are eight decades of paid silence, within a pirate American government (war crimes).

Huh, upset with finding 50 - 60K in cash per year, perpetrators repeatedly made fraudulent claims while destroying Canadian victims for two decades. 50K * 20 year statute of limitations = instant millionaire Quebecois and English-speaking Canadians ..working for the invading American FORCES (Nazi emblems were used in EVERY North American FORCE), displacing our Commonwealth SERVICES by disseminating propaganda, maintaining a state of Islamophobia and unwarranted fear.

A Dirty Cop's Million Dollar Heist: The Perfect Crime | Masterminds | Real Crime

I H8 that bigot brigade garbage so much, I can barely think. It was so difficult to sit through that Nazi-harbouring North American bullsh*t. I the pieces fit but I tend to be upset at new bit of NFO related to decades of tragedies and loss of life North America that seems to require a legitimate defense ..rather than always being toe over the line into victimised nations, since WWII.

The people paid to kill Canadians, have access to ALL of our medical records and for a decade (2014, compliance with the American enemy FORCE's demands, meant the loss of the independent Canadian military). Hospitals seem to be the site of most deaths taking place, the latest "G-0" ground zero.

In case you do not already know Shaun Attwood's personal story, he presents the lives of inmates usually.

I have not seen this before, slipping out of the full nelson ..I probably would have chosen to step behind the calf/ knee, others might have flattened the toes to escape.

Nice focused knife-defence training, narrowed by statistics and logic. Israeli Krav Maga, is the goto for defence against weapon-bearers ..there are others but they do it best after being fed three times per day, clothed, housed, educated AND paid by the bigot brigade and their Green Berets pals (upward-pointing blade) led by the CIA..

Perpetrators have been lying about victims while legitimising each other's fraudulent claims in sociopathic groups that profit from war crimes. There are not less than two decades of fraudulent claims against me, which include being accused of cocaine abuse by a French Canadian prosecutor who neglects the fact I am among the few in the community who despises cocaine and the fact it cost me every birthday dollar gifted to me as a youngster ..I always hated cocaine and still do ..there should be pictures of me chasing after people that I caught smoking cocaine in my bathroom. There were few places on Earth where I could stand and not be affected, hence my lack of patience with the issue ..I also know it was part of the reason I was FORCED to accept two infanticides while I could not follow the young woman in her choice of "treats." I trust NO legal representatives for the moment ..I understand ALL have their part in two decades of tragedies suffered by victims till we die.

The word liberation, have not seen that one used for two decades.

History, related to the downward pointing blade that defends law and opposes piracy throughout history. Was This The Most Dangerous Man Of World War 2?

The most lethal knife of WW2? The Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife

What is a downward-pointing blade for? ..countering the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" adorned by pirate nations.

Mercenary traitors had to scoop the liquefied remains of their colleagues into plastic bags ..while some of us refused to accept the Muslim-eating war criminal majority that are still out of control in North America.

Some do not want to admit making a bad decision without a contiguous incident report, alongside the 400 million other guilty Nazi c0!k-suckers.

Facebook protects 400 million Muslim-eaters and Nazi-harbouring war criminals, by denying me access for days ..because I defend and survive in North America child-thieving, family-murdering war criminals ..YOU ate US.

The US dollar, is not worth the lies and war crimes it was conjured from post WWII ..over 100 years of war crimes, Rebel f**kheads.

We are going to need to work overtime, building electric chairs for executing pirates and war criminals.

When Spy Games Go Horribly Wrong - The Venlo Incident | True Life Spy Stories

I remember wishing there were more black people where I live in French Canada, I was eight or so. Three decades later, many Haitian refugees were denied their status as human beings in the United States during the war ..well here we are, plenty of people that were not drumming and dancing alongside us French Canadians that had their neo-hippie tribals ..prior to the American Nazi infiltration of Canada, post 911 (victims survive the emergency since, guilty Muslim-eaters and Nazi-harbouring criminals that killed our families for profit alongside the enemy).

I have been waiting twenty years for more about Frank Gotch and "Catch as Catch Can", used to be able to read only the short tidbits available then.

Rob as many Nazi dick-lickers as you can ..I did not and regret it deeply.

America is the tit-bully of the planet, it has a destiny it deserves ..the honourable have a destiny that is EARNED.

I have learned so much from this series of presentations made during the 1970's, less about computing and more about the clique of scientists that were in North America, during and after WWII (some bigots and Nazi war criminals in the room ..others not).

Los Alamos and Chalk River national laboratories were both AEC sites (Atomic Energy Commission).
ALL the scientists had the guns of American bigotry to their heads (begins with General Lesley Groves or Eisenhower) ..over atomic weapons and misinformation about atomic energy, "neutrons" are an oxymoron ("ons" is the suffix for particles).

Nazi war criminals just happened to be implementing the same global lawlessness and piracy as the American bigot brigade, that makes it's way into positions of North American authority.

FUCK FUCK FUCK ..Americans from California sang the warning to me in the 90s', "Support the Troops." For two decades, I have screamed at the mistaken, that is the AMERICAN spelling for the word troup ..traitors. I want to kick-in the vanity-plates of the Muslim-eaters.

Mac Arthur-sucking authors, likely bigots ..friends with the Nazi SF author, Jack Vance.

I have already implemented solutions for compression and rebasing values. My vision, the entire state of a computer stored, in not more than twenty decimal digits and mathematical symbols. It can be etched into stone or bronzed then unpacked, several millennia later.

Novel Logic and Mathematical Methods, January 2023

A video record, concerning the beginnings of 03 (Ozone) depletion, due to the implementation of satellite systems.

Discussion of "Hutchison Effect" samples with George Hathaway

Music for producing solutions like a good North American witch, testing chocolates that have 50 mg THC and 250 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C, reacts with oxides) ..late at night ..lonely but productive ..I H8 those ppl, they do not include me for anything when I open doors and respect their elderly for them.

Write it down, up to three chocolates... 150 mg THC + 750 mg vitamin C that makes the formulation more effective and cheaper for cancer patients.

The first chocolates were 25 mg, I will prepare food and try chocolate number four (mostly peanut and pumpkin seed, low sugar formulation). Chocolate four will be as if I ate EIGHT, of the previous dosage that was in the chocolates.

Get the party started, I feel like Dean ..the sun rises in three hours, my DJ cue is 3 to 4 am ..I remember being the last to sleep at parties, for a decade ..I played the music, there was not much dancing otherwise (that meant being awake for at least three days, usually four ..later without drugs but medicinal plants and vitamins).

Tyson weighs three times as much as I, with a third the dosage I may have an experience that is similar ..dosed for my weight. One third of 750 is 250 mg, I have already eaten 150, I need another 2 X 50 mg.

Eille eille, Mike Tyson est capable d'en manger 750 mg ..toute un gram de shatter (+250 mg de terpenes, flavonoids, cires et sucres) sur sa langue en une seul degustation.

I am not even groggy yet, on with the phyto-cannabinoid ingestion test.

Okay, that makes five down the hatch, for 250 mg THC and 1250 of vitamin C that is a bit high ..I doubt I will overdose in a harmful way from ingesting vitamin C (the side effect is superfluous production of phlegm).

250 mg, not sleeping yet...

Three or five more chocolates? far I am dancing and the hands are up, this is fun homework. If I do not tell myself to stop working or do other things now and again, I am certain no one else will. This is the fun part of the project.

How many can I ingest before I lose consciousness, to wake with chocolate melted to my hands and face?

I think If I do not dose too hard, the gearbox can handle the bit of fatigue from metabolisation. Otherwise I just put myself to sleep and it all ends there ..CRASH.

Five more on a platter with coffee.

I also took an L-citruline and a carnitine capsule, mild stimulants (body-building supplements). One of the compounds aids with the metabolisation of proteins.

Two left on the platter, it has been thirty minutes ..I should wait another fifteen or thirty minutes to be certain I will not crash. I am still inhaling through all of this, the Durban Poison kief through a water-pipe, with a sprinkle of Lemon Skunk shatter atop. I am supposed to share some of the shatter with close friends ..I am eating it quite fast at the moment, a whole new rate I made an unwritten agreement to supply a friend with cancer treatments to survive ..and the cancer itself.

That is what I am designing, an easy to ingest punch in the cancer. The low sugar is because most ill persons have a list of secondary afflictions that accumulate along with proliferating cancer cells during the five years it takes to form masses that metastasize. I could have used slightly less chocolate but the texture is reasonably solid, more nut mix would be healthier still.

Discover with I...

I had nine, looking at the tenth chocolate with butterflies in my stomach ..I am good yet, I just do not want to sleep from eating it all at once. That is 450 mg now, time for a pause. Half a gram of shatter contains 375 mg of THC, plus the terps, flavs, wax and plant sugar.

How bad was my life, that it took 450 mg of ingested THC for inspector-face to giggle?

F@#$ ..there are 300 mg of THC, in the average gram of hashish. That means I have ingested the equivalent of, one and a half grams of hash in coffee.

I cannot always take down a future UFC fighter, I can avoid having to tap and going to ground altogether, for several minutes ..enough to have been upside-down, over the younger wrestler's head during training. Most memorable wrestling match, Barriault. He was a twenty-two year old aspiring UFC fighter and I more the Traditional Asian Medicine type, seven years his senior. I was not supposed to be training after the second untreated traumatic brain injury, the fracture at the back of my cranium. There is no doctor in French Canada, to say "you CANNOT attend mixed-martial arts training while recovering from a fracture at the back of your cranium."

I was 105 lbs (and still only 5'2", till 36), I might as well have been carrying a purse ..that is not always a disadvantage, depends who is carrying the purse.

Come on Piecka, only six more chocolates (mostly nut-mix) to have ingested an entire gram of shatter.

Oh man, cannot believe this ..five more, "big money, big money" killing cancer cells in the far reaches of my body's biochemistry.

I am going for a walk/ jog while digesting the last four chocolates, that will make one whole gram of shatter ingested.

Come on, four more reps ..for a new personal best, 750 mg of THC ingested (1 g shatter), in approximately six hours.

Bad news, I need to save a few for the road, meaning ..I can probably stomach more THC ..the chocolate and nuts are a bit heavy, normally one or two pieces suffice ..the test is extra-ordinary but an important upper-limit probe.

It is taking me a while to be ready for the walk, I know once I start moving I will not stop. I feel like I am carrying a three-hundred pound pal, my legs are heavy. I wear THE heaviest military boots, no longer produced due to cessation of licensing payments to Vibram for the use of intellectual property, their soles. Someone took the SOLES away, from the independent Canadian military.

Two for coffee, I need a walk before chocolate ..I will want them later anyway.

Had the walk, ate the last two chocolates to reach 1 gram of shatter ingested ..I feel straight as an arrow, ready to start ingesting the next gram of phyto-cannabinoid concentrate. This is going to be expensive, that was $40 worth of shatter, ingested in less than twelve hours. Fortunately the psychoactive phyto-cannabinoid compounds are much cheaper lately, I can afford to try this.

Necessary French notes about the war and infiltration, translate or accept my apology.

Nos faces plus ou moins autochtonnes, ont du avoirs des gens qui parlaient pour nous, sinon on se faisaient pas soigners a l'urgence (fracture derriere le crane, non-traiter a l'urgence). Je suis pas seul avoir ce rapport dans notre region, les gens qui avouent pas leurs tards vont probablement deceders au "Monarch" lieu d'etre soigners comme il se doit, dans un hopital, les victimes se retrouvent cachees sous un tapis de collaboration et silence payer (le temp que les agents de la supremacie blanche, se promene en amerique du nord dans les auto-patrouilles FORDs). Pas d'enquete, pas de hopiteaux quebecois (ma famille immediate en est rester ..deceder ..les premiers garrochers en bas du bateau si on veut, en temp de guerre).

Ca dort au gaz (Nazi tech @ Stanford, cancer SOPs, euthanasia by opiate overdose). Les victimes peuvent profiters de les cinq annees au moins, que ca prend pour que les cellules cancereuses proliferent et forment des masses cancereuses en phase terminals de metastases. EXPLIQUÉE, LA LOCALISATION BIOCHIMIQUE DES CELLULES CANCÉREUSES

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