From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 17, 2023

in #law2 years ago (edited)

Holy smoke! ..look at that, a clue. I was about to complain about the CR-88 designation. WWII era veterans knew what HH and 88s were (Heil Hit-lure) ..and here I am, documenting to produce one long contiguous incident report of the past nearly eight decades since the inception of the bigot brigade intelligence organisation in 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency.

A batch of receivers were dug up?

1946 Secret Listening Post Radio Receiver - Will it Work? Lets Restore it - The RCA CR-88

I keep finding Nazi war criminals who became North American inventors, prior to their short incarceration with steak dinners, their employability assessments were filed in the United States. One or two years later, a new Axis intelligence organisation was founded, the CIA.

I have not seen a fire-extinguisher for two decades, there is so much uninvestigated crime, I am certain the people "cut-back" on safety and honesty as well.

G'bye segregationist Nazi-helpers, that did not want to cough-up two decades of Muslim and Canadian victims.

I despise the segregationist Israeli population, the majority have become exactly like the Nazis indulging group sociopathies for financial gain ..using the Nuremberg Defense, "doing their jobs" ..and the Nazi-helping excuse "it's not true, it's not true" ..while they were annihilating families like ours.

Shake the Nazi shit out of it, just to be sure, every morning I slap them around a little.

A similar predicament to the plot in the Merchant of Venice, I feel to take my pounds of flesh back.

There is strategy I need to develop in advance. I have been expecting perpetrators of the past twenty years, to scatter when the belated and guilty majority decide, that global Nazism and segregation are not for them.

A post-WWII bigot brigade "diner in the sky."

HEY ..I am watching your criminals and fraudsters destroy scientific method (no truth, no science), during two decades of war crime denied "'s not true, it's not true", that is why Auschwitz was filled. The Nuremberg Defence "just doing their job" is also supported by denials of the guilty majority, who ate Muslim and North American victims for twenty years ..cough it out, ya bums.

You do not even possess a means of computing whether your claims are correct, approximate or fraudulent (a wimpy twenty-some decimal orders of magnitude). U SPEW CRAP that you heard from someone else's mistaken mind, that was too lethargic to double-check the claims ..the logic and calculations. LEGITIMATE contribution, must come from having questioned and corrected one's mentor or source of information.

G'bye segregationist Nazi-helpers, that did not want to cough-up two decades of Muslim and Canadian victims.

I despise the segregationist Israeli population, the majority have become exactly like the Nazis indulging group sociopathies for financial gain ..using the Nuremberg Defense, "doing their jobs" ..and the Nazi-helping excuse "it's not true, it's not true" ..while they were annihilating families like ours.

Shake the Nazi shit out of it, just to be sure, every morning I slap them around a little.

A similar predicament to the plot in the Merchant of Venice, I feel to take my pounds of flesh back.

I remember being told by the lethargic "the Sun will explode when it runs out of fuel." I was laughing but the speaker was not kidding ..and very wrong.

I understand that neutrons are a ruse and an oxymoron.

Fresh out of Facebook jail as well (other Canadians seem to be having the same issue) ..FUCK those Muslim-eating, Nazi-helping turncoats and Zuckerturds.

Ever see a calculator with a lunchbox magasine? ..there is one North of the American/ Canadian border.
Function-all Syntax Precised, For The Calc-U-Now

Shaddap till the end of eternity, you mistaken and Nazi CIA-sucking SH**H34DS.

Two decades, being robbed and attacked while our families were murdered, by those who worked for the American white supremacist infiltration.

They really do not like Polish names, perpetrators try to kill us at every opportunity, eight of ten "patients" are immigrants confined and poisoned against their will, in French-Canadian hospitals their justices are filling with victims that I spend years of my life trying to spare from the attacks of the enemy-helping majority. A coup de pelle, si il le faut, pour debarrassers les millions d'heberge Nazis meurtriers, derrieres les bureaux chez les organismes infiltrers et coupables. Shut it down, NOW ..or lose turncoats to a neck full of hypodermic syringes they impose upon victims who try to kill themselves in order to escape.

Imposed syringes and chemical compounds coming back to them, all at once ..then they will really look like the "hell-raisers", instead of it happening to targeted victims who survive the recent two decades of war crimes in Canada.

For two decades, the lethargic have profited from piracy and the absence of legal recourse, "no law, no safety."

The Mason-Dixon line is somewhere in Northern Canada, after two decades of lawlessness and war crime. No contiguous incident report, no valid application for the use of deadly FORCE ..that happens to be an Axis term anyway. The Commonwealth had SERVICES, prior to the war against the targeted communities.

I will never forget, the people that reported being hit with gloves in the back of patrol cars ROTTEN ..I happen to know those are ball-bearing filled gloves. The victims had no idea, they thought the perpetrators were very strong I guess, actually the bad guys cheated while attacking our citizens.

The Supreme Court of Canada with it's downward-pointing blade, stands longer than the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf." The same upward blade, that traitors wore during decades of war crimes they committed on behalf of the infiltrated and invading American enemy.

Nazi-helping turds are not even going to write an article, about more than ten novel solutions produced for humanity and Canada. I am going B347 their Nazi symbol-wearing detectives and constables. French or English makes no difference, all are not willing to cough up victims they ate for two decades.

All are too busy, to write an article about more useful things than they are likely to read about in one lifetime. Too busy helping the enemy? ..croak faster and stop preventing dissemination of better solutions.

CBC, CTV, CIA, FLQ, IRA, etc ..notice the trend? ..the use of three-letter acronyms, naming terrorist organisations that have infiltrated, since the better men of WWII are not around to stop the lethargic, indulgent and guilty who prefer to live in piracy, without laws.

The Nuremberg Defense "'s not true, it's not true" and Auschwitz is full ..and French-Canadian hospitals are committing war crimes.

Silence contracts for dollars, when the truth is learned, their silence becomes worthless. The Green Berets were founded by the American bigot brigade, to employ Nazi war criminals, bigots, turncoats, the feeble-minded and Hitler Youth Werewolves. Till 2001, American perpetrators bothered to hide their Totenkopf rings (the cold-blooded who train and fire their weapons wearing the tacky Nazi finger decoration), the pirate and Nazi SS symbol ..Death's Head. In South America, Americans wore their Totenkopfs, directly on their military caps, prior to 911. "..tell the truth" she said ..while I was listening and typing the words above.

WE are an endangered people, every colour. Perpetrators die of fatness and I suffered over a decade of malnourishment ..I grew taller at the age of thirty-six, from 5'2" to 5'6".

It is EXACTLY like living with a lethargic and guilty majority, who choose to stab their own eye-sockets ..while I keep educating the eyeballs back in.

Hmm ..what is this about?

The Nuremberg Defense "'s not true, it's not true" and Auschwitz is full ..and French-Canadian hospitals are committing war crimes.

CBC, CTV, CIA, FLQ, IRA, etc ..notice the trend? ..the use of three-letter acronyms, naming terrorist organisations that have infiltrated, since the better men of WWII are not around to stop the lethargic, indulgent and guilty who prefer to live in piracy, without laws.

All are too busy, to write an article about more useful things than they are likely to read about in one lifetime. Too busy helping the enemy? ..croak faster and stop preventing dissemination of better solutions. Nazi-helping turds are not even going to write an article, about more than ten novel solutions produced for humanity and Canada. I am going B347 their Nazi symbol-wearing detectives and constables. French or English makes no difference, all are not willing to cough up victims they ate for two decades.

The Supreme Court of Canada with it's downward-pointing blade, stands longer than the upward-pointing blade from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf." The same upward blade, that traitors wore during decades of war crimes they committed on behalf of the infiltrated and invading American enemy.

I will never forget, the people that reported being hit with gloves in the back of patrol cars ROTTEN ..I happen to know, those are ball-bearing filled gloves. The victims had no idea, they thought the perpetrators were very strong I guess, actually the bad guys cheated while attacking our citizens.

Listen to Justin, tells us how long the Mason-Dixon Line has stretched to the Northern-most point in Canada...

I require confirmation, irrefutable proof that the American General Arthur Trudeau and Pierre Elliot are not of blood relation (else they are). The Korean war bunch, with the American bigot brigade ..that is what always stank about Korean war vets at the RCL (Royal Canadian Legion). The General's Trudeaus, seem to be a French Acadian Family from Massachusetts, skilled at deception. It helps to have spoken with some shady Acadian types, to recognise them later in life.

Who knows, it might even be an individual with the surname Wagner, that contributes to the solutions implementing multiculturalism. First the acts of the recent two decades need to be understood clearly, otherwise all are escaping without having gained the maturity of the lessons learned and shared as Canada's development.

Who is more important? ..EVERYBODY, multiculturalism not lethargy and segregation (ahem, USA, Israel and all the other Muslim-eating countries of the recent two decades). From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 6, 2022

Shaddap till the end of eternity, you mistaken and Nazi CIA-sucking turncoats.

Compression Method Development

War crimes documented in French Canada.

Un affaire qui reste avec moi, j'ai un grand ami Dave ..a vrais dire, j'en ai plus qu'un ..mais quand je dis que les coupables ont volees des enfants d'enfants volees, ca precise aussi les autres gens adopters, qui se sont fait manipulers et abusers par des groups de sociopaths. La majorite du peuple, sont aussi ceux qui ont collaborers avec l'infiltration americaine, pour tenters devenirs des instant millionaires quebecois et canadiens unilingues, durant deux decennies de supremacie blanche mondiale. Les coupables veulent toujours que ce soient "..pas vrai, pas vrai" mais Auschwitz est devenu plein de la MEME facon. Ca appartient des maisons, sans pouvoirs crachers les musulmans et victims nord americains qu'ils ont mangers a chaque matin, durant deux decennies d'islamophobie et crimes de guerres ..fallais etre moins intelligent qu'un americain crosseur, pour pas s'en rendre conte.

Deux avions, trois tours demolis, une majorite trop insouciante et incapable de compter ..un cristi de gaspillage d'education.

Si ils sont trop paresseux pour compter jusqu'a trois et empecher deux decennies d'injustices ..bin ki creve crisse.

Locusts = English and French unilingual terrorists.

Eille, eille, eille, les symbols de Nazis sous leurs armures dans les autopatrouilles FORD, depuis au moins quinze annees. Depuis leurs, American white supremacist taskFORCE training (t-shirts, pas moins que trois symbols Nazis).

Vos vulnerables et blessers ont mangers des poubelles, creuve osti'd peuple de traitres et insouciants vite, vous etes trops depuis vignt ans, de supremacie blanche quebecoise imposer, subit et documenter.

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