Jeremiah and the new covenant: I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. Jeremiah 31:33
Jeremiah was a prophet after Isaiah and who lived during the last years of the existence of the Kingdom of Judah, and more precisely during the reign of Joaquim. And like all the prophets, he preached the need for a sincere conversion to God, because the Lord is merciful and does not forget his children, but faced with this, Jeremiah had to face the hardness of heart of the receivers of his message.
With these words, he described the situation in his book:
"Judah's sin is engraved with an iron tool,
inscribed with a flint point,
on the tablets of their hearts
and on the horns of their altars" Jeremiah 17:1.
That is why the Lord had made a decision, his judgment would come and Jerusalem would fall into the hands of the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar.
But faced with these facts, the book of Jeremiah does not end here, but continues and speaks of a new alliance between God and men. And for Christians this new alliance of which Jeremiah spoke in his book has a very special spiritual meaning. The apostle Paul in his epistle to the Hebrews took up this promise of the new alliance, to explain the spiritual mission of Jesus in the world (Hebrews 8:8-12).
With these words, the prophet Jeremiah described the arrival of a new time, where the true knowledge of the Lord would transform the minds and hearts of men:
"´This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,´ declares the LORD.
´I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ´Know the LORD,´
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,´
declares the LORD.
´For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more.´" Jeremiah 31:33-34.
This new alliance that the prophet spoke of is an overcoming of the old alliance made with Moses; and according to the Christian interpretation, this new covenant is an invitation to live the gifts, the perfections of the Most High, with a purpose, to reach the similarity to the creator in essence.
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