Pressure Americans put on the globalists who run the U.S. federal government has effect in 2021 as they were going to make announcement mask mandates being lifted on July 4th but that was announced 2 months early and then another aspect to the mandates as well 2 months or more early due to the pressure we place on them, that is good news. Main stream television has women focused shows like The View and The Talk but no like Men Only Talk or The Man's View. That is why people gravitate to Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, David Crowder, Cumio, etc.
My first computer ever, The Tomy Tutor Play Computer
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-14 - Friday | Published in May of 2021
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By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
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Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
04:18 PM
Published a post about my first computer.
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I was teaching English in Vietnam
Toy Computer, Pinterest
VINTAGE 1985 Tomy Tutor Play Computer Keyboard Children's Learning Toy USED
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Oatmeal Health
11:13 AM
I sent you $19. Can you restore my account, send me the files, or I think I also had an older account.
I sent you an email already regarding the details of my Oatmealjoey account.
On Diaryland, for that account, it says user since: 2004-10-10.
I had an older account which I think I started as early as like 2002 or 2003. So it looks like I made this Oatmealjoey account in 2004 according to what I see on your website.
The username(s) for my other accounts may be any of the following:
That is all I can think of from the top of my head, I think this Oatmealjoey account was not the first account I made on Diaryland and I was hoping to get back as much as I could from these diaries. I don't remember how many accounts I might have made on Diaryland but at least one as far as I can see at the moment, that is Oatmealjoey. I will try to log into other accounts but that may not work and I may not ever find out if I had other accounts as well on Diaryland.
If you can't help me with all of the accounts I might have had on Diaryland or at least with the Oatmealjoey account or maybe with whichever account is the oldest or whichever account I wrote the most in.
Then I would like a refund of the $19.
I want my old diaries, at least the files to the older account or accounts I have had on Diaryland including this username, Oatmealjoey.
If you can give me advice or help me in any way, since I already sent Diaryland $19 some days ago and have not heard back from them since, please email me or send me a message here, on Facebook, Hive Blog, Gab, or somewhere.
My email is
[email protected]
I remember those 99 cent stores and they were in some ways more interesting than the Dollar Store.
By the way, I sent Diaryland $19 on Wednesday, the 12th of May of 2021, I sent them an email regarding my Oatmealjoey account or username and diary, I even logged into that account which I made in 2004.
But have not heard back from them yet. So, I don't know how to contact them apart from the 2 emails I sent them. I will continue to try to find ways to reach them. If they can't help, I hope they can give me a refund of the $19 at least.
2004-10-10 - Diaryland - Oatmealjoey - https://diaryland.com - My Accounts Online Log
I logged into the Diaryland website on Friday, 2021-05-14, that is today. That is the 14th of May of 2021. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I've been able to log in a few times the last few days and possibly in the past as well. My email account was [email protected] when I made a profile account on Diaryland, their website says the account was made in 2004-10-10. I imagine I may have an older account or accounts going back to 2003 or maybe 2002 or I am not sure exactly but I think something like 2002 at the earliest. Maybe at least one other account if not more. I don't know what my older accounts might have been from the top of my head, my usernames of other accounts might have been joeyarnold, star_jsa, star-jsa, cooooool_kid, bumbaloe, darth_lazer, etc. I sent them $19 to restore my old account on Wednesday. I sent them 2 emails but have not heard back from them yet.
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Did man land on the moon?
People probably landed on the moon, I am not sure when, by who, how many times, which times, and i am also not sure if the film made it back to earth or if it was sent to earth via radio waves or like a satellite beam or what. So, I cannot say too much regarding what I don't know. I do want to find a telescope and try to find the American flag on the moon with it. Please get a telescope somebody and tell me what you see.
Brian Lawrence, the question is have people been to the moon and not was the videos of the alleged moon landing from NASA actually from the moon. The answer is multifaceted and I have no idea. It's possible people went to the moon but it is also possible we have not seen actual photos or videos of it.
Are there any real photos of the earth assuming these are fake, that is what I want to investigate. Also, what is/are at the north and south poles.
Jeff Welch, it is possible humans went to the moon but it is also possible that NASA and others are not showing us that but instead shows us things that didn't actually happen. It's possible they filmed the alleged Moon Landing in Hollywood or wherever. Just like with fake news, they could be covering up for whatever. So, it is not an either or scenario. Instead, it is possible both things are true, that there are fake videos and photos of the moon landing but that people have been there. But will we ever know if people secretly went to the moon, I have no idea. But what we saw of the alleged moon landing was possibly faked or partly altered or something. Perhaps they went to the moon but NASA refused to show the general public any of the actual photos or videos from the moon landing and instead decided to fabricate their own version of it in a film studio.
Robert Mills, i believe it is possible what they showed the general public of the moon landing may have been edited or maybe we only saw a filmed version and maybe we never saw the actual moon landing... in other words, i believe both may be true in some ways
Jessica Preservati, all we have to do is get a telescope and look for a flag, problem solved, am i right? if we cannot find the flag like finding where is waldo, then houston we got a problem
Chat with me on Twitter
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04:20 PM
Do you want to do things?
@Roy Merrick, i dont want to do anything really until someday maybe but i feel like i am too busy at the moment and dont want to get lost in running around doing things like i used to when i was younger
Other Websites
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Crash Course
Yeah, videos like these. I would imagine this video must be accurate at least regarding the events, the names of the people, the dates. I probably should watch whichever topic I may know the most about in order to figure out where the lies might be. It is possible that some of the videos have no purposeful deception or maybe I'm being too generous, I don't know but these videos are fun to watch regardless.
Music Books
12:54 PM - I sent this email to three guys.
You can call up Larry. We have a bunch of boxes of music books. We are in Shelton, WA. You have his number. Come over here any time you want, first come first served. We have lists of the music books but it is the same as you saw before minus a few of the books which were already taken.
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
FTWD 613
2021-05-14 - Friday - 03:33 AM - 04:24 AM - FTWD 613
Talk about the baby. How she died. Grace lost her baby. Hot woman. Car. Shoot out. Sperm to germ. The father of John knew this cult leader as a cop, said he should have killed him long ago. Dad locks June up in a room. Funeral. Letter. Tears. Desire to kill Negan. Wait. Never mind. Revenge can be dangerous.
Ron Gibson
Biden says he is giving us our freedoms back. Take off the mask he says. WTF. It was never on in the first place.
At least 100 attorneys were sent by the globalists to stop the Arizona Forensic Audit which started in April of 2021 regarding the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election which Trump won and which Biden stole.
Pressure Americans put on the globalists who run the U.S. federal government has effect in 2021 as they were going to make announcement mask mandates being lifted on July 4th but that was announced 2 months early and then another aspect to the mandates as well 2 months or more early due to the pressure we place on them, that is good news.
Banned Video
Planet Earth in 2040. There are two timelines co-existing simultaneously. One ruled by a New World Order A.I. uncivilisation. The other a 5th dimensional luscious green world based on love and spirit. A world that can only be reached through an invisible barrier. When Christianne finds her way in and is reunited with her childhood friend Karen, she is shown the sheer Utopia that humanity is capable of creating.
Lauren Chen
02:02 PM - The Fight Against Tyranny In America feat. YOU KNOW WHO
People can get Virtual Shield
Alex Jones
Globalists are holding the patriot police departments.
Jump cut around 18:20 to 18:23 minutes in. Was something taken out of this interview or what? We should be having children, I agree.
Joe Rogan
04:22 PM - Anthony Cumia Reflects on the Impact of Opie & Anthony
Main stream television has women focused shows like The View and The Talk but no like Men Only Talk or The Man's View. That is why people gravitate to Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, David Crowder, Cumio, etc.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
FTWD 613
2021-05-14 - Friday - 03:33 AM - 04:24 AM - FTWD 613
Ron Gibson
Banned Video
Lauren Chen
02:02 PM - The Fight Against Tyranny In America feat. YOU KNOW WHO
Ron Gibson
The Quartering
04:56 PM - What's It Like Working For Alex Jones? Covering Hong Kong Protests & Providing REAL News?
Ron Gibson
Dear diary, got up at around 10:30 AM, partly cloudy or chilly. Breakfast, 11:40 AM. He had to go off a cliff. No a person. Think Thanksgiving. Like turkeys are funny. But to get bullets but there are none. So go to a friend. Shortages of items. Mom chased off the turkey in the backyard while I was sleeping. I wake up and I see the squirrel standing in the backyard, a board was knock off the feeder house I built for him or her. Probably a male squirrel I think. Dolly. Box up high. Up ladder to get it around noon for a few minutes. Music trailer. Stuff like that. Getting things in. Box into truck. Neighbor has fire. 2 Mexican girls walking by or maybe not Mexican but very light skin. Music books. 12:55 PM, sent out an email to 3 guys regarding the music books. First computer post, 4 PM. Bread for lunch around then. Trying to fix the juicer thing. Food stuck in it. Sunny day. Pho dinner around 5 PM. Nap at 7 PM to 9:30 PM. Was on my ASUS laptop. Have not been able to get the keyring to turn off from bugging me each time I try to open a web browser or boot up. The audio also does not automatically start and instead goes to the mic which is not a speaker or headphone. I uninstalled Drop Box because it kept on bothering me. I want to turn it off but it hijacks the system. So, testing things out on the laptop like yesterday for 2 or so hours and then another towards 1 AM Saturday.
Food log
Breakfast: apple, tangerine, coffee, salad, 11:40 AM.
Lunch: banana bread around 2 to 4 PM, off and on.
Dinner: Pho, fish sauce, 04:55 PM. Pretty good. Got full.
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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies
How NASA Worked Around Earth’s Radiation Belts to Land Apollo 11 on the Moon