Satanism Defined.
Satanism - A philosophy taught by Vril to ancient humans as a way of controlling them. Vril were forced to cannibalize on each-other being stuck underground which also led to inbreeding, psychopathy, and murder. So in old times they taught humans that Cannibalism, incest, torture and murder were all things that would give you magical power, humans did not know any better and a religion formed around those concepts and dealing with Vril I.e. The Devil and Demons from Hell i.e. Deep Underground.
References in media - Too many.
Notes - People think when people say the word "Satanism" or "Satanist" that the person saying it is crazy, images of pentagrams and heavy metal rockers flood the mind and none of it seems all that threatening, as if its more like a fad than anything.
The unfortunate truth is that while there Are religions that claim to be good that any reasonable person would see is full of nonsense, there are also religions that outright claim to be bad that any reasonable person would see is nonsense too, the issue is most people born into religions are raised to think they are vital for life regardless of what is actually being taught.
It just becomes a normal way of life and thats how any religion has been kept alive, it gets passed on from generation to generation, and the more damaging the religion is the more like a disease is becomes festering in the minds of people born into it, sometimes its accepted, other times its rejected, but people born into wholly religious communities who reject the religion often do not fair well.. And Thats in religions that claim to be good...
Satanism is a real thing, people take it seriously, it teaches that pain and suffering and abuse and death are all divine, thats why it stands in opposition to Christianity but the shit kicker there is that many people who Claim to be Christians are actually satanists because the teachings of satanism say that lying about being good is one of the purest forms of bad you can do, its a chaos religion, and it was taught to humans by creatures that hate humans and themselves, so of course its all just gonna be about bad stuff.
Even though you know these things are bad you have to understand that it is as serious to some people as any other devout person in any other religion, this one just endorses extreme badness.
Many people who are in control practice what would be considered satanic practices and teachings because this system has existed for so long its become traditional to do so, its normal, and they often openly flaunt it while nearly no one in normal society notices because They've been taught almost religiously that This Could Not be the case, and we are taught to laugh at crazy religious people talking about the devil and his followers being in charge... Which is how its been designed.
Just understand that belief systems exist that entirely endorse and embrace and encourage the worst aspects and behaviors in people, and they justify it by calling it a religion.
If you're perceptive, you understand thats basically what religions do generally anyway.
Just Don't be surprised when you find out that all these rich people follow a religion that gives them an excuse to be shitty to innocent people without any guilt.
You don't need to believe it, just believe that They believe it.
Oh also.. So Then.. Imagine if you wanted to make it big but then satanists got in your way and told you You basically had to join them else bad stuff would happen.. What would you do? Probably would make a deal with the devil.. Mmm..