DRAIN THE SWAMP! U.S. Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer agrees to tackle Federal Judicial Corruption!!!!!!!

in #laura5 years ago




Note: Please vote for Laura Loomer for Congress if you live in her
district in Florida. All we need is one good congressperson willing to
stand up to judicial tyranny to help drain the swamp. Disclaimer: Laura
Loomer did not endorse writing of this article. This article was written
by me as I support Laura Loomer for agreeing to take on the judicial
corruption. If she endorses it, it is at her own discretion and not at
the discretion of this blog.

by Laurie Azgard

Laura Loomer, a candidate running for U.S. Congress as a republican
for the 21st congressional district of Florida, is going to tackle the
federal judicial corruption that has been slowly ongoing for centuries
but has gotten worse every decade. Once the corrupt judges were remote
cases but the judicial tyranny has gotten more severe. There are now
many corrupt federal judges in the swamp. They are basically judicial dictators,
judicial coup, a super-legislator like a ruler over the region. Ones
appointed by a former President who was a member of the Skull and Bones
322 secret society, as well as federal judges appointed by former
President Obama.

Many federal judges had been appointed by globalist puppet Presidents
and therefore will not protect the American people’s constitutional
rights but will only protect corrupt dirty cops (dirty police), corrupt
FBI, corrupt DOJ, and will allow people to lie before the court if it is in favor of federal prosecutors which is a fraud upon the court.
Federal Judges have tried to override and bury the historical Supreme
Court case law against lawless government, and government agents
breaking laws under the guise to catch lawbreakers, even frame up
political activists and anybody who gets in the way of their corruption.
Used to be, one in a happily ever after in our legal system,. the
Supreme Court did in-fact stood up against government lawbreakers.

See Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928)

must subject government officials to the same rules of conduct that we
expect of the citizen. The very existence of the government is imperiled
if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. As Brandeis puts it, “if
the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it
invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To
declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies
the means—to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to
secure the conviction of a private criminal—would bring terrible
retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this court should
resolutely set its face

Once in a long time ago, the Courts would openly discourage
unconstitutional government usurpation of power, even if it meant
letting a criminal defendant off the hook because it is better to let
guilty people go than innocent people being locked up by cruel and
careless federal judges that don’t care about locking up innocent people
for years like Roger Stone and Brian Hill.
Now federal judges are used as tools to imprison political dissent.
Something that former President John F. Kennedy would be upset about if
he were alive today.

Text messages are below of what Laura Loomer has responded in text
messages emailed to me by a family member who had a relataive who was a
victim of judicial corruption and is seeking her support on the matter.
She has agreed to tackle that issue. If any of you have any decent
common sense when voting for a candidate to be nominated, then please
nominate Laura Loomer for Congress. We need fresh new people in
Congress. She is a journalist for god’s sake. Journalists know what it
is like being targeted by corrupt factions of the government and
understand what corrupt government operatives framing up journalists and activists have been all about.




Whether or not you personally feel that Roger Stone and Brian Hill
are guilty of their accused crimes, we are all supposed to be afforded
due process. Innocent until proven guilty to protect possibly innocent
people from being sent to prisons. We should not imprison innocent
people to make it a tougher on crime system. Being tough on crime
shouldn’t warrant prosecutors and judges throwing innocent people in
prison without losing sleep at night.

Laura Loomer has agreed to tackle this issue. The evidence is in. Please vote for her. https://lauraloomerforcongress.com/

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