Why do Latinos love Demecrats?
As a first generation born American who's parents are from Mexico I still don't get why any Latino would choose the democratic party. It really comes to me as a shock, most Latinos have conservative values that completely goes against all that Dems hold true. I myself find the Republicans message of hard work and self reliance to hold dear to me and is a big part of the American dream. We simply can not afford the progressive mandates that the Dems keep wanting to push through. Even if you raise taxes on everyone making more then 250k a year at a 100% we would still have a deficit. No one seems to argue the reality of the situation without getting heated about it. If you really look at the Dems they side track everyone with social causes like gays and blacks and how unfair America is and white privileged PLEASE give me a break with that non-sense. The best way to deal with all that is having a strong middle class, who will rise all boats to a better America. The truth of the matter is we are heavily in debt and people need to wake up to the fact we are broke. So show me how the Dems have helped the Latinos.
Maybe they offer more benefits to them at (seemingly) no cost to them?