Salvadorian Mother Deported, Forced To Abandon Family

in #latino7 years ago

If the police are here to serve and protect us why are they taking away mom asked one of the two little girls left behind...

According to reports, Beatriz Morelos Casillas was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, but when she was questioned about her legal status ICE made sure to act on behalf of Donald Trump's way of life.

A little over two weeks ago I wrote about a similar story of a father who managed to see his daughter walk across the stage smiling while drying tears of pain knowing her father was hours away from deportation. These stories are becoming part of our everyday lives and it seems like it bothers no one.

Beatriz was pulled over earlier this year in July, where she was put in jail for not producing identification and a WEEK later was being deported. A WEEK !

In an interview given by NBC news the children in the family are asked if they have any friends whose parents are also going through the same struggles and abuse as their mother, and the responses are somewhat chilling. They know the cops aren't the good guys they once thought they were. They have witnessed the way they have abused their power and how they have left a trail of fear from the locations they depart from.

Police Officers have taken the image of protect and serve, to ask and shoot for many in areas heavily populated by black and latinos and the younger generation is waking up to the realness of the world. It is quite sad as you see the children discuss the everyday life of an immigrant.

David DeJesus Casillas, Betty's husband says the house feels empty. Time has gone by but every day he longs for her. They have set up accounts for the mother and her children to video chat and have some sort of visual communication. The thought of all LATINOS being cold blooded killers, drug lords, and rapist has left the Latin community afraid to walk amongst their American counterparts. Americans that have no right to spread such hatred and claims of illegal trespass.

Afterall, we all know the history of this country and the blood that was shed to obtain a land that originally belonged to the indigenous people and those who weren't of EU background.

Link to NBC news down below.


Lest you be reminded the U.S. is a nation of laws, immigration not withstanding. Where I currently live, if I violate a single statute of their immigration laws, I am subject to detainment and deportation... regardless of family, house, etc. When you begin to understand why immigration laws exist in the first place, you might come to understand. Sorry (sad)for the family, but I'm sure it was all a calculated risk on their part (one they were willing to take) and the family knew of any potential outcomes, yet they chose to break the law anyway. The law is the law. Also, I didn't see any mention of increased deportation numbers during Obama's term... why?

I can appreciate the meaning behind your comment but it seems like you also have some negative feelings towards those you say " choose to break the laws "
People of COLOR do not have to go the extremes of breaking laws for the law to accuse them of somehow breaking the law. In the hearts of many that have sworn to protect and serve, people of color have broken the law for just being " people of color. "

If it makes you feel better, I am colorblind and married to a woman of color. I support the rule of law and justice for all. I don't subscribe to your perceptions of unequal treatment based on "color," but rather people reap what they sow.

"I support the rule of law"

The US is not a rule of law country.

"I don't subscribe to your perceptions of unequal treatment based on "color,"

Doesn't matter whether you subscribe to it or not, it happens.

Not a "Rule of Law" country? What hole you got your head stuck into! Maybe you should spend some time in the "third world" for a spell. You might (will) change your tune. And as far as unequal treatment based on color... Have you ever wore a badge and carried a gun to work with the thought every day that you might not see your family again! You sir, HAVE NO CLUE what it is like to work under such stressful conditions. You probably even support the "Flat Earth" theory. I feel sorry for you.

"Maybe you should spend some time in the "third world" for a spell. "

Maybe you should take a look at the definition of 'rule of law'. And, the state of other countries has zero relation to whether the US is a rule of law country or not.

"Have you ever wore a badge and carried a gun to work with the thought every day that you might not see your family again!"

LOL. Change the topic much? The hell does working under stressful conditions have to do do with the question? Unless you mean that working under stressful conditions makes it ok to treat unequally.

Huge comparable differences, which you have no idea about (review the World Justice Project's 2016 Rule of Law Index). And my reference to stress was that people are subject to making miststakes under duress, that's all.

"Huge comparable differences,"

Again that has nothing to do with whether the US is a rule of law country or not.

The job of the police is to enforce codes and statutes, not to protect and serve.

'Protect and serve' is propaganda and mythology.

DIsagree? Too bad, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that police have no duty to serve and protect and that their duty is to enforce codes and statutes.

Wow, you really like distorting the truth, huh? The Supreme Court ruling you reference ruled that "Police did not have a "Constitutional Duty" to protect a person from harm...," especially if it puts them in harm's way, but most of the police that I have known personally in my lifetime have always gone above and beyond. So get over your propaganda!

It doesn't matter what some guys you know have or have not done. The fact of the matter is that SCOTUS has 'made law' that police have no duty to protect a person from harm, only to enforce codes and statutes.

Yet they humanely do so every day! I don't give a hoot what the SCOTUS thinks or how they rule. The liberal SCOTUS has compounded many of the problems this country currently faces. They have become too "political." As far as law enforcement goes, there may be a few bad apples, but overall give 'em a break, will ya.

  1. "Yet they humanely do so every day!" Utterly irrelevant to the topic.

  2. " I don't give a hoot what the SCOTUS thinks or how they rule. " You don't? Yet you argue that the US is a rule of law country. You don't respect the lawmakers' rule and law?

  3. No, I will not give any of the criminals that ran the Chicago black site a break. Nor will I give a break to the silence from LEO nationwide who refuse to go 'ya know, that's pretty bad, and those officers and administrators should all lose their job and be criminally prosecuted.

Unfortunately, the SOCUS has turned to political extremism with their ideologies, and as a consequence, court opinions have become increasingly different in their content from opinions issued by lower federal courts. The SCOTUS has been corrupted, so no, I do not respect some decisions. Will I follow the rule of law, absolutely! To do otherwise would make one a radical anarchist, probably similar to yourself.

I grew up in the inner city, poor as hell, as the only white kid on the block. I remember my mom dating a Nicaraguan, and learning my first bit of spanish in his dialect. I remember travelling there to visit his family a few years later and the long trip from the capitol city to reach his hometown. i remember shitting in a deep hole in the ground and bathing out of a bucket, one that had been carried up a mountain from a creek bed that ran below. the same creek locals washed their clothes in.. with trash both further up, and down stream. A few years later she re-married a Mexican from Veracruz, after 16 years together I consider all of his family my family, mi abuela, y mi tia's etc etc. I speak fluently, routinely cook Mexican foods, and recognize Latino holidays. I was the only white worker on a Latino crew of construction workers for 7 years, and i consider some of them my brothers, as good as blood. My wife is from Liberia, but also speaks Spanish, and our daughter is mixed.

I have heard everything racist, or hateful that any person, white, black, or several shades of brown, can possibly say about themselves, and one another.

With all that being said, at the risk of still being called prejudice, I want to lend my opinion here. It probably isn't 100% correct, but I consider myself reasonable and objective.

The issue with the aggressive police state, police militarization, and state sponsored terrorism on locals IS indeed an issue, with many officers failing to understand their original duty to the People, rather than Government itself. Today's understanding of the Constitution has been twisted and stretched to meet the needs of may private individuals today, with its true intention often ignored. This is something that the people as a whole need to fight against. We must remain vigilant.
A right which one will not become belligerent to protect, isn't a right after all.

moving forward, I personally know at least 150+ Latino's I have worked side by side with over the years, and of which I can honestly say, perhaps 10-15 were becoming or had became citizens. MANY of which openly admitted the only thing stopping them from seeking citizenship was the tax requirement. It was almost an inside joke for us, they asked if I was paying my taxes, since I am American, of course, I never judged them for it, because I can understand the sentiment, the tax system pisses of more than a few of us, surely.
My point here is that, I've seen guys deported, and cross back again, only to get a DUI and be deported again, just to cross over one more time, come back to work on the SAME crew as if it never happened. I wonder if it would have saved him anything to become a citizen or if it still ended up being more cost efficient.. No taxes vs. Coyote fees.. lol

As close to my Latino family as I am, I understand they are here illegally, and that one day I may get a call saying any one of them has been depoorted.. its a crazy feeling. I'm actually torn on the subject because as a man with great understanding of how capitalism works, I feel horrible for families of illegals, including my own. I ALSO recognize the facts in the situation that leaking revenue across borders, works negatively against our own economy. I'm talking $200k in ONLY one year, between 3 Latinos, sent outside of our economy. ONLY 3 guys! Imagine the collective numbers.
Sending the money abroad isnt exactly the main issue though. its the illegal status. MANY countries have defined what constitutes a legal citizen, and what should be done to those who do not meet that criteria, the US isn't the first and wont be the last to ship illegals back across the border.
Granted being deported a week after an arrest seems a bit like overkill. I think an illegal should havea court date arranged, where they are given a set amount of time to initiate the naturalization procress, with a priority going to applicants who already reside in the states illegally.. but if they will not cooperate they'll continue to be deported, and we will continue to see sad stories like this. The solution cannot be reached from one side, like they say.. it takes two to tango.

The naturalization process needs to be streamlines, I've seen instances of unreasonable expectations (such as being required to return to the home country for 2-5 years before reapplying) where a person would have to sacrifice everything they had to participate in the process, as well as cases dragging on for years waiting on lawyers, and paperwork, while somehow foreigners from around the world seem to pour in at will with a good credit score and ebt.. but that's for another post I suppose.

case in point, I support our right to remove illegal citizens AFTER due process, and proper opportunity to a REAL remedy, such as becoming a legal resident. I do NOT support the violent police state, or the greed and gluttony that is rampant in our infrastructure, and society.
If any illegal turned down an opportunity to become a proper citizen (be that a state OR national citizen) and they are fine with the emotional damage they can cause their family by doing so, then let them be deported. If they wish to avoid all that, I urge them to at least try to go through the process, and pay the same taxes as the rest of us, until taxes are abolished entirely.
You cannot turn a blind eye to a blind eye.

I hope the will be taken lightly and for what it is.. my personal observations and opinions. I'm always open to new perspectives and dialog.

Peace, Love, and Prosperity.

You have had a front row seat and are completely aware of the problems (issues) on both sides. But laws are laws and if people want to immigrate (into any country), they must first do everything that is needed to make their application process solid. Do it right the first time and all is well. I see even more difficult issues with the Filipino immigration process... the first strike against them is they can't swim that far. As far as getting ANY of my wife's family members here for a visit is nearly impossible.

Sorry, you crossed an imaginary line. Now you and those you love must suffer.
Thanks for your patronage.

--Arbitrary Rules Agency,

Any Government, Anywhere

Thank for sharing the very good story and i like if you go fw years back from kwait to qatar and saudi arbia USA have policey to prepare them for fight thhen go there rescue them there weapon industry can not earn peace the they ned buyer USA is the big supplier of weapons there lot things they are doing there on interst they want money some the reports from Iraq and libya amercan troops loated billions of dollar and pure gold and raw gold that is in the Amercian goverment nature prepare them for the fight then rescue them and what you take from them that one bad thing and these things create un justice in the socity that why they build the millitants and put every one in danger thank you.

Very sad to see a family broken up this way.I hope the lady can fix her papers and get back to her family ASAP. They really need to change the immigration law to accommodate cases like this.

Ahh, key words in your comment... "Immigration Law!" And yes, it needs fixing. But until such time, laws must be enforced unfortunately, and people will suffer.

Why must laws that cause people to suffer be enforced?

I understand your question completely, and I want to agree with it. But, enacted laws are not meant to cause sufferance. People that make illogical decisions are the real cause for the imposition of one's sufferance. There are consequenses to be had when we break laws, and the penalties and deterrance that our system of laws creates is supposed to make us safe and secure. Unfortunately, we do not live in a utopian society and humanitarian intervention is needed (required in many cases) to ease the burdens on our society. Those who break the laws know all to well the risks involved or they are just dumb. The U.S. has some of the most unenforced immigration laws on the books as compared to other nations, yet we get bashed the most. Why is that?

It's terrible and these families deserve much better. Thanks for drawing attention to this issue.

We should all be afforded better, right? We allowed them entry to this country, now we should do the right thing. FIX the system!

the way to fix the system would be to shrink the size and power of the government or just do away with it all together... it was never meant to be this big to begin with. it now tried to control every aspect of our lives as if it knows best and tax everything it can to feed its glut and keep its tax slaves indebted to it and the central banks that own the government now. if you want to know why I say that just read "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

Totally agree. One of the reasons I moved away is so I wouldn't have a front row seat to the madness.

What a story of sickness... Sickness of the heart and the mind in this case. I'm so sorry for this family and wish them strength and good courage in this time of madness. Thanks for sharing and namaste :)

before this... You could say we're at the start time for the end of the United States of America
History has taught us that States and Empire begin to collapse after corruption spreads and their rulers become very foolish.

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