#FactsMatter- Abuse Of Power, Excessive Force and Lack of Accountability In US Policing, including a conversation with Ramsey Denison, What Happened In Vegas (the movie.org)

in #lasvegas7 years ago

The fact is police are within their rights to arrest you, for "Resisting Arrest" completely absent any crime or criminal behavior. The power of officers has escalated, use of force has grown exponentially and their lack of accountability is nearly universal, from small town to big city in the United States. These changes have been building and worsening for 20 years if not longer.

Before you jump at me with #BlueLivesMatter, the job of Police Officer is NOT the most dangerous job in the United States. #FactsMatter and Police officer is not even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in America. Another inconvenient #Truth is that more citizens are killed by police in the United States than the combined total of police killings in the entire European Union, Japan and Canada combined.

Excessive Force by Police Officers is a Nationwide epidemic in the United States.

Some departments are worse than others and of course there are decent Police Officers. Too often those individuals, who do the right thing, are often marginalized, maligned or threatened.

The idea that the public is the enemy, is all too pervasive. Departments in small towns and cities have been provided, by our Federal Government, with Weapons of War and are often better equipped than some units in the US Military sent in to "war zones"

Individual Police Department are often permitted to set the training standards locally- There are No National Requirements. Officer training can last as little as 8 weeks before being "put on the streets" assigned for continued training, in the field, riding and working with another more experienced officer. Police Officer's Academy Training varies (Fewer hours than required to get a license to cut hair).

When recruits are released "in to the field", often the lessons are more about their "survival" against the public and/or the bureaucracy, by example or direct advice. Same training assumes the public is all the enemy and guilty of something. Interactions choreographed to carefully set citizens up, either to get you to permit them to violate your rights or establish a reason to escalate the interaction and lead to the use of "acceptable" force. Not at all what the public expects or pays for. "Protect And Serve" is still painted on squad cars across the US- but that is not the job they perform.

Too often, even with video evidence of a confrontation with the police, there is little chance of the uniform being held accountable for their actions. I offer as an example, the late Eric Garner, held in a choke hold, repeatedly stating "I can't breath" and dying on the scene. The office who killed Eric Garner is still working for the NYPD. The day Eric Garner was killed, he was NOT selling loose cigarettes. Witnesses confirm Eric Garner was trying to prevent a fight between other people. Whether Eric Garner was specifically known by the officer who held him in the (unapproved for use) choke hold as far as I know was never discussed publicly.

As a society, we need to have an honest discussion about abuses by "law enforcement" against the citizens, they swear an oath to protect (I feel confident that is standard still-but admittedly I have not checked in every jurisdiction).

As the Federal government has redirected funds, less money flows to the individual states. To run departments money is required. State governments have also shifted priorities and send less money to individual departments within their states.

It is my opinion, based on observation and research, that the greatest cause in the rise of violence by law enforcement, is the increased interactions that are required of officers, because funding is directly linked to collection of fines in any given community. As long as city/town coffers are dependent on the income generate by citations for "crimes" minor or severe, there will be no voluntary change in their behavior or any chance of the uniform being held fully accountable.

💥Ramsey Denison, the Director, of www.whathappenedinvegasthemovie.org , is interviewed by Jason Goodman of Crowdsource The Truth an Independent News Source that depends on funding from viewers. (I am a small $ monthly donor giving up just one cup of Starbuck's per month)

Mainstream Media just does not provide the public with the full truth or worse yet broadcasts just flat out falsehoods.

The Smith-Mundt amendment in the NDAA allows the US Government & its agencies to spend money to deliver #Propaganda to US Citizens.

Police Brutality #LVMPD
Criminal Connection Of #LVMayor 2018

💥Civilian Led Policing, is a Community Driven program designed by Michael A Wood Jr. Retired Marine and a one time Baltimore Police Officer.
I urge you to learn about this program. It would benefit your community but your ACTIVE Involvement is required.
Be The Change
Organize with people in your community, to improve both the quality of life AND to bring this necessary redirection to Law Enforcement Practices from coast to coast.

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