Freemasonic grip via the number 33

in #lastpoliticspost6 years ago (edited)


Not a conspiracy theory, facts, based on numbers.

What is the fixation with London city, or the city of London, the square mile as it is known, with the number 33?...

It is not only London, it is all over the world, the grip of these people, is beyond compare, more on that later.

We already know the father of all lodges, is in that tiny city of 1 square mile with a population of just 9421 people. The united grand lodge of England.

I have covered before how The American embassy has just moved to number 33 in London city, along with Wells Fargo and company moving into another building numbered 33. There are also numerous British government buildings at number 33, like the department of housing, 33 Philip Frame road. In London there are 33 councils for instance.

There are also 33 countries in the world, using the Westminster governmental system. Want proof?.

But what is it about numbers, and more over, 33? Allow me!......


How many degrees are there in Freemasonry? 33.

This is one of my most researched subjects, over the past 33 years or more. (see what I did there?)

Lets start with history before freemasonry, and their hijacking of the all seeing eye from the church, and before they even were a twinkle in Albert Pikes eye (or mind).

We have to go back a very long way in history, for this.

11, 22 and 33 are so important to the highest echelons of the Freemasons, because they are Master Numbers (more on this later), and 11 symbolizes duality,communication, transformation, rebirth, enlightenment, destruction, awakening, and illumination.

Thirty-three is important because it is the multiple of the holy 3(trinity, creativity, beauty)

Thirty-three is also important for other reasons outside the circles of religion and sun worship in all its forms, but also in Qabalah since the Seriphoth Tree, both the sum of its parts and the whole contains 33 parts to it. There are 22 lines that connect the 10 major visible points on the Tree. The missing point is Sirius, which symbolizes Gnosis. Gnosis means pure knowing,experiencing the essence of a thing in and of itself, the purest form of knowledge.

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and was always considered by Ancients to be the Star of the Gods, since it is the , “Dog Star,” or, “God Star.” Dog and God are just reversals of each other.Even in the United Nations symbolism there are 32 parts around one (33). One need only to look at the United Nations flag to see whom they serve, the Freemasons of course. Even the Founding Fathers of the United States were Masons, as this can be proven by the fact that 13 blocks north of the White House is the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction 33rd Degree Lodge, the Supreme Lodge that governs Washington D.C and the United States itself, founded by Albert Pike. Interestingly enough, 13 can be surmised to represent 33 in a subliminal manner by the fact that 1 divided by 3 gives you 0.333333, or 33.

From the Solar Myths to the Stellar, Lunar, and Saturnian cults, none are as prominent as the Solar deities as the sun gives life, and provides nourishment and allows one to see.Illumination – that is the ultimate meaning of the mysterious 33, a wake-up call. It is the number of initiation. Ignorance. Initiation Illumination. Triple I’s


By occupying buildings at number 11 13 or especially 33.

It shows allegiance to the most sophisticated, web of deception in the world, the banking, the elitist, and the royalist societies. To occupy 33 in other peoples prime center, like the city of London, at number 33 Nine Elms Lane, like the American embassy does, shows respect, with a hint of superiority.


Solomon's Signet Ring With Seal Diagram, "Isis Unveiled", by Madame Blavatsky.

The above drawing depicts Blavatsky's crude handmade drawing of King Solomon's signet ring, with its seal. Notice the uneven hexagram and the numbers '333' placed at different points on this seal. What is the occult fascination with the number '33', and its extension, '333'? Once you understand the belief Satanists have about this number, you will understand certain events in history more completely -- for example, when Adolf Hitler planned his suicide, he decided to shoot himself on April 30, 1945, at precisely 3:30pm, thus setting up a '333' by which the deed was done. He believed that this '333' would allow him to pass quickly through the reincarnation cycle so he could come back to earth as the real, historic Antichrist.

Now, let us examine the power the Satanist believes resides in '33' and '333'. We shall quote from White Magic practitioner, Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, "The Secret of the Illuminati", as she openly reveals Luciferian thought and values in her New Age book.

"Thirty-three appears to be the most mysterious of numbers. It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt; there are thirty-three symbols of the Masonic Order and one of their symbols depicts a double-headed eagle crowned with an equilateral triangle: inside of this is the number thirty-three.

Van Buren continues:

"In the Vishnu-Purana Book 1, it states: These thirty-three divinities exist age after age, and their appearance and disappearance is in the same number as the sun sets and rises again." [p. 160-1]

"In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it speaks of the thirty-three heavens ruled over by Indra and the thirty-three ruled over by Mara ... The Temple of Solomon was a cube, measuring thirty-three and a third feet; we once more turn to the Bible to read:

"Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. And the time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem." 1 Chron 29:27 [Ibid]

Thus, King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years.!

You getting the picture yet?

Breaking the spell over humanity.

Nikola Tesla gave us light via AC, or alternating current, he also gave us so many things, inventions, that we still rely heavily on today, and every day of our life, besides AC, coils for instance, they are used in all manner of things, from cars to microwave ovens, which he also had a hand in, wireless too. Without Tesla, the world would be a much darker place right now, from AC to mobile phones, to being able to turn your TV set over via his wireless, and let us not forget the internet, via routers, wireless.

Without covering all Tesla's inventions right now, I want to at least show you he had his own set of prime numbers, far removed from the dark world of Freemasonry.


(not the real Tesla chart, more later, another day)

I have a very keen interest in Tesla, and electricity.

So I am going to put more of my time into covering that subject, for a while, and I am going to ignore the news, ignore the wars, blatantly ignore the Freemason world leaders, and concentrate more on the light, enough of them already.

@Shepz1 is hoping you made it to the end, big up to you if you did, have a superb weekend.

Images, some of at least, pixabay.

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A blind man, is of no service, to your service, you get me yet?

I am going to ignore the news, ignore the wars, blatantly ignore the Freemason world leaders, and concentrate more on the light, enough of them already.

Sounds like a more worthwhile endeavor; but, still keep that shotgun at the ready....just in case :~)

Shotgun is always loaded bro. and want a few parting shots re politics, and handlers, Amber Rudd next maybe, the ex until last year British home secretary, and her proven stock broker mafia father, and why they, the government wanted to end encryption, so they could rape free markets!.

I got through 33% of this post then had read right to the end. Looking forward to more on Tesla. Have a great weekend mate :-)

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Yep , more on the light, less on the dark, doctors orders. :-)

Very good mate as looking in to the darkness all the time can get you very down.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thought I answered this?

Great article man! Lots of great info here.

Cheers my friend, hope it helps you, in the future.

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