At times you need excess money or financial help to fulfill some important goals in life which can be defined as short term or long-term goals. Home renovation or going on vacations can be termed as short-term goals while buying a house or marriage etc. can be termed as long-term goals. Ideal funding for these goals can be attained by taking personal loans like LAP Loan against Property. However, before lending out, financial institutions look at certain parameters to determine your creditworthiness. CIBIL SCORE is one of them.
TransUnion CIBIL, incorporated in 2000, is one of India's leading credit information companies which analyses and delivers a three-digit score on your credit history which plays and effects, an important role in your financial journey of lending.
The rate of Your Creditworthiness
Your CIBIL score gives a clear picture to your prospective lender about your creditworthiness whether you can repay the loan against property on time or not. A high score instils a sense of confidence among the lenders while a low score scares them. Not that one cannot avail a loan with a low score, but it will come with its terms and conditions.
Approval of Loan Application
For the loan approval, the CIBIL score plays an important role. If the CIBIL score is high, then it speeds up your application process for your loan against property. If you want that your application should be processed in minimum time, then you should win the trust of your potential lenders, and that is possible by having a high CIBIL score. Faster processing of the application for your loan against property, the faster is the disbursal of funds into your bank account, which can be used for completion of your needs and goals.
Competitive Interest Rate
An individual when applies for a loan either be education loan or loan against property, the first thing to keep in mind before applying is to find out the interest rates. When you have a high CIBIL score, then you have the privilege of getting a loan at a competitive rate of interest. It gives you the power to negotiate with the lender for the interest rates. In some cases, the lender may sometimes waive off the pre-payment and processing charges. But, with a low CIBIL score the lender has an advantage, and thus your application for a loan against property can take time.
Determines the Loan Amount
From the above discussion, it is seen that CIBIL score matters a lot for sanctioning your loan against property or education loan. One more thing to keep in mind is that with a high CIBIL score you can get a high loan amount. And this can also be opposite, i.e. low score tends to process low amount. And one more advantage is that the individual goes through a hassle-free and minimum documentation process.
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Due to such an advancing technology and digital methods, one can check the CIBIL score on a number of portals. The score should be between 300 to 900. The more the score deviates to 900, the better are the chances for faster processing and loan approval. Generally, a high score can be 750 or more than that for faster processing of your loan against property.