RE: ADSactly Learning - Pineapple Language Hacks #1: Anyone Can Become Fluent in a Foreign Language
Could I keep you to that promise at a later date? :) I talk a good talk about learning languages but right now I'm learning a bit of 3D modelling and Python in my spare time off work (and this whole STEEM thing), I'd like to get at least a fundamental knowledge base in there.
That's another thing that I found is best learned by doing, diving in and starting building\coding checking with manuals as you go instead of following rigid textbook exercises. Sure, for some minds rigid exercises may actually work best, but a book and a task can only be built for one type of person -- I've mostly never been the person text books are made for :(
But when you learn to adapt one studying process to your unique style, you can apply it in other disciplines too :)
I know how it is. Even though I'm planning on learning Cantonese and Spanish, I'm quite busy finishing this novel and preparing this album, learning how to record, building up my work online and getting ready to start work in real life.