View the other side~~
What's the difference between look and see?
When someone looks at you, they only see what's on the surface and often miss a lot of the details. When someone sees you, they see who you are, what you're actually about. They see more than what's there in front of them. They're willing to find out more, at the very least.
I think about it all the time, about what makes everyone who they are, and if we went back in time and changed anything, whether or not it would make a difference. Would it make us better or worse, or would we just stay exactly the same because we were always destined to end up this way no matter what happened throughout our lives
Sometimes I wonder about destiny, whether or not we can change it or is set. I would like to think that we can change our destiny, it gives us hope for something better...
I think desteny is our chooses how and what we do~~ its easy to asume but it takes a person to actually ask ~ 💗🐲🐉💗
Do we get xoxo on this Congrats ?? I mean thats usually what one gets when ”Congrats ” are in play🙄😂😜