the beauty of luttawar lake
hi steemians.
I want to share a little story about my hometown.
not yet complete your trip to aceh, if you do not visit luttawar lake located in takengon aceh middle.
this area is inhabited by Gayo people as indigenous people and many other immigrants like from Aceh aceh coast even from Java island.
takengon (central aceh) and benermeriah district are often called gayo land plateau. average altitude 1800 from sea level.
By the way, in the past holidays I visited the beautiful lake luttawar and contains many mysteries. one of which is petri ijo. (green princess)
besides that many lagenda are closely related to this lake.
such as malemdewa and youngest daughter. daughter pukes, loyangkoro and others.
next time I will tell you about the mystery and the lagenda.
The area of this lake is approximately 5,472 hectares with a length of 17 km and a width of 3,219 km. Its water volume is approximately 2,537,483,884 m³ (2.5 trillion liters). where the fish polish depik.
in this lake there is fish depik (rasbora tawarensis), the fish is only in luttawar.
small fish that looks like anchovy is very tasty and grows during the very cold season.
Here are some photos I took at the edge of Lake Luttawar
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your support becomes a pride for me.
Best regards @longberry.