The village of Bule in Aceh, inhabited many beautiful blue-eyed women
Kampung Bule in Aceh, inhabited by many beautiful women with blue eyes, - European women's beauty like a magnet that attracts the adam to admire it. while if any and residing in Indonesia is a resettlement society that intentionally settled.
But is it possible that this native woman of Indonesian descent has blue eyes, a tall and beautifully beautiful body with a pointy nose?
quoted from the Vebma website. in Indonesia there is a village called Kampung Bule and is located in some areas of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam.
referred to as Kampong Caucasians, does not mean residents from the village are foreigners or migrants from abroad, but indeed the original of the population there has a physical person in Europe in general.
Blue-eyed lady from Bule village in Aceh. (Photo /
following the review of the origin of the village of Bule in Aceh whose inhabitants have a unique physical like people overseas.
Bulek Lamno is so called for people who have a physical like the Portuguese. Located in Aceh Jaya precisely in Leupee Village.
There are two versions of the origin of the lamno bulek. first, there is mention that people bulek lamno is descendant of portugis nation that at that time become colonizer in Indonesia.
Some of the Portuguese made the woman aceh as his wife and gave birth to many offspring who have beautiful brownish blue eyes.
girl Bule Lamno Aceh. (Photos / Youtube)
The second version, formerly since the time of the kingdom, washed up a portugis ship in aceh. King Daya captured the surviving portuguese and took him.
when the king agreed that if they want to be helped then enter Islam, if they refuse then they will be returned to the sea to return to their place of origin. but at that time, the Portuguese man chose to convert to Islam and marry aceh girls and produce beautiful and handsome descendants.