Labyrinth splits create separations
Does the human think or does the brain think?
Does the human use his brain or does the brain rule the human?
When consciousness awakens, it seeks a way to enlightenment in people.
Man is controlled, mind is controlled
All questions believe in the necessity of answers
Faith is something that hangs in the air with all its believers
Thought exists to settle stones in man.
Thinking and questioning is like playing chess
Control is in the hands of consciousness, man is controlled
Our mind is the cornerstone of our genetic code.
Consciousness inevitably pursues a harmony
Where there is no harmony, conflict arises.
There is no will, there is a capacity, as flexible as a human being.
The gene pool varies with what's in it
It is the same with the one who comes to the surface, it does not change
We grow and shrink with the capacity we have
Human existence means limited capacity.
All boundaries must form an existing pattern
All people have a mold with flexible capacity
Flexible capacity makes people think they have willpower.
Believing is one thing, faith is an effective medicine
For unconscious people, belief is a weapon rather than a medicine.
The drug part of belief is all about the placebo effect
The weapon of faith is to fill the empty
One wants to believe, it's a necessity for living
Most religious beliefs are just a placebo effect
People make fictitious imports and exports with their religious beliefs.
Religious belief helps people to satisfy themselves.
Most of the time, the hurricane and the apocalypse are outside.
Religious believers are happy, this is the placebo effect
Empty drug issue, they do it psychologically
Religious beliefs are not a healthy thing so
There is a necessity of disgrace in monotheistic beliefs
That's why they are full of logic errors themselves
While advocating a good life, they cannot find meaning with good.
Disgrace and misery are necessary for everything to make sense for them.
A belief accepted as you suffer and disgrace
How healthy do you think it can be in the mortal world?
Someone is constantly telling stories by laughing, let the hell break loose
How healthy can these people be?
Most believers struggle with self-fulfillment
A prayer, a verse, a good story, this is the placebo effect.
Some try to please God by suffering
They believe that the way to heaven is through disgrace and misery.
It is his consciousness with his own genetics that directs people.
Whether we believe it lies in the genetic code
How and in what way will we live in the same way
While the process is certain, the result does not change, it is always the same.
The human result is a certain operation, the operation is simply unaware of the result.
This uncertainty comes together with human creativity.
Religions, ideologies, various classes, categories emerge.
One cannot do without answering the question asked.
With flexible capacity, the illusion of having will arises.
Human life passes with delusions and delusions.
Some minds create their own prisons
Some people can't find their way through the labyrinth with the genetic code.
Mental conditioning often leads to misconceptions
Conditioning brings prejudice
Judgments like to be presented with belief patterns.
It cannot produce a new energy unless it gets out of the human mold.
We are often veiled by our beliefs and thoughts.
We also give a curtain to the water that we expect to be stopped.
Even if the water becomes clear, we cannot see it.
Because we have veiled our eyes from belief and ideology.
Healing is always accepting the truth as it is.
Self-deceptions can make people happy up to a point.
Those who believe his lie deify their lies
Every idolized god makes people want to break.
Findings in the genetic code can turn into belief
If genetics and consciousness are not reconciled, there will be internal conflict.
The external reflection of these conflicts is inevitable.
Man either loves or hates what is revealed to him.
Denying what is creates divisions
Integrating with what is and accepting it heals
Consciousness is necessary to distinguish the healing from the incurable.
Consciousness increases awareness, awareness makes life easier