Kyriarchy, Liberalism and the road to freedom.

in #kyriarchy8 years ago

A definition of Kyriarchy is: the social system that keeps all intersecting oppressions in place.
Indicating inherent issues that create systemic prejudices within a prevailing power structure.
(i.e. saying everything's the fault of 'Patriarchy' is always too simplistic) 

Rather than pointing a finger of blame at stereotypes (which don't actually exist - they are simply useful generalisations) - this is a more even-handed approach at identifying areas around us that endorse discredited behaviours - the issues that moulder on in our culture, way past their sell-by date.  

Getting terms right, words right, debate right - engaging and being civil is critically important. We're at dire risk of maintaining the chasm that separates opposing viewpoints and thereby losing sight of, a handle on and thus any chance to win, the bigger game. While we toss insults to and fro, we're entrenching positions and changing no-ones mind. In the heat of the moment, with such core beliefs being challenged - it's all too easy to react; we retaliate against 'laughable' statements, lash out at untruths so obviously false to us yet seemingly semi-sacred to others. We must learn restraint, to listen, to counter. To be the best we can. 

This comes about from no trivial matter borne of simple misunderstanding, or from an unintended slip of the tongue. Much more, it's part of a calculated strategy to ensure the arguing rabble (us) keep themselves distracted to the ongoing bigger play happening in the shadows. We should strive to continually focus on the issues that bind us all - the commonalities that bond us, the shared web that connects the myriad of experiences and existences that has brought us all to this point. 'If you prick us, do we not bleed...' 

What is underneath our anger? Where do the roots of our dissatisfaction lie? Is it being prompted by a vitriolic media playing on the fact that you're working longer & harder than ever before - and still making no progress in real terms? Afraid your kids won't have the same opportunities as you (let alone better)? Upset to understand that your parent might not be able to live out their hard-earned retirement, as they were promised? Scared to death that things will rapidly slide out of control should you have the misfortune of getting sick? 

Any fear in one's personal life is easily reflected outward - further afield. Somehow preferable to distance oneself from pain if it's elsewhere, someone else's fault - and such blame games provide much of the main fodder for broadsheets and news items across the globe. Strangely, subtly coordinated stories, an onslaught of depressingly packaged fear, alongside victims re-purposed as seemingly aggressive invaders - far away yet depicted close to home. Poor and helpless, yet on the verge of moving in and taking what little WE have. Playing on ancient fears while there is little or no evidence to see by using one's own eyes. 

But we all have a point of view - and everyone is equal - so,  level the playing field? 

Yes & No. Everyone may have a right to be heard, but some of it doesn't bear repeating (again). 

Isn't everyone's opinion equally valid? Not really - but that's neither side's fault. There are some stubborn memes out there that refuse to die - even in the blinding light of a huge consensus of unarguable fact. They have a right to be spoken - and that right should never be denied - but this doesn't mean that they carry any more validity simply because they are recited again. It merely highlights an opportunity to (lovingly) counter the muddle-headed thought process and encourage a more tolerant, thoughtful, empathetic reasoning to emerge.  

Bizarrely much of the intransigent ignorance seems to arise from those mired into some version of a 'good book'. A book that preaches loving forgiveness, tolerance and a hippified main character that bathes prostitutes feet, talks at length about loving one's fellow man and turning the other cheek. The Ten Commandments seem unequivocal - yet they sure have rattled a few cages and raised a few differences amongst the righteous. Not that personally I think such ancient texts hold the key to our modern malaise - but the fact that they still provoke much of it intrigues and perplexes. Other similar books seem to align themselves with shocking accuracy - but all seem besmirched by those who would wilfully read their own conclusions to the seemingly, painfully clear parables inside.

This reminds me of a Kate Tempest piece I saw today. Worth a poetry interlude.

Freedom of speech is not a freedom that anyone should repress (unless a fully fledged Nazi - I think it was on Goebbels's to-do list).  I am abhorred when Supremacist or Nationalist speakers announce their agendas - but gratified by the dwindling trail of knuckle-dragging followers they attract. Even in these times of media-whipped immigration fury EDL / NF style rallies are swamped by those who reject such low-brow tribalism. The message is getting through. The more aware younger generation easily reject the jingoism and bigotry of the past. However: Stifle rights to express and the lure of the underground regains the possibility to entice. Bring the specious arguments into the light and direct the glare of real information  - and the power of facts will wither any such darkness and stop it breeding any further ignorant offspring.

The arguments for evolving have been won - there's no need to 'defend yourself' against the indefensible. It's bluster and wasted energy when there are more important battles to be fought. Those clinging to the past are not enemies, just vestiges of an older order that will gradually move forwards - or die back. What is important is to recognise the game - and identify those who seek to sow the seeds of discontent to further their own agendas and power-plays. 

I found this following article very intriguing - and it certainly helped my crystallise a few ideas here. Well worth a, perhaps challenging, read I feel - but if it isn't challenging - you're not growing.   

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