History of the Kurds in Syria

in #kurd8 years ago

 History of the Kurds in Syria
The  history of the Kurds in present-day Syria extends back to prehistoric  times, where the Kurds were part of the Suvareans who were known as the  Huru or the Khoris. The world Horst Klinkel says that the Hooris began  to appear in Syria since the beginning of the third millennium BC and  were able to take over the political leadership in a number of cities Syria.
I'm a Horse of the Horse. The  Hooris continued until the 17th century BC and separated from the East  to attract other Kurdish Aryan people to form the Mittani kingdom, which  emerged largely in the 16th century BC. However, the rule shifted from  Kurdish Kurds in Syria to Assyrian rule in 732 BC. But  this did not last long as the Kurds returned Mediad as a major force in  eastern Kurdistan during the seventh century BC, they were able to  eliminate the Assyrians in the year 612 BC. They then shared with their Babylonian allies their country, which the Assyrians controlled. The  Babylonians received both the south of the country between Mesopotamia  and Palestine and Palestine where the Second Babylonian Empire was  formed. As  for the Medes, they recovered north of Mesopotamia and the rest of  Kurdistan in its entirety, including the areas of the Hoori and Mitani,  as well as Persia and Kabadokia in the Hittite regions of central  Anatolia, where the Greater Media Empire was formed. With the passage of time in this empire, all Kurdish groups mixed with  each other in general, including the Hurites and the Mitnians.
I HAV A NATURALITY OF KURDISTAN. The  boundary line between the two empires after deviating westward and  penetrating the Tigris River to the north of the city of Akad was  heading north in a large arch west of Assyria and Mosul leaving them  within Kurdistan and then curving westward towards the current north of  Syria to pass the Khabur River and pass from South Jebel Abdul Aziz passes the Euphrates River and passes through the southern  mountain of the Kurds to reach the north-eastern coast of the  Mediterranean Sea.
And the effects that disappear recently in the province of Al-Hasaka  from the ancient Mittanite monarchy have a clear indication that this  province and its inhabitants are Kurdish:
Since  ancient times the Kurdish cities in Syria, it was stated in the book  Ebla = Abla p 31 that a British archaeological mission headed by Maxwell  Malawan investigated in the vacancy of the Bazaar located south of  Qamishli where it found important monuments ranging from prehistoric and  millennia before Birth.
Tel  Barrak: north of Hasaka The results of the search for the flower, which  dates back to the beginning of the third millennium BC and then  discovered the city of Metniyah and the royal palace and also a lot of  the number of kings. Then  a German archeological mission headed by Antoine Mortan (1955-1956)  continued to investigate the site of Tal al-Fakheriya in the north of  Syria in the Upper Khabur River where the mission had already discovered  the traces of a city dating back to the Dead Sea era in the second  millennium BC. Thata is next.
Til Mozan: Til Mozan: Hao Two Horse of the Gargio Buchelati. Heven Heven. We're a ned of the card.
The  Arab migrations to Kurdistan took place with the Semitic attacks of the  Semitic and Assyrian Aramaeans before Islam. After the entry of the  country, specifically during the reign of the Caliph Al-Mansour  (754-775), Yazid ibn Asid went to Harran, between the White Hill to the  south and the North of Urfa to liberate it from the Byzantines After he succeeded in his mission, he organized and established it. In  this period, this region of Kurdistan was the target of the  displacement of some Arab tribes to and stability in the tribes of Yemen  and Bani Qays and Nizariyah. I'm a Sumithing That's Summing Theth's Conservatory. And  since the tenth century AD and after the decay of the Abbasid state and  the weakness of the Byzantines in the West and the division of the  Seljuk Turkish state to the states of Atabkia and the conflict between  them and the emergence of some of the Kurdish Emirates represent their  role on the stage of history, the Islamic East has become an easy target  for the crusaders from the West, It  is known that the Kurdish support of leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi was  coming from all parts of Kurdistan and arrive through his gathering in  Mosul and the island of Bhutan and Diabaker. This confirms again the Kurdish island in the current Syria.
After  the sectarian wars between the Iranians and the Ottomans on the land of  Kurdistan and then the occupation of the Ottomans of the Arab countries  since 1516 and who shared Kurdistan with the Iranians. There  was the Iranian Kurdistan and the Ottoman Kurdistan, including the  Syrian Kurdistan, which was known by the Ottomans in the name of the  Ottoman province of Aleppo. The re-em of the former emirates of Kurdistan has become since 1747 under the direct two-state rule.

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