How To Activate Kundalini Shakti

in #kundalini6 years ago (edited)


Raja Yoga, The Regal Method For God-Cumulation, Is The Exploration Of Legitimate Entelechy Of The Kingdom Of God That Exists In Oneself. Through Routine With Regards To The Hallowed Yoga Strategies Of Interiorization Got Amid Commencement From A Genuine Master, One Can Find That Kingdom By Stimulating The Astral And Causal Focuses Of Life Power And Cognizance In The Spine And Encephalon That Are The Entryways Into The Sublime Areas Of Extraordinary Awareness. One Who Accomplishes Such Exciting Kens The Inescapable God In His Illimitable Nature, And In The Virtue Of One'S Spirit, And Even In The Deceptive Shrouds Of Variable Material Structures And Powers.

  1. Yama - moral direct: swearing off damage to other people, lie, purloining, incontinence, and greed.

  2. Niyama - immaculateness of body and brain, satisfaction in all conditions, self-ponder (thought), and commitment to God. These initial two stages yield restraint and noetic placidity.

  3. Asana - restraining the body so it can hypothesize and keep up the right stance for rumination without exhaustion or physical and noetic fretfulness.

  4. Pranayama - systems of life-power control that quiet the heart and breath and unique tactile redirections from the brain.

  5. Pratyahara - the intensity of consummate phrenic interiorization and stillness coming about because of withdrawal of the psyche from the faculties.

  6. Dharana - the puissance to use the interiorized personality to wind up one-pointed gathered upon God in one of His viewpoints through which He uncovers Himself to the internal impression of the enthusiast.

  7. Dhyana - consideration developed by the power of focus (dharana) that gives the origination of the significance of God, His traits as showed in His illimitable extension of Cosmic Consciousness.

  8. Samadhi, cumulation with God - the full entelechy of the spirit's unity with Spirit


All enthusiasts can discover the way to God's kingdom by focusing on the otherworldly visual perceiver that focuses on the Christ Consciousness at the eyebrows point.

Long and profound meditation as illuminated by a true master empowers one step at a time to transform the consciousness of the material body into that of the astral body, and with the agitated resources of astral discernment to intuit further and deeper conditions of cognition until unity with the Source of consciousness is achieved.

Enter the otherworldly visual perceiver's entrance, Long and profound meditation as enlightened by a genuine master empowers one step by step to change over the awareness of the material body into that of the astral body, and with the stirred resources of astral discernment to intuit further and more profound conditions of cognizance until one achieves unity with the Source of awareness.

Entering the entryway of the otherworldly visual perceiver, one leaves abaft all attachments to issue and the physical body and obtains entrance into the inside interminabilities of God's kingdom. The tissues of the physical body are made out of cells; the tissue of the astral body is made out of lifetrons-acutely intellective units of light or life vitality.

At the point when man is in a condition of body appendage, portrayed by pressure or constriction of life vitality into nuclear segments, the lifetrons of the astral body become compacted, encircled by distinguishing proof with the physical structure. By mystical unwinding, the lifetronic structure begins to grow - the prehension of the tissue on one's character releases

. By more profound and more profound rumination, the vitality casing of the astral self grows past the limits of the physical body.

The lifetronic body, being of a circle of subsistence unconfounded by the capricious stricture of the three-dimensional physical world, can possibly turned out to be unified with the Cosmic Energy swarming the entire universe. God as Holy Ghost, Holy Vibration, is the Light of Cosmic Energy; man, made in the picture of God, is made out of that light. We are that Light compacted; and we are that Light of our Macrocosmic Self.

As an initial move toward entering the kingdom of God, the lover ought to sit still in the right rumination pose, with erect spine, and tense and loosen up the body - for by unwinding the awareness is surrendered from the muscles.

The yogi initiates with compatible profound breathing, breathing in and straining the entire body, breathing out and unwinding, a wealth of times.

With every exhalation all brawny pressure and kineticism ought to be thrown away, until a condition of real stillness is obtained. At that point, by focus systems, eager kineticism is preoccupied from the brain.

In ideal stillness of body and psyche, the yogi savors the unspeakable placidity of the nearness of the spirit. In the body, life is templed; in the psyche, light is templed; in the spirit, quietness is templed.

The more profound one goes into the spirit the more that quietness is felt; that is superconsciousness. At the point when by more profound rumination the fan extends that cautiousness of placidity and feels his cognizance spreading with it over the universe, that all creatures and all engenderment are gobbled up in that serenity, at that point he is going into Cosmic Consciousness.

He feels that quietness all over - in the blooms, in each individual, in the environment. He sees the earth and all universes gliding like rises in that sea of placidity.

The inward placidity originally experienced by the aficionado in reflection is his very own spirit; the vaster serenity he feels by going further is God.

The enthusiast who encounters solidarity with everything has set up God in the sanctuary of his illimitable internal recognition. (The Second Advent of Chirst by Paramahansa Yogananda, p.1182)


After Doing This Of A Long Time Peroid . Your Body Will Activate Power . Than You Feel Like . Universe Like Dream . And Moon Ice . And Ice Like Moon . After You Realise Own Power . You Feel What You Have . A Pure Soul

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